
This outfit is actually the first of three I put on this morning; after taking the photos the weather changed. And then it changed again. The trousers were deemed un-suited to walking through puddles and I was freezing in the top. But this is the outfit I have pictures of, so this is the outfit being posted.
Anyone else suffering from this at the moment? When I got up it was sunny, then pouring rain…now overcast and threatening. I’ve ended up in one of my dresses that I wear at least once a week; work probably think I don’t own anything else!
The photos kind of sum up the trouble with the weather and the lighting issues it causes me, too….Ah well, tis almost the weekend (it can’t come soon enough).

24 comments for “1/3

  1. I love that outfit – you have the right shape to pull it off – I would look daft in that blouse :o(


  2. Love the colour of those trousers and the syle looks amazing on you!

  3. gorgeous outfit!
    I’m hating the weather at the mo, but I’m lucky as where I work we can wear jeans so that’s always my work staple!

  4. Those colours really suit you ! Fabulous xx Blasted weather is playing havoc with me too, gardening (or lack of it!), wardrobe malfunctions and washing piles ! Grrrrrrr. 100% agree Daisy, bring on the weekend ! xx

  5. Love the outfit. Oh my this weather is shocking, yesterday I noticed a neighbour mowing the lawn for only 10mins later it to be thunder and lightening!xx

  6. These colours suit you so well!

  7. The trousers are really cool!

  8. I’m loving those trousers.

  9. Lovely trousers, the colour really suits you – I also hate this changeable weather at the moment, why can’t it just be sunny! x

  10. Great outfit! I love your pants so much! The look very fabulous!

  11. Nat

    That outfit looks great on you, the colour really works with your hair!

    Nat x

  12. This is very grown up. Pity about the weather. x

  13. yea i left this morning wearing shorts and a tee and the sun was shining. twenty mins later my hair was frizzy and my top see through. BLOODY RAIN! love the colour of those trousers, unf xxx

  14. I love this outfit on you! Those trousers are so nice! I know what you mean on the weather front, it’s such a pain! xo

  15. Trousers are gorgeous! I tried them on the other day and I looked like a sausage so I am jealous! 😛

    Maria xxx

  16. Lovely outfit. Wide-legged pants suit you so much.

    I am SICK of the changeable weather. It’s taking me ages to get ready for anything. One minute I need boots, jacket and umbrella, the next I need sun cream, shades, sandals..

  17. Gorgeous gorgeous outfit! I really hope the weather gets better so you can wear it!

  18. I love the colour of the trousers and the top goes really well with them. Whenever I volunteer I only ever wear two basic outfits, haha! Sorry for not commenting for so long, I’ve been busy. xxx

  19. Love those colours x

  20. Shame you didn’t get to wear that outfit, its lovely.
    The weather is a complete nuisance x

  21. Its a great look, shame the weather is being such a pain. I am constantly changing too. Its so frustrating.

  22. completely love the trousers 🙂
    gorgeous outfit!! x

  23. Eva

    You look awesome in this 🙂 Love those colours! x

  24. I absolutely adore that top – the cigarette not so much, but the blouse is beautiful!