21.02 happy tag

The other day I was tagged by Amy Marie to write about 10 things that make me happy. I think I’ve done this tag before, but I have an endless list of things that make me happy so hopefully there will be some new things featured. I think I’m going to stray away from the deep and meaningful happy-makers and focus on the light hearted and material side of life this time…

1. Baking; always puts me in a good mood, especially when I make things that get fantastic feedback- from lovely blog readers, to the people who eat it. My favourite folks to bake for are my Mum’s colleagues and I’m getting more and more requests for work day treats. I currently have a running list of things I want to make, so expect more photos and recipe posts.

2. Cereal; NOTHING makes a better snack than cereal sans milk. I am obsessed and currently have seven different boxes in my possession.


I used to LOVE these as a kid and still mourn their disappearance from the UK, yet stubbornly refuse to pay Β£7 for a box.

3. Magazines; from glossy fashion magazines to the cheap and cheerful woman’s weeklies full of bizarre true life stories. I find magazines a real indulgence and nothing can match curling up with one, and a mug of tea on a cold raining afternoon. Or in the Summer, lazing in the garden with a stack of the latest releases.

4. Post; Getting a handwritten letter or un-expected package in the mail is a sure fire way to turn my mood around.


This was sent by a friend who knows me far too well.

5. Photobucket

Self explanatory πŸ˜‰

6. Reading a new book; I love and support my local library as much as possible, in fact I rarely indulge in buying a book brand new, but when I do the feeling of being the first to open and read it makes me smile inside. I am odd. It is official.

7. Bold makeup; Brightens the dullest of days.

8. Making jewellery; Something I don’t do often enough right now, it gives an amazing sense of achievement, even more so when people like it enough to buy it.


This will forever be a favourite.

9. Good hair days; because they rarely happen in my world.

10. Watching someone do something un-intentionally stupid; don’t pretend that seeing someone walk smack bang in to a glass door, or trip over their own feet doesn’t make you giggle, too!

I’m supposed to now tag 10 people, but well, 10 just isn’t enough. I want everyone (who can be bothered) to do this and spread the cheer.


74 comments for “21.02 happy tag

  1. I love Lucky Charms. Whenever I go on holiday to America I make sure I have some πŸ™‚

    Great list x

  2. CUTE!
    Love the little package with the tea.

    xox emmaodettebarnett.blogspot.com

  3. Love this post Laura. It really is the little things that can make a day. And I totally agree with number 4! Love getting random post. I’m part of a RAK group where we have everyones address and send little notes/gifts to people whenever.

  4. Very good list! And gratuitous kitty pictures are always a good thing xx

  5. that necklace is georgous… and so is the cat :)haha

  6. great list. Most of these things make me happy too. If only I had a cat like Flash… he’s adorable!

  7. Awww happy times! 10 things that make me feel happy

    1) Baking (I know, same as yours!).
    2) Dinner parties with people I love
    3) Chilling out over coffee with the girls
    4) Dancing the night away in cheesy (not pretentious) nightclubs
    5) Lazy Sunday mornings, reading the paper
    6) The feeling of being (but not the process) fit
    7) Sunny walks, ideally involving a market!
    8) Redheads in classic art – current favourite is Botticelli’s Venus
    9) Reading – I now have time to do so!!
    10) Selfridges. Love that place.

  8. I think I agree with almost everything on your list πŸ™‚

  9. Jo

    Great post, 10 things that make me happy;

    1)a smile/laugh from a sick child who I’ve made feel better
    2) Waking up and realising that I don’t need to get up for work
    3) Magazines
    4) Books and like you love the library
    5)Sitting cuddled up with my other half
    6) My cat
    7) Coming to Daisy Chain Dream and find new jewelery to buy πŸ™‚
    8) A new episode of my fav tv shows, eps if they maake me laugh
    9) A lazy day chatting with friends
    10) When my teenage niece and her friends tell me I look cool and they love hanging out with me!

    I think I am easily pleased but hey nothing wrong with that!


  10. Aw perfect! Baking and cereal! yum πŸ™‚

  11. its great to know new things about u!

  12. Great post πŸ™‚ Even on the dullest of days when we really look we can find lots of things that brighten our day πŸ™‚

    Think I’ll do a list x

  13. great list! it made me smile just reading it πŸ™‚

  14. You SHOULD be proud of your achievements, such a talented lady! Your cakes and jewellery are amazing πŸ™‚

    Really enjoyed reading your list xx

  15. What a lovely and inspirational post!
    The photo of dear old Flash made me happy!

  16. Great list! I love Lucky Charms!

  17. That’s such a cute pic of flash, I love his (I presume that’s right sorry if it’s not!) name too!
    I agree with most of these especially the good hair days since they’re a rarity for me too πŸ™‚

  18. Jen

    Trying a new cereal makes me happy! Love the envelope purse – I’ve got my eye on a wash bag in a similar style.

  19. Big YAY to Jewellry making and getting a handwritten letter in the mail.. πŸ™‚ x

  20. Cereal totally makes me happy too =-)

  21. I love lucky charms!!! You are so cute πŸ˜‰

  22. I loved reading your list. Curling up with magazines and reading a brand new book are some of my favorite things too!


  23. Hey I got your comment about Lula, and the extra copy I have is already promised to my BF, but I don’t mind grabbing one for you off one of the news stands? It costs Β£5.99 πŸ™‚ x

  24. wooooooo lucky charms!
    They have them in homebargains! about a pound a box or something?!


  25. I wholeheartedly agree with all of these.
    That necklace is positively gorgeous, by the way!

  26. I wholeheartedly agree with all of these.
    That necklace is positively gorgeous, by the way!

  27. I saw that purse – it’s adorable! Crunchy Nut Clusters are my cereal of choice for munching dry – delicious!

  28. YUM lucky charms! and that cute is sooo adorable! Cats are my weakness πŸ™‚ xx

  29. I adore this post. You’re lucky to have so many things in your life which make you happy. πŸ™‚

    Your cat is so pretty and it seems to me you have good hair days often, at least in all your outfit photos!

  30. i so agree with you about cereal. I love cereal. and new books!!

  31. I love lucky charms!

    I agree with everything on your list except making jewelery which I wish I was cool enough to be able to do!

    Merci beaucoup for your lovely comment darling =]

    Stay safe and chic ma chΓ©rie,
    English Rose x

  32. Jen

    awww this is such a sweet post. πŸ™‚
    getting post in the mail is one of my favorite things as well. i always tear open my packages before i even leave the mailroom! haha

  33. H

    Arrr i want that purse. It’s from a lovely but expensive shop called Aspire. How do you make jewellery? Where do you get the stuff? Because i really want to start πŸ™‚

  34. I’m glad you did the list, I love reading what make other people happy. I miss Lucky Charms too, but like you I refuse to pay the price for them, it’s ridic for cereal.

    Love, Amy Marie.

  35. I have some common “things that make me smile” with you!

  36. I completely agree with you. Gorgeous necklace and equally gorgeous pets always brighten up a dull day, and of course the make-up and unexpected packages on top πŸ˜€ xxx

  37. RE: Yeah I can’t wait to read it myself! It seems like a good quality book; thick pages, many nice pictures and design, and it’s not even that expensive! Considering the size at least.

  38. I think that the things that makes you happy, makes me happy to!!

    Good to know more about you!!

  39. i love all those thigns too! and the fact that you call mail “post.” haha so cute and british of you!

  40. i would love to get into jewellery making but im all fingers ad thumbs with small things like the chinas and that XD

    I love watching ppl walk into things there was a women that didnt realise there was a window and walked right into it in marks and spencers XD and then on the train a little kid ran into the toilet wall and cutely said ow i was jus trying not to laugh but failed πŸ™

  41. Love your post:) it was fun to read and your list is nice

  42. I LOVE cereal!! favourite meal of the day!! honey loops are my fav!! love your envelope purse πŸ™‚
    Vicki xo


  43. I love baking!!! I am a huge fan of Nigella! I love her! 10th… I am peeing my pants in those moments!!!

  44. so cute, I am so with you on the cereal and a good book πŸ™‚


  45. I love all of these things too – except making jewellery which is something I haven’t done since I was about 15. The necklace looks amazing.

  46. of course, i was gonna offer but didnt want you to think i was some weirdo lol.

    im going to uni tomorro which means town so ill have a look for you then πŸ™‚


  47. I love your kitty!!

  48. Your cat is adorrabbblleee!!! Did you make that necklace? It’s very nice.


  49. What great things that make you happy! Thanks for putting a smile on my face. πŸ™‚

    xx Love & Aloha

  50. those lucky charms pots are amazing! i used to want to be able to eat them soo much as a child, but they always made me sick!

    & that piece of jewellery is lovely,

  51. What a lovely list…i agree with the books in the library, i always borrowed books instead of buying them. I do buy books however, when I’m going to read them over and over, such as harry potter, and the feeling of opening a new book is simply magical. It’s like your opening the door into a new world (as dorky as that sounds)

    and it’s true, when somebody stumbles it is so hard to not laugh :p


  52. I love getting mail too – at least when it isn’t a bill!

  53. oh i love watching people do something unintentionally stupid too!
    but sometimes it happens to me too, so…


  54. This is super cute!
    Have an awesome day!
    ❉ ✿ ✿ ❉

  55. A good hair day can sure make my day too : )

  56. this is such a cute post!! I love pretty much everything you love too πŸ™‚
    I wish we had lucky charms in AUS so I could try them… I do love cereal in the afternoon πŸ˜‰

  57. Such happiness! i love cereal and my kitty!


  58. It makes me smile when I see happy old people out and about…I want to end up a happy old person and not a miserable one. Heh.

    Also having random conversations with strangers in a cafe or some place…as long as it’s not too odd.

    Have a good week. xx:)

  59. Cute I have to agree that getting something special in the mail really makes my day! And of course kitten cuddles, there is nothing like a cuddle from your cat πŸ™‚

  60. you have cuteee cat and charm πŸ™‚


  61. great answers! good hair days, new magazines & books <3

  62. CC

    1, 2, 3, 4, 6 – Ditto.
    And your cat is so so so adorable. Feel free to post he over to me any time. πŸ˜‰

  63. Gorgeous necklace!

    β™₯Please don’t forget to join the Schnappy Jewelry giveaway!β™₯

    Good luck!


  64. MJ

    Good hair days are few and far between for me so they certainly make me happy!

  65. That’s a very unique piece of jewelry you made! Great work!

  66. Kim

    What a cute kitty!!

  67. Your cat is sooo cute. Cats are so amazing, and loving, as I’m sure you know πŸ™‚

  68. Anonymous

    LOL. I’m so addicted to cereal too. I wonder why they stopped making Lucky Charms?? Is that a ‘Save Your Pennie’s’ purse?-Becky

  69. A fabric letter…I love that idea!

  70. I absolutely adore that carousal necklace!

  71. Luv the envelope, luv the lazy kitty πŸ™‚

  72. Wow that pendant is amazing, where do you sell them? http://kittysbigmouthstrikesagain.blogspot.com/