Ask Away

Happy Tuesday. I hope everyone’s week is getting off to a great start?!
not so much. I’ve been battling with a cold, and one of my elderly guinea pigs looks to be on his way out 🙁
He’s still alive right now, and we’ve spoken to various people and decided the best course of action is to let him go in peace, with his brother near him. He’s not in pain and isn’t ill…just old age catching up with him. Currently the brothers are snuggled in the corner of their hutch, and I’ve been hand feeding and offering water.

outfit today is more of a comfort thing than anything else. It’s really sunny out, but not all that warm, and between being sick, and sad I wanted something totally easy to wear.



Also, having seen a lot of lovely bloggers doing these lately, and having not done one since I had to change over to this blog,
this is a chance to
comment with your burning questions, and I shall answer them later in the week.

Much love

52 comments for “Ask Away

  1. That sweater looks so cozy!!!! Off to think up some fabulous questions…I’ll be back 😉

  2. I’ve come across your blog before through other people’s who have mentioned it, but haven’t commented before.
    Love your outfit 🙂 That sweater looks so warm and comfy, perfect for the fall.
    And I’m sorry to hear about your little guinea pig not doing too well, it’s hard to lose a pet 🙁

  3. You look so cute!
    Sorry about your pet, it must be hard to see him go through this.
    I have 2 questions for you?
    1. Where exactly in the UK you live.
    2. What’s your favourite piece of jewelerry.

  4. Aw that dress is adorable!
    1. Where are you from?
    2. Who takes your pictures?
    3. How old are you?

  5. You look so lovely even when you’re unwell, how do you do it:)

    Okay, question,
    Do you have someone you look up to as your fashion inspiration?

  6. you look great and snuggly for staying at home 🙂 and so sorry for your guinea pig 😐
    oh my qyestions are, where do you shop your craft goodies? and what is your favourite clothing shop in England?.
    wish you to get better soon!

  7. MJ

    Sorry about your guinea pig – my dog went the same way, old age. It’s kind of sad but there’s not much you can do…

    As for questions: link us to some of your favourite blogs?

  8. so sorry about ur guinea pig, i guess there is no beating time.

  9. Aww Im really sorry to hear about your guinea pig, its very sad to lose a pet but at least he isnt suffering.
    Hope your cold clears up,

  10. I love your outfits always so cute and dainty!

  11. Love the sweater, it is so alpen!

  12. Oh, poor guinea pig… my wabbit’s old and seems to be on her way, too (oh, please not yet!). I hope they become friends in pet heaven =)

    My question is:
    1. How many pets do you have, what are they and what are their names?

  13. OK, I’ve got a fun question; if you could come back as any animal, which would you be and why?

    Thanks for the comment, doll!


  14. oh I am so sorry for your little pet! my dog died last year so I know what it’s all about…

  15. Love that cardi ! The colours suit you so well! Poor little guinea pig 🙁 I hope he will be ok! Where would you like to be in five years?

  16. I’m sorry to hear about you guinea pig, you must have looked after him well for him to be so old. You look fabulous as ever x

  17. Im dying of the cold as well!! If only i could go to work in my pj’s life would be better!! 🙂
    ok random questions…
    what five things couldnt you live without?
    If you could travel to any country/city in the world where would you most want to go?

  18. sorry for your little guinea pig!i lost my dogs some years ago due to an awful neighbor and i remember it was a bad experience

    ps0love the cardi!

  19. honey the tee is from zara but it came to me from the swap party girls in athens organised !
    isn’t it great?
    love this cuteeee dress !!!
    i have a question 4u
    when are you going to quit smoking ??

  20. cute dress! i am sorry about your guinea pig and cold (my roomy has had the flu since friday, so I understand even if indirectly)

    questions: you mention you are 22 and finally getting where you want to be. where is that?

  21. E

    I love the combination of soft colors and patterns here. My question would be… what truly inspires you?

  22. Doesn’t a comfy cardi just make the day better? My question…what is your most cherished dream?

  23. i want a long warm cardigan like yours!!!!! so cute!

  24. ooo love that sweater… really cute… haha are you sure you want to expose yourself to any questions?? hahhaha

  25. I love the sweater cardigan! especially paired up with the floral!

    very cute

    Miss Neira

  26. I hope you feel better soon! And yet again, super cute outfit!

    Okay, I want to know what lipgloss you use…in a recent post you showed a close up of your face, and I just adore the lip colour! xxx

  27. these Q&A’s are fun! here it goes:
    cookies or candy?
    what’s your favourite season and why?
    what’s your favourite piece of clothing?

  28. great comfy outfit – one we could all do with ! Love your blog, finally got around to leaving you a comment !

  29. love that sweater
    and it makes the cutest comfort outfit. my comfort outfit are these hideous sweats and sweatshirt, nothing i would ever want to be seen in! you are totally effortless chic!!

  30. Lovely look, darling! Cosy perfection!

    My Q is: who are your favorite designers?


  31. my question sis:
    click here to visit me at mode junkie!

  32. i love the sweater…it looks so warm.

  33. You look so cozy in that cardigan!! I love the purple and gray! My question would be: If you were granted one wish (whatever you want), what would you wish for? xxoxooxo

  34. comfy yet so well put together!

  35. What a comfy fabulous outfit! I adore that dress and it looks so lovely with the sweater.
    I’m sorry about your guinea pig. I know how hard it is to lose a pet, whether you know the end is coming or not. I hope it is a peaceful goodbye for both of you…
    Hmmmm my questions for you:
    1. Your skin is flawless. What kind of skin care products do you use?
    2. Where are your favorite places to shop?

  36. hope you feel better soon. : )

  37. I love the cozy simplicity of this outfit. I hope you feel better soon!

  38. oh im so sorry about your pet honey, my thoughts are with you at this time. you are gorge

  39. hope you feel better soon lovely! your dress is so pretty! <3

  40. Beautiful photos, I love your dress. Which are your favorite fashion magazines?

  41. cardi is so pretty, looks so comfortable. sorry to hear about your guinea pig 🙁

    where do you want to travel?
    what would your dream job be?
    what do you do in your “laura” time?
    what are your favourite blogs?

    Have fun answering all these questions! haha it should be fun.

  42. Your sick day outfits are far cuter than mine!
    What is your favorite thing to cook?

  43. The outfits you wear when you’re sick outshine even my NON’sick’-day clothes. GAH.

    Sorry about your guinea pig…*hugs*

    So…question: what is your favourite book? 🙂

  44. Love your floral dress! 🙂

  45. I’m so sorry to hear about your guinea pig being sick. I have had many small pets in my time (guinea pigs included), and find their passings to be so upsetting – my little Dumbo Rat Poppy actually passed away just a few weeks ago. Just remember that you’ve given him a good life, and cherish the last days you have with him. 🙂


    …What fashion trend do you absolutely loathe and why?

    …What do you love to read?

  46. Awww, I’m sorry about the guinea pig 🙁

    My question for you: when are you coming to Australia (reading that last comment you left :)??

  47. i know how you feel, i’ve been battling cold this week too. Looks like you had fun at hen’s night, forget about your thighs, you have skinnier legs than 80% of women in general!

  48. THat is such a cute outfit! I love the dress so much.. it’s so pretty! 😀

  49. Très jolie cette robe et elle te va à merveille.