Be Kind (to your boobs)


43% of UK women have never had their bra fitted

30% of women are not happy with their bust

71% of women in the UK have been up to 5 different bra sizes in their lifetime

Men and women agree that the buxom hourglass silhouette of the 50s is most admired (31%) over super-skinny look of the 90s

Research* commissioned by luxury lingerie specialist Rigby & Peller to mark its 50th anniversary, today lifts the lid on the women’s attitudes to their most debated feature – their bust. With 80% of the UKs women wearing the wrong sized bra, it’s no surprise that the research shows just under half (43%) have never been professionally fitted for a bra. But what makes that revelation even more interesting is the fact that over two thirds (71%) of women have been up to FIVE bra sizes in their lifetime** – with puberty, yo-yo dieting and pregnancy all part of the cause.

After five decades of helping women achieve a perfectly fitted bra to improve their health and well being, results showing that a third of all women (30%) are unhappy with the appearance of their breasts don’t come as a surprise to Rigby & Peller. This coupled with the fact that a third of women clearly avoid the purchase of new bras (34% have not purchased a new bra in the past 12 months) goes a long way to explain the love-hate relationship many women have with this part of their anatomy.

Encouragingly however, it seems that the fuller figure is still top of the wish list where both men and women are concerned. With both sexes opting for the hourglass 50’s pin up look (50%) over the super-skinny look of the 90’s (3%) it will come as no surprise that Marylin Monroe (31%) and Kelly Brook (30%) topped the charts as most admired celebrity silhouette.

Having been in the business for over 50 years, fitting women from sight alone and without the use of a tape measure, Rigby & Peller Owner Mrs June Kenton comments: “Breast sizes have increased significantly over the past 50 years with an increase in demand for smaller back sizes, however there is a common misconception that only large breasted ladies need to be concerned about a well fitted bra. No matter their size or shape we want women to understand how dramatically they can improve their quality of life and general well being by having a bra that is properly fitted and well made – it is staggering how many women stick to one size throughout their lifetime.”

Rigby & Peller caters for sizes from 30A to 48N, with the average Rigby & Peller bra containing 38+ components compared to just 16 in an average bra. In addition to lingerie Rigby & Peller also offers swimwear, sports bras and nightwear in addition to a mastectomy range and made-to-measure service. Visit for more information and store locations.

* Research carried out by Atomik Research 1,001 women and 435 men

** From the age of 18 (the average age a woman’s body stops developing)

And just look at spme of  the gorgeous bras Rigby & Peller have to offer!

I don’t live near a Rigby & Peller but I will definitely be going for a bra fitting in the near future. What have your bra fitting experiences been? Ever been totally surprised by what size you actually are?


12 comments for “Be Kind (to your boobs)

  1. Being of *ahem* smaller bust I haven’t ever bothered to get fitted professionally, perhaps I will…
    The bras you have shown here are so pretty, I’ll definitely be checking out the website.

  2. I’m tempted to so a blog review of some bra fittings. I went recently, knowing that my size has changed as I have lost some weight, and my bras were no longer fitting correctly – I used to have a friend who worked for Ann Summers and was trained in bra fitting, so luckily I do know what to look for in a good fit. I went to two different places and came out as a different measurement in each. One was disappointing as they didn’t measure to tell you cup size, just the back size, which I can do with a tape measure at home ! I wasn’t very impressed, and think that this kind of fitting service would also vary depending on the person fitting you, which I don’t think can be right. So overall, I haven’t had the greatest experiences of fittings, and I am definitely losing more weight around there again so will have to go back.

  3. I’ve been saying to my husband – like a mantra- I need a new bra! (Thank you for your comment, and I just saw your sweet comment on Roz’s blog).

    I’m not a big girl, and I was always.. I just don’t like wearing bras, it’s the first thing I do when I get home, is take it off. The last bra I bought was at ckone, as part payment for going to their party (weird world, I know) and that was possibly the first time I was actually fitted for a bra: by a nice Italian girl. It was weird at first but it really is the only bra that fits me.

    These are gorgeous. I go back to my initial statement: I really need a new bra.

    Have a lovely Tuesday, Laura. And sending round – as Jenny, the Foolish Aesthete said – a lighted candle in my heart, for someone I didn’t know existed yesterday.

  4. Looks like the perfect excuse to take my girlfriend bra shopping. 🙂

  5. I would never ever ever get a bra ftting. I cannot imagine anything much worse than having my bust analysed, I don’t care who by. As I’m of small bustage I’m doing ok in terms of support. No bras fit and I don’t know how to get round that.
    I haven’t bought a new one for at least a year.
    God I sound like a miserable cow.

  6. It is so important to be fitted properly whether you have big or small boobs, not just for support but to take care of your boobs. I’ve had awful experiences at Debenhams, M&S and La Senza who all fitted me incorrectly. I always go to Bravissimo now. Not just because I have larger boobs but because they are the only people to always fit me correct me. The ladies are lovely (which makes an awkward situation a bit more comfortable) and so used to it most can judge your size by eye. They really are wonderful.

    Laura x

  7. Urgh – I was just thinking about writing a post complaining about bra shopping this morning actually!
    I would rather go to the dentist than have to think about buying a new bra.
    Being extremely flat-chested, it’s always been something I’ve detested. I’ve never been fitted for a bra and probably never will be.
    My negativity towards my bust was only fuelled by New Look when I was younger as most of their adult range don’t come in 32A which meant that the only bras I could buy had Spongebob on. Not a good look.
    To be honest, I reckon the biggest reason that people don’t get bras fitted is fear of the unknown. I have absolutely no idea what happens in a bra fitting. Do I have to take my bra off? Do I get fondled? I haven’t got a clue. If one of the companies ran an ad campaign telling women what to expect then I bet a few more people would go.
    For now though, I’m stuck in my manky 3 year old bras until I can pluck up the courage to brave the shops again 🙁

  8. That last bra is gorgeous!
    I’ve never had a good bra fitting, so i learnt how to do it myself and how a bra should look and feel on.
    When i was pregnant i went to get some maternity bras and asked to be fitted in Debenhams as i wasn’t sure what i should be looking for and she put me in a massive back size, like a 42 or something and you could have got a few other people in the bra with me. I ended up just guessing.

  9. The fittings are not as bad as you imagine and yes you will be amazed at what size you should be wearing.

    I really need to go and get measured again as mine all feel rather tight. (nothing to do with all the yummy cakes etc I have been eating!)

    They all look very pretty, I just get annoyed at how expensive bras are.

    X x

  10. I’ve actually been to Rigby and Peller for a sizing, Its amazing they are so professional and the whole experience was lovely. I always thought I was a 36C, but I learnt once I got there I’m either a 32DD or a 34D depending on where I shop! Such a great experience I wouldn’t go anywhere else! 🙂

  11. Perfectly design, Looks have a good quality and I think i have to try it. Any way, let me share to all that proper wearing of bra can add on your beautiful and sexy look.