Black and White.

Another prime example of dressing for this wonderful weather; Jordan Skinny Jeans, H&M shirt and Shoes c/o Spy Love Buy

Weather aside yesterday was a much needed girly shopping session with three of my bestest friends. Not an awful lot was purchased to be honest; it’s was hard, even with the sales, to justify buying anything vaguely summery when it was pouring rain and freezing cold outside, but it was time well spent…you can’t put a price on good friends.

What did you get up to yesterday?


29 comments for “Black and White.

  1. I went shopping in London and met up with some bloggers. It was a lovely day and I am pleased you had fun too.

  2. love love loooooveee the leggings,I went to a swimming gala and open day I have an ootd if you want to check it out x

  3. This weather is totally getting to me!! I should not still be in so many layers & a large degree of browns, blacks & greys. But it’s so hard to feel vibrant when the weather is anything but!!
    Yes for a good afternoon shopping without spending, good company, window shopping/lust list making, potentially coffee . . . always a fantastic way to spend a few hours. Happy Sunday sweet pea xxx

  4. I’m at my parents’ house this weekend so I mostly spent yesterday eating! Oh and also finding charity shop bargains.


  5. We were inside hiding from the 40 degree heat playing games and watching TV. Sucks that it’s summer and that it’s either to wet in the UK or too bloody warm here to get out and enjoy the summer!

  6. I love these jeans. I almost broke my charity shop curse, when I found a gorgeous skirt in Mind. Sadly it was from Gap so although the label said 8 it really meant 14.
    I had a lovely relaxed morning followed by a hectic afternoon when I discovered we were having 7 people over for a BBQ, Queue frenzied cleaning and shopping episode. We had a lovely warm evening, watched the rain storms pass us in the distance. We were so lucky!

  7. Work, on my day off too! And holiday preparation. a very busy weekend in deed.

    X x

  8. cat

    I absolutely LOVE these jeans. If I still had my old legs, I would totally want to wear these!

    Yesterday I stayed in and watched TV. Don’t like the rain, it makes my hair all fluffy.

    I like SUN, like we’ll see in Málaga!!!!!!!

  9. Love this outfit – this style really suits you


  10. You look awesome! I went out with some bloggers in Birmingham which is fab!

    Maria xxx

  11. this weather surely is annoying, finding it hard to find things to wear, but you you look fab


  12. amazing jeans x

  13. Anonymous

    BMI of 15?

  14. Hello!
    I just found your blog!
    I love it!

    I made a blog a couple of months ago too!
    I would really appreciate it if you could check it out and follow if you like it!
    Thank you!!!

  15. You do look great in the Jordans. This weather seriously needs to perk up though! X

  16. I’m glad you had a fab day with your friends! You look lovely as always, forever jealous of your long legs! I love how you’ve styled the shoes too xxx

  17. Amazing jeans! I definitely need to look on Motel more often!

  18. Those jeans are amazing. They look great with the trainer/ shoes too. Yesterday I spent most of the day tidying childrens bedrooms, before relaxing with a glass of wine and dinner cooked by my husband.

  19. You’re so lucky to be able to cope without sleeves all the time – I’m such a coldie it always ruins my look and is so limiting – shops do not support long sleeves!

  20. Anonymous

    You Honestly do not look 20Ibs underweight. Your BMI looks around 17.5-18

  21. Nat

    To the anonymous who has now posted twice regarding laura’s weight – GET A LIFE!

    You’re obviously rather obsessed seeing as you’ve followed her from one website to another, worked out what weight she must be from a few comments made and decided to make clearly untrue and deluded yet potentially very harmful and upsetting comments. What is your problem?!!

    Laura – really like the outfit (though still swaying with my feelings on the whole heeled trainers phenomena!!!) x

    • Hannah

      I couldn’t agree more with Nat, some people are pathetic.
      Laura I wish I had even 10% of you’d style! Xxx

  22. Love this outfit Laura. The anon is just jealous and pathetic. I feel very sorry for them. I know you are more than capable of brushing off those comments and moving on. They are obviously so hateful and insecure about themself that they have to be nasty to others.

    Please don’t dwell on what some coward says over the internet, and stay strong, you deserve to be happy & healthy <3

  23. Lucy

    Anon, may I suggest a period of self-reflection on your own (apparent) body image issues, rather than pubicly slating someone who is undergoing a brave and bloody difficult battle to overcome theirs?

  24. The jeans are amazing, I love how you’ve worn them x

  25. I love these jeans! They look great with the shirt and wedges 🙂 xx

  26. cat

    Angry, fumingly angry at anon. Leave Laura alone please. She is doing something brave and difficult and I do not want to see anyone getting in the way of her recovery. Laura, you have to ignore this, it has been written purely to hurt you and it complete b****cks. x

  27. Love this outfit! The shirt is stunning, and beautiful styling.