colours of autumn

Dress and Boots both New Look last year
Tights: Betsey Johnson
Welcome back non-boring tights! It’s been a while right? Autumn to me means the chance to work my way through my huge stash of tights. I have so many pairs (and yet no plain black ones for work without massive holes in the feet)
The colours in this outfit coincided with our first properly Autumnal feeling day- grey skies, drizzle and leaves littering the pavements. I do love this time of year, not as much as I love Summer but it’s so pretty and preferable to Winter’s bitter chills.
I really need to swap my wardrobe over, sort through the jumpers and other bits that I’ve stashed away. It’s also a good time to re-assess some of my warm weather wear and have a bit of a cull. Does anyone else do this? It’s a twice a year ritual for me and gives me an idea of what clothes I need to replace and what I can justify treating myself to. I don’t want to buy too much this season as things are changing but a few treats here and there never hurt, right?
 I need to do the same with my shoes, too. With my foot showing no signs of improvement just yet I could probably stand to banish a few pairs to storage, or e-bay. Tough though, I hate parting with footwear.
off to work again. I’m on clinics most of this week which means uniform, uniform and more uniform. Just as well I suit navy right?

17 comments for “colours of autumn

  1. I have that dress in black, I think mine was from DP though, I love it! it’s so flattering x

  2. Looks gorgeous x

  3. I love the dress and those tights are gorgeous xx

  4. I love the dress.. Such a lovely shape. Apart from black and grey, that burgundy colour is a firm fav of mine during autumn. (Also my favourite time of the year.. Although it might have something to do with my birthday month. Shh!)



  5. Love the Autumn tones in this outfit and I cant wait to see your collections of different tights.

  6. I love this look 🙂 the tights are so pretty, they suit you so much xx

  7. The tights are gorgeous, especially paired with the dress!

    I do try and have a clear out when the season changes but usually I don’t get very far…

    Sophie xo soinspo

  8. Anonymous

    This outfit is gorgeous and so are you! I love reading your blog these days, it always brightens my mood and gives me hope to see how well you are doing and how far you have come in this journey. You are amazingly strong and even if things get very hard now and then, I’m convinced you will do this. Keep it up 🙂

  9. I love your tights collection! I always have a big wardrobe cull too xxx

  10. Pretty dress!! I like the daisy print tights you styled with it too.

  11. GORGEOUS, so pleased to see the jazzy tights make a comeback 😀

    Maria xxx

  12. Obsessed with this outfit Laura! You really are the queen of amazing tights!

    Laura xx

  13. This is the perfect colour for autumn! I’m the same – have been trying to sort out lots of clothes for recycling/charity/swapping.

  14. Really love this outfit, those tights and shoes are super cute and work so well with the dress, great autumn style

    Laura x

  15. I love these tights. I had a big sort out of my wardrobe a couple of months ago. I’m 6 months pregant so very few if my clothes fit at the moment! X

  16. That dress is perfect on you x

  17. ~e~

    hello beautiful!!
