Cut Down Challenge

Normally a press release for an electronic cigarette would pass me buy. Destined for the “trash” file of my inbox with not so much as a second thought. This time however, I stopped. I thought, and replied.

I’ve been thinking of quitting smoking for a while now. I don’t like that I smoke, I’ve stopped enjoying it as much. It has got even more expensive than it already was, and I work at a doctors surgery…surely I should be setting an example?

I don’t think I’m 100% ready for the big quit yet…at least, not cold turkey. I want to cut down first, do it gradually; and so when this e-mail appeared I decided to take a deep breath (as deep as a smokers lungs will allow) and start my mission.

Electronic Cigarettes provide smokers with the nicotine hit they crave without any of the harmful side effects of lit tobacco. E-cigs eradicate the 4000 chemicals smokers are exposed to every time they inhale on a traditional cigarette. No tar, no carbon monoxide, just nicotine. The key to why e cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular amongst smokers, is that they replicate the action of smoking so closely. Most smokers realise that the addiction is not just nicotine, but also the habitual aspect of smoking. With a carefully developed tobacco taste, and the inhalation of an actual vapour, Nicolites Electronic Cigarettes completely replicates the action of smoking. Users even exhale an odourless, harmless water vapour to complete a real smoking experience. This whole process is completely harmless yet provides that real smoking satisfaction.

Nicolites Disposable: At Nicolites we recognise that people have different smoking habits. With this in mind we have created a range of different products. Our Nicolite Disposable Electronic Cigarettes are ready to use straight off the shelf, and requires no change in habit as it replicates a smokers β€˜box of 20.’ Each one lasts for approximately 25 traditional cigarettes before being disposed of. They require no charging, and are ideal for those smokers that are always on the go. At such an affordable price they also present the perfect opportunity for smokers to try the concept of an electronic cigarette, and test how well they really work.

I’m not fully sold on electronic cigarettes. I can see it becoming one crutch in place of another; but out of curiosity and willingness to be proved wrong, over the next week I am going to see how effective the sample I was provided with proves.

Next Sunday you can expect a run-down of my trials and tribulations in kicking the nicotine habit. I’m hoping to have drastically cut my cigarette consumption and I have ordered an NHS quit smoking pack with a view to the next step!

Wish me (and those around me) luck. My intention for the electronic cigarette is for it to be an emergency backup, to quite simply not buy as many normal cigarettes and to have it to hand for emergency situations…I smoke for anxiety relief, mostly, and don’t want to land myself in a mess until I’ve developed a new, healthier anxiety fighting habit.

Have you ever used an electronic cigarette? How did you get on?

If you have quit smoking, what helped you most?

For more information on Nicolites visit their website


23 comments for “Cut Down Challenge

  1. Ohhh good luck Laura. I got the email about these too and thought they looked interesting but not being a smoker there wasn’t much point for me!
    I hope it helps you xx

  2. good luck, I hope they help!

  3. Ah, these sound pretty crazy. Anything, no matter how bizarre, that will help in easing off the smoking sounds worth a try to me though. Good luck! xx

  4. Good luck, by all accounts the NHS packs are very good so hopefully they will work for you πŸ™‚

    Maria xxx

  5. Best of luck hun, i have this too, just need to set a date and set my mind to it!!

    Sadie x

  6. Good luck! I have a friend who was a very heavy smoker, he started using electronic cigarettes and hasn’t had a real cigarette in a couple of months! It’s really worked for him πŸ™‚

  7. oooh lots of luck lovely! I can’t imagine how hard it must be, one friend tried to describe his addiction to cigarettes as like being continually thirsty, which can’t be pleasant :S really hope this one works for you – let us know how you’re getting on πŸ™‚ x

  8. Lisa

    At my work there are 3 people who have them. i tried one and you like get like a puff of smoke which comes out at the same time. First time i had heard of them was yesterday, seems like a smart way to try to quit

  9. Good luck quitting smoking! You won’t regrett it:)

  10. Yeah we have them over here and a lot of people use them.


  11. Good luck to you, I think it is so commendable that you are doing this, and in ‘public’ too.

  12. Brilliant post. Really hope you can kick smoking in good time.
    You’ll feel so much better for it too. Hang in there and don’t give up.


  13. You’re going to feel so much better! I’ve never smoked but my hubs did for a few years and still has the occasional one because he’s finding it hard to give them totally up =-(

  14. Good luck! I look forward to next sunday’s post πŸ™‚

  15. This is such a great decision for you Laura, I wish you all the best. I don’t know much about quiting smoking but I know that quiting anything cold turkey is insanely hard so I think this is a good approach.

  16. UGH every single time I say that this will be my last pack…I always end up buying more…

    “I’m sorry sir I have an addiction!”- Carrie Bradshaw (Sex and the City).

    Words to live by. hehe.

    xx THE CHEAP

  17. strange to see this post as i actually just spent the weekend with a guy who’s trying to quit smoking using e-lites which are the same thing! they seem to work for him so far, he hasnt had a cigarette since he started on them!
    Good luck! πŸ™‚

  18. Good luck with quitting the cigs hun! I can’t offer much help to you because I’ve never smoked in my life (and my Nana died from smoking) – but a better life is ahead without the cigs! πŸ™‚ Best of luck! xx