Daisy Chain Dreaming: Ted Baker at Tucci

As holiday mode well and truly kicks in and excitement builds, I thought it apt that my weekly wishlist be the one I wish I was packing!
Having a browse through Tucci I fell head over heels for their range of Ted Baker; a brand that for reasons unknown I have often overlooked.
The floral prints and maxi dresses just beg to be worn in bright sunshine; either lounging round the pool/on the beach or for a night out exploring the local evening scene. The clutch bag is small enough to pack in your suitcase and smart enough for any occassion.
The fact that everything is on sale right now too just sweetens the deal- if I could pick one item and one item only it’d be the Printed Swimwear Maxi Dress at £59.50. My English Rose skin can’t handle the heat for long and this is the most beautiful cover up I have seen!

What are your holiday essentials?

Got any packing tips for me?


5 comments for “Daisy Chain Dreaming: Ted Baker at Tucci

  1. i like that floral printed bikini.nice choice.

  2. i love colour of your hair :>

  3. The floral bikini is gorgeous.

  4. In love with that bikini!

  5. That Bikini is soooo pretty! It reminds me of Tarzan, but obviously Jane lol

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