dressing up Mae

After a year or so of trying to get Mae to wear (and keep on) a collar the boy succeeded where many before him had failed.
To celebrate the success I decided to treat my little feline friend to a new, super girly accessory and I found this little beauty on ebay for a bargain Β£3.67 (get one here)
I fully expected that once I had the old collar off of her she’d run away and not let me get this one on but she sat there purring then strutted around the conservatory showing it off.
That’s my girl!
She’s going to end up with a wardrobe of collars soon.

10 comments for “dressing up Mae

  1. My cats will only wear their collars if they approve – my girls are rocking pink and purple ones! Mae looks so cutee x

  2. Awwwwww she looks so so so cute!
    I love this collar.

    Kelly || DayDreamsDaisyChains.com

  3. This is so cute! We can’t get Charlie to wear a collar.

  4. So sweet! I bought my kitty a pink collar last year. I can just see Mae building up such a sweet collar collection.

  5. oooh sounds like a keeper if he can charm the cat! πŸ™‚

  6. awww wow Mae looks glamorous x

  7. Oooh that collar is so cute and girly, I love it.

  8. And such a gorgeous collar too! I love it πŸ™‚ glad Mae likes it xx

  9. What an adorable (and wonderfully feminine) collar for your cute kitty cat. It’s nice that she likes it and purred. Now I’ll be taking an extra glance at Mae’s fashions when she makes her appearances on your blog.