grey days

ย Oh British weather, how I didn’t miss you! Suitably grey attire for a very grey day! Dress, New Look c/o a friend, Tesco tights and bargain Miista boots…a bit of a change from the shorts and havianas I was living in…roll on two years time when I hope to be living in Spain!

Battled the blues with tea in my Espana mug, Hello Kitty biscuits (Thanks Trudi!) and Cookies and Cream Kitkats…operation get healthy/get some weight on is ON!

How do you battle grey days?
What’s your most recent snack discoveries?

Happy Friday folks


25 comments for “grey days

  1. SO much love for those boots! I’ve been snacking on my graze box recently, so many goodies! x

  2. Love the boots, even if it is August and we should still be in flip flops. Those Hello Kitty biscuits look amazing! x

  3. Argh, post holiday blues are the worst!
    I brighten up grey days by wearing something bright and listening to my favourite tunes. Never fails.
    We can all come and visit when you’re living in Spain, right?
    Have a great weekend! x

  4. Those boots are fab. I want Hello Kitty biscuits!!

  5. What a cute dress!

    And those biscuits are amazing!

  6. That Espana mug would definitely cheer me up! This weather is pretty crappy, muggy but no sun!! xx

  7. Cookies and cream KitKat?! I think the Fates are telling me I need to go shopping. Also you look very pretty. Chase away the grey clouds with thoughts of Spain ๐Ÿ™‚ xxx

  8. J.

    I actually live in a place where there aren’t really so many grey days. I have to say that dress is really cute, and a great way to battle them though!

  9. LOVE that dress, it’s beautiful, and looking hot for a horrid day. It’s (quel surprise) pissing down in Cumbria, so I’m snuggled in my new favourite topshop jumper (pretty colours woven through it) and taking solace in playing with my make up.

    Latest snack discovery/obsession is Sweet and Salt popcorn- best of both worlds, and depending where it’s purchases, it’s pretty healthy too (Pret a Manger NEEEEEED to open somewhere close by…)

    So pleased to see that your holiday has inspired so much in you, and if you want any heads up knowledge about living in Spain, shout. I lived in Valencia for a while whilst studying.


  10. Loove the dress!
    I hope you do well with your operation healthy!

  11. Those boots really are amazing! I am craving some sunshine, I can’t wait to go away next week!

    Maria xxx

  12. Great outfit, gosh I want that kit kat!


  13. Vix

    Nothing like the post-holiday blues, is there? Never mind, at least it’s helped give you ambition and I’m thrilled you’ve decided to try and live there.
    That dress is gorgeous on you & I’m so envious of those boots! x

  14. i wanna move to spain tooooo! can I come with you, Laura!!! I dream of sunshine, it makes me so happy! I’m looking out of the window to the greyest skies ever! ….Not looking forward to winter after being robbed of summer! I’m cold!!! ๐Ÿ™ x

  15. I love your dress such pretty detail. Yes I always feel miserable and tired when the weather is bad. I try and dress up in bright clothes to cheer myself. The kitkat looks yum, hope they have them in Tenerife when I am on hols.

  16. Hello Kitty biscuits?! They look amazing!

    It’s been really grey here, too, which has matched my mood this week. Boo hiss.

  17. I love the dress: such a cute style.
    And those kit kats look amazing.

  18. I like the way you interpret your style through your clothes.

  19. Loving those boots. I so want a pair for cold walks to uni!
    Those cookies and cream kit-kats are delish! Have you tried the new caramel ones? They have a funny but yummy taste to them, worth a try.

    Fliss @ The Offbeat Girl

  20. Shoe love
    thanks to you my recent snack discovery has been the kit kats, YUM!

  21. Those boots are lovely! I’m trying to put on weight as well, I am liking the look of that KitKat! Did you get them in England? xxx

  22. This dress looks lovely on you! And since when could you get cookies and cream kitkats?! They sound amazing, going to have to go on a hunt for some now ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

  23. Mat

    i don’t mind grey, it doesn’t put me in a good mood but it doesn’t annoy me either

  24. That top is gorgeous, really suits you x