Half way through another week, and after a rubbish couple of days, I’m hoping the second half gets better.
Outfit wise, nothing you haven’t seen before. I’m getting a bit sick of the repetition of what I wear, but with little money for new clothes, what’s a girl to do?
Thank you for the wonderful comments on my last post,
they really put a smile on my face.
I really love this outfit 🙂
I’ve been longing for some green tights like those for a while now and you have inspired me to go out and get some.
I like adding colour always brightens things up 🙂
I’ve seen you wear tights every day…and i wonder…do you have any kind of addiction, fetish or obsession with tights???
I like your starry-starry dress! And I would never have thought of pairing it with green tights, but you look great!
Very pretty dress!
Love your stars dress and green tights!
amazing green tights! they go so well with that dress. even if you find your wardrobe boring, I love it!
hey hun, hope the week picks up, but this week’s outfits are fab as ever 🙂
Great dress. I am in love with the outfit in your last post, love the skirt. You should be a model.
You say boring outfit, I say I love it. Seriously, love the vibrancy of your tights and love the use of colour. Love. Green tights, who would have thunk.
Perfect, I loveeeee.
have a good rest of the week 🙂
Awww I love that dress. It’s adorable! I hope your week gets better, dear!
Hope your week is going better than it was on Monday? Are you going to post your Halloween outfit?
Love the green tights 🙂
You manage to put any number of color combinations together and make them look gorgeous. Loving the green and blue here – stunning! 🙂
I love these green tights !
That dress is lovely too!
Hmm, I’ve glanced through your posts and found you love leggings as your statement piece. Perhaps you should try something different like layering, fur, leather or bohemian styles? I know the money is an issue though, raid your friend’s closet?
you look stunning, dear!
I have a bad week, too… I hope the weekend will cheer us up 🙂
cheer up dear 🙂
love that dress! xx
Great outfit… I love the print on that dress (though I do have an affinity for stars). Nothing wrong with repeating an outfit… it’s better than having a ton of stuff in the wardrobe you never end up wearing!
Love that skirt in your last post as well!
You look great. So much color, what’s to be sick of.
I love all of your colored tights!
i adore your outfits!!
haha that anonymous comment made me laugh… they obviously dont know you very well at all 😉
you look gorgeous as always my dear, but im sorry you’re going through a crappy time at the mo.
sending you big hugs <3
This must be one of the cutest prints ever.
v cute xx
love the green tights on you! I wear them too, but I always feel that I look like a dwarf then… because I’m so short!
Love it! I actually like seeing repetitions and seeing different ways of wearing the same piece of clothing. Plus, I can relate because it’s been ages since I bought something new too!
The legging, I like 🙂
Oh, I think you’re working your outfits fine! .. I feel ya though on the lack of fashion funds! haha…
I really can’t wait for the time when I can treat myself with ridiculous amounts of new clothes and stuff! MmmmMmm…
x kaela
P.s. Hope the second half of your week is betterrr!
such a cute little dress!
Thanks for your support on ClosetCat! And did I mention your keen eye to fun tights is infectious? Take care!
5’10”? That can’t be true!
(It’s all about the combinations…I remember a website where they show you how to look different for a whole weak, wearing the same jacket…can’t remember which website though…!)
cute blazer! 🙂
fantastical dress. I have a serious addiction to the stars/astronomy
love ur star dress!!, you always have beautiful dress 🙂
I n fact I dont see this outfit to be so ordinary and I love the combination of green tights with this dress!has a twist!!!
The dress with those tights is great, it’s one of those combinations I would never think to try out, but I should clearly experiment more!
you should be able to see it now 🙂
Ah lovely green tights 🙂
That blazer looks really cute.
That dress is absolutely adorable. I love the star print and the buttons up the front. It look so cute with the green tights!
I think you do exceedingly well at shopping your closet. You always look lovely!
Sorry you had a rough couple of days, darling ~ hope this last part of the week ROKCS for you!
Love your outfit!
Such a fun dress, made even better by the tights!
I wouldn’t of thought green tights would work, but hey they do by a mile”
Lol I love the second comment. Hope things get better for you soon, may I recommend http://www.regretsy.com/ for some laughs?
Aww that dress is so adorable! I love how you paired it with the green tights and oxfords.
I love that dress. I hope this half of the week is better for you!
totally love that dress!!!
stars are so much fun!
I know what you mean about having no money for new clothes – but I find the best outfits come when you’ve got no money and have to think of something inventive!
I love star robe!
Hi!! I just wanted to tell you that I left an award for you on my blog. Check it out when you get your computer back up and running. 🙂
You wear the green tights so effortlessly, would never be able to pull those beauties off myself!! 🙂 ♥
I love the way you mix navy and green… remember that saying ‘blue and green should never be seen’? It SO doesn’t apply here! 🙂
Hope your week is getting better. xxx
I have a little surprise for you- I hope it makes your week better 🙂
check out my blog.
good night, darling.
Oh I love the star print!
not a huge fan of the green tights. what about white, and stick with monotone? that dress is awesome though! ps my favorite way to NOT buy clothes is to change the ones I already have by putting on new buttons, embellishments, or tailoring.
What a fun print! I love it! I’ve really got to find some pine green tights. It’s such an unusual colour, but fantastic!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Love all your outfits, you are very pretty!
very cute dress… the stars print is so cute!
I know how you feel with the outfits thing, but I like variations on a theme – your being pretty dresses and coloured tights at the moment – it’s nothing to be ashamed of! thats all mine is hehe.
You may be sick of what you wear, but I always enjoy your outfit posts – I think one of the great things about clothing is that you can create a fabulous new outfit from old garments just by mixing and matching.
Have a fabulous weekend beautiful girl!
mixing up pieces is the best!
geezz..you’re looking so cute with that stary dress 😀
have a wonderful weekends !
Hi Sweetie! First off, congrats on your won give away! I found your sweet blog through Nearly Stylish. I think you look great in this dress! I’d probably kill it with my boobs!
Have a wonderful weekend, hopefully will be better than the first part of the week!
Hey there, just wanted to let you know I have an award for you waiting at my blog 🙂 Have a lovely weekend!
This dress is so adorably cute. So kitsh and funky. especially digging on the green tights 🙂
Oh wow, I want this outfit! It looks fab. I don’t have that much cash either, so I’m wearing some of the same stuff over and over. 😛 -Feather
Ooh, adorable dress! Love it with the tights 🙂
Omg a friend gave me that dress from Primark last year but I had no idea what to wear it with until now! Thanks for the inspiration, I will have to drag it back out of the back of my wardrobe 😉