Helping Your Side Hustle Stand Out In Your Community*

Photo by Вальдемар from Pexels

People run businesses for all kinds of reasons. Of course none would be created, unless adhering to the special designation of a non-profit, if there wasn’t the chance that money could be made in a positive sense. However, to think that vast fame and riches are all that people care about when crafting a side hustle is truly incorrect.

For some the financial measures are a motivator, yes, but are not all of the picture. They may wish to help out the community, take a hobby and potentially develop it into a full time career, or simply share their talent with the world in a self-sustaining manner. For example, while cliche and quite rare at this point, would you think that an Elvis impersonator would get into that gig for the wealth they would create, or simply because of how much of a blast they would have representing him? We would say it’s likely equal.

So, helping your side hustle stand out in your community is a great step when trying to become more noticeable as a small business. Let us consider some worthwhile advice to this end:

Help Out 

Helping out in the local community is a sure fire way to not only do some good, but to spread your business message. It shouldn’t be something that you overly market yourself for. People will notice. It’s more important to be reliable, to give yourself to projects you care about, and perhaps let things develop from there. For example, consider you own a landscaping company operating near a local village and town. As part of your service, you are more than happy to cut and sculpt the garden of a local elderly woman in her 90s for free, because she deserves to live in a comfort and peace as much as possible. Helping out where you can not only helps you take things a step further than other businesses might, but it gives you a real impact.

Brand Yourself Well

Brand yourself in an unmistakable fashion. Perhaps painting or using stickers on a Saxon Bridge used van can help you brand yourself around the village, helping you become a fixture in the local area. Branding means more than the baseline contact information or simply logo you might wish to show. Get creative! You could consider branded clothing using free embroidery designs, or could having an artist design a beautiful template for the mural of your van help people take notice as you drive past? You might even become a local landmark within your branding if you’re careful enough. You would be astonished just how well this can be regarded.

Stay Reliable

Stay reliable in how you price, how you turn work around, and how you interact with the local community. You cannot expect the positives to happen overnight. Yet with this advice, people will notice you, and also wish to support local business. You just need to prove yourself first.

With this in mind, you are certain to help your side hustle stand out in your community.

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