The fabulous Emily from Jammy and Jelly illustrated my 2014 resolve to stay healthy. It pretty much made my week and it’s going to be printed out and stuck up where I can’t ignore it. Not that I have any intention to ignore my promise to myself. This is going to be the year for health. I just need to get a couple more pounds on, get my back operation out of the way and get my strength back then the world is my oyster.
Oh, I can’t wait!
Being around other bloggers on Saturday really helped cement this resolution. The difference I felt being around peopel I hadn’t met before compared to the last time was really striking. Before I used to be convinced they’d be paying attention only to how I looked, but this time I felt ok. Not aware of the size of my thighs or if my tummy was sticking out over the top of my skirt.
I still felt insecure, the inferiority complex did kick in…but I’m working on it. A few more visits to #BlogClub (set up by the fabulous Hayley and VAN) and I should come out of my shell. I felt proper anti social as I was too nervous to speak to some of the people there (but hey guys, if you’re reading I think you are awesome!). Baby steps. Just getting there was progress.
What do you hope to achieve?
That’s gorgeous and you are super amazing.
Well done for going along. Getting out of the comfort zone is never as scary as we think it will be. I’m always nervous when meeting new people but, generally, people are lovely.
The illustration is very cute and very thoughtful.
This year I hope to achieve so much but they’re all little tings that I hope will build into one amazing year!
Your art work makes me smile like this š
How cool is that! I’m glad a bit of blogger schooming helped with your confidence
Buckets & Spades
Thats cute x
That’s adorable!
Brave, courageous and beautiful. You’re an inspiration to us all Laura, hope you know that! <3
Sophie <3 soinspo
the illustration is so sweet and good luck with sticking to your resolution although i’m sure you won’t need it, even though i haven’t met you i can tell that you’re already a completely different person to a year ago! x
LOVE the illustration.
well done for baby steps btw xx
How cool is that illustration?!?! and congrats for stepping up and making so many positive changes this past year – youve been a great help to me and im sure many others!! Heres to making 2014 EVEN better!!! big aussie loves x
Was great to meet you at Blog Club – I was nervous beforehand too, but everyone was so nice š Hope to see you at some more in the future x