In vs, Out


– Nights out! I’m getting a lot more sociable lately, and had another epic night out with Becca this weekend, followed by traditional post drinking shopping.

– Sales! Sales are on everywhere. Shopping carefully I managed to tick maxi dress off my wish list, picking up a beautiful floral number in Espirit for £20 instead of £49…score!

– Good weather…this week has been kind of beautiful.

– My Nan is already home from her hip op; she is superwoman…she was meant to be in hospital until Monday, but was actually allowed home yesterday due to her amazing progress.

Wasabi peas. Nuff said.

– Seeing Trudi. Twice in one week. Happppy. We used to be practically conjoined, but now we don’t see each other enough.

– Pay day!


– Bad moods. Twitter followers especially might have noticed that this week has been somewhat testing, for no particular reason. Major frustration and apologies all round from being a miserable cow.

– Tiredness. I cannot move. Damn.

– Waking up at 5am despite being so tired. It happens. Every day. I am un-amused.

– Wardrobe frustration. It’s driving me mad.

– Rude people. There is NO need.

What has been good/bad for you this week?


27 comments for “In vs, Out

  1. Post drinking shopping is the bestest… nuff said;)

  2. Rude people + wadrobe frustration are two of the things that niggle me in life :[ xx

  3. rude people bugging me this past week. then again, I got praise at work and I went shopping and met a friend so yey for this past week! xxx

  4. Ohhhhh I am so with you on the rude people Daisy. I get it every day (retail). Most of the time I get my own back by being extremely polite and happy :0)

    Am interested in hearing more about wasabi peas?? !

    Really glad your nan is ok, she must be a real trooper ! xxxx

  5. I love this post. Love all your ins. I have definitely been lapping up the weather. I am also living in my maxi dress. Sorry about you feeling so tired and generally blahhh – maybe a cat nap in the shade might help? <3 xxx

  6. Good weather means ice cream! But it also means more idiots are out, idiots who walk really slowly in front of you or stop suddenly making you want to punch them in the back of the head! 🙂

  7. In this week (well weekend) topping up tan in the garden. Out- being home alone and able to count the number of people I’ve had contact with this week.

  8. wardrobe frustration – definitley out!! it’s driving me mad, and a rash I got from being sick over my face that is out too. Dreaming of holidays is definitley in!

  9. Love this post. Fab news about your granny, make sure you keep an eye on her though and she’s not overdoing things – I know what grannies can be like if not watched closely! xx

  10. Loving the nice weather and the sale although I bought so much whilst I was in America I’ve put myself on a shopping ban for now trust me it’s a good thing though! xoxo

  11. I feel your pain re wardrobe frustration.

  12. Nat

    Glad to hear your Nan’s doing well!

    Good for me this week has been getting the contract for my new job in the post. Bad has been the massive headache I woke up with this morning lol!

    Nat x

  13. cheers. I spent a weekend out. now I need a few days in

    Bright Green Laces

  14. seems a lil bittersweet social week for u 🙂
    i understand that tiredness and waking up in the morning feeling!
    straight from work to home i just wanna sleep and been sleeping in the bus on my way home these days! pretty ugly sight! gah ^^ wish urs get better soon <3

  15. The sales are definitely on the hit list this week – they’ve been pretty decent! That and i’ve managed to work out my next two tattoos, sorted!

  16. A floral maxi dress is a definite musthave!
    Sounds like your week was really good:) Except for the early mornings!

    I did some great shopping this week, didn’t bring in a lot I didn’t need so I’m sticking to my plan;)
    Then I got this huge cold/flu and had to cancel meeting up with a friend. But I think next week will be great again, hope yours will be too:)

  17. Yay to drinks and shopping! 🙂 And booo to rude people. I cannot stand rudeness. There is no need.

  18. Mat

    good news, being in scotland with my gf. bad news, coming home. that’s all this week

  19. Rude people just really get on my nerves too.

    Nice photos x

  20. Vix

    I love that picture, you look so happy! Great news about your Nan! x

  21. In: the sunshine. Out: Any glimpse of it is pretty immediately followed by rain (I live in Scotland!!) Wishing your gran a speedy recovery. x

  22. great news about your nan!
    I’ve not dived in to the sales yet, I may have missed the boat.

  23. its been so hot here! glad you found some goodies, i got a lovely Next skirt in the charity shop this week for 4.00 Happy Face!!

  24. Love this post – your ‘ins’ would be exactly the same as mine! xx

  25. you look beautiful! I love this post 🙂

  26. Am soooo with you on the tiredness thing! Why, wretched body-clock, are you waking me at 6.15 when I only went to bed at 2am!!!!!!!!????