(Insta)life recap: 6

Half way through the year already? I almost refuse to believe it…it’ll be Christmas again before we know it (sorry, just putting it out there!).

Anyway, here’s some of what I got up to in June, which was a quite month by all accounts, as told by my instagram (@daisychaindream if you wanted to follow me).

As ever you can over over the images or click on them for a description. Link to your instagram posts below, or leave me your username so I can take a gander at what you’ve been up to as well.


4 comments for “(Insta)life recap: 6

  1. good post! thanks sharing!

  2. oh my god Umbongo!? ‘they drink in the … jungle?’ No, that’s not right….
    You clearly take as many cat pics as I do! 🙂

  3. I love your Radley purse, so cute 🙂 Very jealous that you got an Ariel Tsum, I completely missed out on that collection!! Gotta love Um Bongo too… 🙂