Irregular Choices

Pair number two of my shoe binge are these Irregular Choices. A brand I never really appreciated until I saw Alex and Char rocking the hell out of them. This pair is in fact my second, the first being a pair these gorgeous girls bought me last year when they came to see me in hospital; a pair that are actually too pretty to have yet been worn (watch this space, I will be wearing them soon!)


The boxes themselves are a wonder to behold!
I chose this style with work in mind. A smart style shoe with a pretty twist. They also proved themselves yesterday as being supremely comfortable. Win win.





Worn with a weekend purchase from Matalan, thanks to my winning voucher. Score. I had forgotten how brilliant Matalan is for work wear!

Do you own irregular choice shoes? I know they are a bit of a marmite brand…people either love or hate them!

Happy Friday!


41 comments for “Irregular Choices

  1. Oh they’re gorgeous! I love Irregular Choice but don’t own any (yet). I will do one day!

  2. Kim

    I have one pair, they are great, but yours are very very cute!!

  3. Really lovely blog!
    x, Jesa

  4. I have a pair! They are silver with white flowers on. They are not as high as yours – only a kitten heal! I haven’t worn them yet. They are way too pretty! But I’m sure I’ll have a special occasion one day to wear them! Yours are gorgeous! Enjoy… :o)

    C x

  5. I love those shoes! I think that they would be very versatile:) xx

  6. my bestie loves these shoes and my sister is planning on having some as her wedding shoes 🙂 these are lovely!

  7. dan

    never heard of them, so cute though! xx

  8. I always end up drooling over irregular choice shoes, but because I’m never keen on the flat styles I’ve never tried them out! I remember a pair of pink and purple patterned shoe boots that were DIVINE, but alas would’ve made me 6”4 😛
    I’ve always wondered how wearable they actually are too, but i luuurve how you’ve styled them – they look wonderful!!
    And also, HELLO. Me and my balls are back 🙂

  9. Oh I think you know what my answer will be 😉 I don’t have as many pairs as Char (who does?) but I like to think the ones I do have have been chosen well so that I can get plenty of wear out of them. I think people expect them to be more uncomfortable than they really are. Once you get the size issue out of the way (will they ever standardize things?!) then they’re usually pretty comfy to walk in.

    Mind you, I do love the wackier styles which comes in very handy on ebay. When everyone else is looking at a pair and thinking “bluergh!”, I’m thinking “wahey! Mine for £5!”.

    And you MUST wear the Sky Fox pair soon. Can’t wait to see what you style them up with.

  10. I have one pair! Blue with white Chinese lucky cats on – I love them but hardly ever wear them, it’s a travesty!

  11. Oh wow, they look really fab !

  12. I love love love this outfit 🙂
    I am a total superfan of ICs but i do think the sizer issues are mad :S

  13. Ooooh so super cute I want a pair!

  14. What a pretty choice. I’ve found them at car boot sales but always sold them as the money they make on eBay is too tempting to pass up. xxx

  15. Those shoes are gorgeous!
    I love Irregular Choice, I have one pair of shoes from them, but I hardly ever wear them as I’m scared I’ll ruin them!

  16. AHH I love Irregular choice!!!!These shoes are fab! Love them

  17. Those are AWESOME, I’m jealous!

  18. D.

    They’re cool! I love how you paired them with a simple dress 🙂

  19. They are super cute on you. I love Irregular Choice <3

  20. Love those shoes and that outfit is lovely xx

  21. I LOVE them. Irregular Choice do such unique and amazing shoes, and these are no exception. They look like so much fun. And great job pairing it with a more plain dress. Makes the shoes really stand out.

  22. that beautiful shoes!!lovely outfit! xoxo

  23. I was in there store today in Brighton they do the most amazing shoes. These look super cute on you xoxo

  24. I love Irregular Choice but I don’t think I could ever wear any as I wear so many prints already!

    Maria xxx

  25. Wow – they are truly stunning – love all the patterns and colours!

  26. Ooo these are so pretty, love the unusual shape across the toe. I don’t own any Irregular Choices but I could be swayed after seeing these beauties!x

  27. i quiet like the way these look with the purple tights/black dress combo, can’t wait to see how you wear them with other things 🙂 xx

  28. I can always count on you to find the most INCREDIBLE pairs of shoes. And they’re comfortable too? Wow, you definitely have a knack for finding the best pairs.
    I don’t own any Irregular Choice shoes but I’m sort of wishing I did now.

  29. Kim

    Oh my they are divine! xxx

  30. i love the colour of your hair ^^ and i love the shoes :3 my friend has a pair of them and im so jeaslous!

  31. Aww, the Union Jacks are really cute. I’ve heard Irregular Choice shoes are comfy – true? x

  32. OMG ! Those are THE MOST AMAZING SHOES! I absolutely love them! 🙂 So pretty.

  33. Wow those are some sweet shoes!!! I really like them. Haven’t seen anything quite like it before.


  34. Jo

    I love how crazy and cute those shoes are. They look great paired with the purple tights. I need to wear more exciting shoes to work, I tend to jazz footwear up with colourful socks!

  35. omg i did a post about these the other day i cant believe you got some!! Awsome!! I’m so jealous!!

  36. Oooh those shoes are immensley adorable! & you’re totally rocking them in that outfit, you look stunning! x

  37. Hey!

    They look fab on you 😀 I don’t have any, I’ve tried a few pairs on for size but I never found them to be comfortable… However, maybe I was too quick to judge? I think I might take a little trip to Soho to have a another look in their store 😀

    Take care!

  38. I absolutely LOVE them! They are so Cath Kidston kitsch!!! Perfect and love the height! I think Irregular choice shoes are fab, really zany and I would love to wear them (almost bought the lady bird red polka dot ones last year) BUT, the majority are just too high for me- I can’t physically get my foot at the angle required. The ones of a suitable height don’t really match up for me. I love the ones with the bunny buttons on them best! But yours seem perfect!

  39. Lil

    I bought a pair absolutely years ago, probably in 2003 ish and I refused to stop wearing them even when they were falling apart. They were a gorgeous mint green colour, with mirror bits on the top and the sole had a drawing of two little cartoon kids kissing on it! Absolutely adorable. X