Just some Outfits

Recent outfits…Today, Saturday day time, Friday

because I have totally lost track of what blog posts I wanted to do!

Happy Monday xxx

28 comments for “Just some Outfits

  1. The first one is particularly pretty. Agree about blog mind blanks – a danger! x

  2. Love that turquoise colour on you! Looks fantastic! The bottom one looks very comfy too 🙂 x

  3. Love your 1st outfit that colour is lovely on you x

  4. The last outfit is divine. DIVIIINE x

  5. Such very pretty outfits !!

  6. Such cute outfits, loving the last one! xx

  7. Very pretty, I really love your dress in the first outfit! I always forget what I wanted to post about too! xx

  8. fabulous adn colourful selection. xxx

  9. Love the collection of outfits, each one is so different! think the green dress is my fav xx

  10. i love the shade of that peach jumper!

  11. I love the first outfit, the dress is gorgeous!


  12. You are so pretty 🙂 I really love the third outfit, it’s so cute! xxx

  13. I llke the second and third outfit. Very pretty!!!

  14. I love that turquoise apple dress! It looks so cute on you! Aaaaaand, I’m loving those big trousers in the last shot ! Big trousers are great- so hippy!!!!!

  15. oo I love the last one you pull off those pants so well! xx

  16. First outfits a winner! x

  17. LOVE those trousers Laura, you look fab!xx

  18. Are they trousers in the last pic? You look gorgeous 🙂

    Maria xxx

  19. You look lovely hun, particularly loving the first and third outfits.

    Sadie x

  20. that first dress is fantastic!

  21. These outfits are GORGEOUS! The color of the dress in the first photo is beautiful on you. I adore your sneakers in the second photo. And I freaking ADORE your entire outfit in the last!! xoxo

  22. I always love the tights you wear with your outfits. Would love for it to be non tights weather now though!

    Bhav x

  23. I love the last one, those trousers are brilliant. Hope you had a good Monday Laura! xxx

  24. Jo

    I love the second outfit. Your vibrant hair looks awesome next to the pastel/sorbet colours.

  25. The long skirt is fabulous!!

  26. loveing ALL THREE looks. So fab and colourful. Love it!