Keep Calm

I’m a lover of all things “Keep Calm”, not only do they look good, they also provide a sense of grounding when life starts to run away with you.

So remember…

(weheartit source)

(weheartit source)
(weheartit source)

What do you do when you need a moment on calm?

What would YOUR poster say?

Happy Saturday xxx

35 comments for “Keep Calm

  1. The keep calm stuff is always a good way to relax and the ones you’ve shown are awesome πŸ™‚

    I think my one would be the first one. There’s nothing better than a good cup of tea πŸ™‚

  2. Finally, an issue that I am passionate about. I have looked for information of this caliber for the last several hours. Your site is greatly appreciated.

  3. I like the first one.
    I am always drinking tea.
    I love it and it calms me for sure.

  4. A cup of tea works wonders πŸ™‚

  5. Cup of tea, a cat and some sort of cookery show on TV. Works a treat for me πŸ™‚

    Katie xox

  6. Mine would be Keep Calm and Bake a Cake! x

  7. MJ

    Cup of coffee! Nice for a quick chill.

  8. I have one on my fridge that says Keep Calm and Carry Chocolate!
    Kandi xx

  9. snuggled up in bed with a cup of tea and a stack of glossy magazines to waste hours with! x

  10. I’m definately going to stick the kettle on to keep me calm! Argh one of those days!

  11. I also love these Keep Calm things, especiallly that second one! xx

  12. well the “eat sweets” one sounds pretty good to me! I wouldn’t mind an “eat chocolate” one too either πŸ™‚

  13. Lovely blog and post, dear πŸ™‚
    You are welcome to step by my blog<3

  14. keep calm and sleep it off. haha


  15. Mine would say ‘Keep Calm and Eat Pie’. I love baking (and eating) pies.

  16. Mine would be ‘Keep calm and go shopping’ lol!

  17. I have no idea how mine would sounds like! haha πŸ™‚ Oh well, really nice blog!


  18. I have a ‘keep calm and carry on’ poster opposite my bed and whenever i’m stressed it actually does calm me down!
    I think i also need a keep calm and go shopping one though πŸ˜› x

  19. Mine would be something along the lines of..
    Keep calm and go to Topshop!

  20. I love these posters so much! <33

  21. thank-you for the comment, oh my goodness oh my goodness! do you live in bristol gaaah it’s so nice! i went for my birthday and spent the day in bristol town centre and then we were driving to go to the zoo and i was like “DROP ME OFF HERE AND PICK ME UP IN 3 HOURS” and then we went to wagamamas and it was amazing <33

  22. I love all of these keep calm posters. I normally call my bestie or Ben to keep me calm. The both of them are very laid back, cool and collected. Where I’m highly strung… They balance me out πŸ™‚

  23. i love the keep calm and drink tea :p they have tht poster aat my lolcal tea house i think :3 i love the pictures thanks for sharing them !

  24. I really like the original. We went to Barter Books up in Northumberland last year which is the place where they discovered the poster and started selling it. Oh my word, candidate for best bookshop EVER.

    My personal version would have to be something along the lines of Keep Calm And Bury Your Head In A Book. Always works for me!

  25. I kind of want to print these out and post them in my room. They are very inspiring!

    Mine would say: Keep Calm and Sit Down.

  26. Mine would read keep calm and pedal on…but it already exists. Ah well.

  27. I like these posters. I would drink tea,coffee or read a good book.!

  28. Anonymous

    Why American men should boycott American women

    I am an American man, and I have decided to boycott American women. In a nutshell, American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don’t know how to cook or clean, don’t want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?

    American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.

    This blog is my attempt to explain why I feel American women are inferior to foreign women (non-American women), and why American men should boycott American women, and date/marry only foreign (non-American) women.


  29. …and go out for a run.

    A dose of fresh air, music flowing out of my telephone, sweet thoughts of all things happy.

    I am vacationing… snowy days and cream cakes keep me unwound;)

  30. I love the ‘Keep Calm’ posters. All of them are so uplifting. Hmmm, not sure what mine would say though.

  31. Mat

    keep calm and do as your normally do

  32. I like the Pie Minister ones – keep calm and eat more pies. Sage advice… And they have a little pie instead of a crown. Excellente. x

  33. I love the kettle one. It reminds me of a pin badge I got for christmas, which is a union jack with “where there is tea there is hope” written on it.

  34. I love these! Mine would be something like…”Keep Calm and Dance It All Away” πŸ˜‰

  35. it’s like you a considerably more fantastic end of the week compared to my very own! ha haya, my spouse and i expended this researching for finals. ughhh.
    lovely weblog, mind you!