Kiki’s Boutique

Watch: Olivia Burton c/o Kiki’s Boutique
I’m a sucker for a pretty (watch) face so when Kiki’s Boutique got in touch to introduce themselves and offered to send me an item of my choice I knew exactly what to pick. This watch by Olivia Burton (check out more gorgeous designs here) arrived today and the photos both on the website and those I’ve taken simply do not do it justice. Hello smitten.
Kiki’s Boutique is a family run business which stocks the likes of Emily and Fin, Kinky Knickers and Irregular Choice to name just a few.Β 
With so many gorgeous items to choose from it’s hard to know where to start but when you have made your decision then Kiki’s Boutique is offering a generous 15% off for readers of this blog when you use the code DAISY15 at the checkout,
the code is valid until the 31st March 2014 so you have plenty of time to make your minds up!
What’s the first item that caught your eye?


17 comments for “Kiki’s Boutique

  1. LOL! That was really funny! YcDress and DressesForBest

  2. Eek that watch is gorgeous!!

    Jesss xo

  3. i like the detail in the watch very delicate!


  4. Ohh, another website to look at – thank you, anyone who stocks Irregular Choice is a winner in my books πŸ™‚

  5. EEEEEEEEEEEEEP! That’s right, I just full on EEP’d! I love Olivia Burton, this watch is an absolute beaut.

    The Style Rawr – UK Fashion and Style Blog

  6. I love the pattern on the watch. Very pretty xx

  7. That is gorgeous. I love pretty watch faces too and I don’t see many of them usually.

  8. Oh gosh, this is SO gorgeous! <3

    Jennie xo |

  9. wow that watch is delish! Going to check out their site now πŸ™‚ xx

  10. love this watch dear really stunning…
    great blog too btw what do you think to follow each other? I’ll wait for you on my blog…
    kiss and happy day

    follow me on:
    the simple life of rich people blog

  11. love this watch dear really stunning…
    great blog too btw what do you think to follow each other? I’ll wait for you on my blog…
    kiss and happy day

    follow me on:
    the simple life of rich people blog

  12. love this watch dear really stunning…
    great blog too btw what do you think to follow each other? I’ll wait for you on my blog…
    kiss and happy day

    follow me on:
    the simple life of rich people blog

  13. Wow you’re so lucky! That watch is too cute =D I’m totally jealous!! I’ll def. have to check them out!

  14. The watch is a beaut!

    Love the retty face πŸ™‚



  15. Your watch is so beautiful! Really simple x

  16. Pretty watch. Kinky Knickers made me giggle, I am so immature! I love the bags on that site, I probably really should have more than one non-backpack bag in total xD

  17. What a stylish watch! The items carried at Kiki’s Boutique are fascinating. The Irregular Choice New Oversized Heart Patty Clutch in Blue/Pink is adorable. The Kinky Knickers at Kiki’s Boutique are lovely. It’s funny how the name is a variation of the TV programme title “British Knicky Knickers.

    P.S.: Speaking of knickers, I just did a new post on my blog Full Brief Panties You know me and my lingerie addiction. Of course that’s why I went straight to the “Kinky Knickers” link at Kiki’s Boutique.