Maximum Madess

Maxi dresses…wearable all year round, but especially brilliant for summer I think…there’s something about the swishy feeling that lends itself to endless hot days and bare feet over grass.

Just arrived on my must-have radar are these beautiful dresses by Jarlo London (a new to me brand) which are perfect for all occasions; from wedding (Royal or not) to beach holidays. My particular favourites, and on the pay-day purchase possibility list are…

Peaches [coming soon] £70

Josephine in Mint, £70

Coco, £70

Amber, £70

Are you a maxi dress fan?
Have you heard of Jarlo London before?

…oh help, I just spied their sale section!


30 comments for “Maximum Madess

  1. My favorite is the second one – maxi dresses are so beautiful, I need to get one!


    PS: Check out my blog and follow me if you like it!

  2. i am far too short to pull off a maxi dress but i love the bottom one 🙂 x

  3. oh that aquamarine dress is just dreamy! x

  4. Love all these choices, especially the first one!

  5. Peaches has to be my fave but I couldn’t spend so much on a maxi dress! 🙂

  6. oh, how beautiful! Love all of them! Never heard of the brand before, but going to check it out now! xxx

  7. Wow the second one is stunning! Amazing dresses, just a shame I am such a pauper!

  8. Pierwsza bardzo mi się podoba!!

  9. AHHHH I love maxi dresses!

  10. Kat

    Ah I loooove the mint coloured dress! Maxi dresses and maxi skirts are my current obsession! Not heard of Jarlo London before but I shall be checking them (and their sale section!) out asap!


  11. I love maxi dresses. I lived in them the weekend just gone. So easy to wear. I haven’t heard of this brand before but love the first dress, especially the cut and colour.

    Hope you’re well.

    Love Jojo xxx

  12. I definitely think you should have the second one! The colour will suit you so much.

    I have trouble with maxidresses because of my large bust but I think they are lovely.

  13. I think Maxi dresses can look so good aslong as someone is wearing the right one for them. That first one is gorgeous! xx

  14. They are beautiful – I wish I was taller so I could pull them off! x

  15. I saw some beautiful maxi dresses in Monsoon yesterday while getting ready for my job interview, but these are very lovely too. And I know, it’s a shame it’s gone so chilly this evening 🙁 By the way, your jazzy pants are all kinds of awesome. xxx

  16. I love the second one. The neckline is gorgeous, especially the colour as well. I never used to be a fan of maxi dresses as casual wear. I only owned two silk maxi’s that I wore to weddings. But finally converted for summer. It’s so weird seeing maxi dresses on your blog when I;m shivering away waiting for winter.

  17. I definitely think you read my mind. I have JUST been invited to a summer wedding. HELLO maxi dress, the first dress is just lovely. <3 xxx

  18. Not heard of Jarlo London, but I don’t hear about anyone, lol.
    I do love maxi dresses!

  19. These dresses are gorgeous!

  20. Amsley

    Oh goodness I love them!! I wonder if he ships to Australia!! 🙂 xox

  21. These are all gorgeous. At first I was really drawn to that first one but that second one is GORGEOUS. Sadly it would never suit me but it would look stunning on the right person!

  22. The mint green dress is beautiful, so summery!

  23. How pretty is that last dress!!!

  24. Nic

    I’d love a maxi dress, but I’m far too short 🙁

  25. Anonymous

    LOVE LOVE LOVE ALL OF these!!!! thanks fr putting me on to Jarlo!!

  26. I’ve never heard of them before but these dresses are gorgeous, especially the last one!

  27. I LOVE maxis but I’m only 5ft5 so I feel like they drown me… I can’t stop looking longingly at them though…


  28. I love maxi dresses but 9 times out of 10 they just aren’t long enough for me 🙁 x

  29. ohhh peaches please! Off to check out Jarlo now…