Monday Blues

Dress c/o love struck
Boots: New Look
Back to earth with a bump this Monday after a lovely weekend. Technically I have nothing to grumble about as I don’t start work until 2pm but after such good times it’s hard not to feel a little disheartened.
It was one of those weekends that involved best friends, family and good food; every weekend should consist of those three vital ingredients in my opinion. My little cousin drove down to visit us from Birmingham and despite me being antisocial cow on Saturday, Sunday involved a wonderful carvery lunch (my first in, well, almost eleven years, yay recovery!) and time spent laughing and chatting.
This week I’m not even going to bother jinxing myself and hoping things will be quieter because they never are! I don’t have quite so much on as I did last week or the week before but life has a funny way of becoming chaotic when you least expect it!
Short and sweet post this morning, it’s early. I’m awake because my body thinks it’s working all day (and soon it will be on a Monday, yay!) and I’m desperate to crawl back under the duvet with a mug of coffee and my book. I can’t break this early morning blogging habit though. I just can’t.
What did you get up to this weekend? 

19 comments for “Monday Blues

  1. sounds like you had a great weekend!
    mine was much more uneventful. Movies and staying in was about it 🙂

  2. Gorgeous dress
    I’m glad you had such a good weekend. Mine was boring and involved rain and tidying! xD

  3. Wow, it certainly was early!! Morning lovely 🙂 your weekend definitely sounds like the perfect weekend – envious of your carvery and family time! Hope you have a good day xx

  4. Glad you had a lovely weekend, I was so happy to be able to get away and relax from the most horrible of weeks lately. Onwards and upwards.

  5. Vix

    My work is only the weekend, Monday’s the new Saturday! Beer and curry for me tonight! x

  6. ooh those boots are amazing! xx

  7. Gorgeous outfit! Yay, well done for the carvery!xxx

  8. Such a cute dress. Hope you have a great (and not too busy a) week!

  9. I love that dress! Super cute!

    I haaaaatteee weekends! I pretty much spent it watching GoTs and eating pizza!

    Amy x

  10. hello darling, today I discovered your blog and I really like it!
    Now I follow you on gcf and Bloglovin, hope u’ll do the same, kisses

  11. I went on a cleaning spree this weekend! I have waking up early bug too! I don’t have to be at school until noon but 7 am! Wake up!

  12. such a pretty outfit, lovely blog too!

  13. Such a great outfit! And those boots with the gold embellishment is beyond amazing!

  14. t

    Those tights are a nice colour!

  15. Your weekend sounds a little like mine – filled with the warmth of family and good food. Great also to hear about the triumph of your carvery lunch; yay recovery indeed.

  16. Cute dress and I’m glad you had a great weekend!

  17. Things were hectic last week. After getting a Saint Patrick’s Day outfit out I wound up staying home and merely enjoying looking at other people’s outfits online and reading of their plans. Now it’s snowing here. If I’m lucky one of these years I’ll get it together. I almost always feel like crawling back under the duvet.

    I’m so glad to hear that you enjoyed you had a good weekend. I’m afraid I’ll have to be responsible myself this week (anxious sigh). One day at a time.

    Your lovely polka-dot Love Struck dress and the pretty colour of your tights complement each other nicely. together.

  18. This week is a busy one for me. I love those golden boots with your dress.

  19. Anonymous

    Piling on weight like that isn’t healthy