More Budget Workwear

Following on from last week’s workwear on a budget post, I picked up this skirt for £5 in Primark on Saturday. It was a last minute purchase; I was tired and lacking motivation to try anything on (a danger zone when trying to make a sensible purchase) but luck was on my side and I now have a fairly classic addition to my working wardrobe…

I’m pretty sure it has potential to be worn year round…knitwear and boots for the winter, of course! For something so cheap, it seems to be of pretty decent quality too.

It’s my day off today. The weather forecast predicted rain. I see sunshine. I don’t think I’ll be moving far from the garden.

Are you ever surprised of the quality of cheap clothing? I know Primark can be a bit of a taboo place to shop, but this skirt so far seems more durable than others I’ve had from far more expensive places.


P.S. thanks for the week off suggestions…lets see how many I can squish in!

28 comments for “More Budget Workwear

  1. Vix

    I love the print of that skirt and the length, it looks great on you. x

  2. Pretty skirt. Looks great on and like you said should see you through the whole year.

    I have a few bits from primark that have stood the test of time very well. Some of there stuff only last one season if your lucky.

    X x

  3. Beautiful skirt, I very nearly picked it up at the weekend 🙂

  4. That’s a really nice find! I love to find stuff that looks so good and feels so nice AND is cheap:)

  5. cute skirt! I can’t believe it’s Primark, I only really get my shoes from there as their non-leather ones are the only ones that don’t give me blisters!


  6. love the skirt, I’m having a hard time finding one I really like at the moment, perhaps primark is the place to go…

  7. That skirt is beautiuful, such a gorgeous style on you.

  8. beautiful skirt. i love the print.

  9. The skirt looks great on you. I agree it definitely an all year item.

  10. Looks great, sometimes primark does great things I always look for the quality of things over price now as I don’t mind paying a little bit extra if it’s going to last me longer it works out cheaper in the long run xoxo

  11. LOVE your skirt, so gorgeous!


  12. Great shape, print and length. xx

  13. I can totally see it working with thick tights and boots come winter. You’ll have to do a summer Vs winter post when the time rolls round.

  14. Liking the skirt. I’m sometimes surprised by Primark quality. Their shoes seem to last so much better than many other high street brands that are more expensive and I have a few bits and pieces that have really stood the test of time. But the other extreme is the skirt that didn’t survive the first wash or the dress that shrunk so much it didn’t cover everything after the first wash….

  15. I know what you mean, some of my thinks from primark have lasted way longer than more expensive items i have from other places! 🙂
    By the way, what did I win from Witch…bit confused 🙂

  16. love it!
    i gave you an award 🙂
    check it out ??

    ellie oxoxoxoxo

  17. that skirt is so pretty! love the print and love the look.

  18. It has a very pretty pattern!


  19. You’re so lovely and tall! Lovely skirt, really suits you x

  20. Primark is never a place that I find much of anything! So jealous that you tend to come back with good items!

  21. That skirt is beautiful and really suits you! xxx

  22. Such a lovely print, I wouldn’t have guessed it was a Primark bargain, you did good xxx

  23. I am shocked by the lousy quality from loads of high street stores. Durable stuff sadly seems harder and harder to find.

  24. Yay! I also thought it felt like ok quality compared to some of the other skirts there! Looks lovely 🙂

  25. It does surprise me that it seems high quality but let’s face it, that’s rare. Cheap clothing does come with a price, from my perspective, because if you’re managing to pay so little for something new it is ALWAYS evidence of a dodgy supply chain and workers in poor conditions. A few years ago before I gave quite as much of a fuck about people and the planet I’d visit places like New Look to buy dresses and such and they HAVE stood the test of time, I totally still wear them, but I think that’s more to do with my personality than anything.. I like to keep reusing and repairing and reviving my stuff so it does last for years and perhaps you’re the same – ie, not as fickle as some other fashionistas 😉

  26. I have that skirt! I really like wearing with 50’s style with a twinset and red accesories and my work colleagues always admire it, so I agree that it is a good work staple! Sadly I paid full price!

  27. Skirt looks lovely – definitely a worthwhile workwear investment. I certainly would’ve snapped it up if I’d spotted it on my recent trips to Primark!