
We’re so very nearly at the end of 2010, I can’t be the only one breathing a massive sigh of relief?
Today is the day where I finalise my resolutions, go pottering and generally try not to dwell of the year that wasn’t.

The snow we had on the ground has long gone, replaced with mist and dreary grey skies,
so I counteracted that with a bright outfit!


I love this dress, it was given to me by a friend and it always makes me happy. The different coloured spots means it lends itself well to many a colour tights, but green remains my favourite.



You can also better see the cardigan I bought on boxing day. I have lived in this since. I’m tempted to go back for the cream one too, though me and cream is just a disaster waiting to happen!
My only other sales buy so far is a gorgeous leopard print skirt from River Island which I plan to wear very soon!

Tomorrow = a look back at the year

Saturday = a lie in, and a resolutions post.

Are you ready to embrace 2011? What’s been your high and low point of 2010?

46 comments for “penultimate

  1. I absolutely adore that dress. Coloured tights rock!

  2. You look wonderful in that dress πŸ™‚

    okay, let me think. I don’t think I had a high point this year, at least I can’t remember having one. My low point this year definately was my uncle’s death.
    Well, I can’t wait for 2010 to be over. Hope 2011 will be much better.

  3. I didn’t buy much in the sales either.

  4. that dress is great, goes perfectly with those tights! i think 2011 will be a fab year for you Laura x

  5. Such a cute dress. My low as my dad being sick and my high was the amazing two weeks me and my bf spent in Thailand.


  6. What a great outfit! Love the colors:)

    Can’t wait for the year too be over. The first half of 2010 was quite good, but after that it was downhill, hoping for another positive turn of events in 2011.

    Hope you’ll have an amazing and easier year! And a fun NYE:)

  7. Yup, we have dreary, miserable skies here in London as well. Your dress is perfect for brightening up the days!

    Hope everyone, especially yourself, has an amazing 2011!

  8. I like your ethos of dressing up brightly on a dull day πŸ™‚

    Definitely ready for a new year and new start. My 2010 was actually brilliant til November so I feel a bit of a fraud saying that, but still… Here’s to a much happier and healthier new year! xxx

  9. That’s a wonderful dress! πŸ™‚

    I have work to get done but it shall be slow going and I shall start thinking about my resolutions πŸ™‚

  10. What a fantastic dress and equally fantastic friend for giving it to you~!

    My low was probably getting over my ex but high when was when my Mum got the all clear after breast cancer.

    Have a lovely New Year!


  11. That dress is so fun and pretty. I love it. You’ll be fine in a light color, just don’t paint any houses in it πŸ˜‰

  12. My high point was my graduation this year but my low point when my grandma died πŸ™ But that’s life. There aren’t just high points. I will have a lie in too on saturday πŸ˜€

  13. The dress and tights are so lovely, you really do wear tights the best. Love the necklace also xx

  14. Me

    Those tights rock lady πŸ™‚
    High points… renewing my vows… low points… having to use a wheel chair a lot of the time now.

    Happy new year πŸ™‚ xx

  15. Wonderfully colourful outfit, perfect tonic for these grey days.
    Low point? Loosing my beloved Mum.
    High point? Having fabulous virtual and real life friends to help me through.
    Here’s to a fabulous 2011. xxx

  16. cute!
    hope your holidays were FAB! thank you for your sweet comment! you can reach me also on bloglovin, facebook and twitter :)so cu soon! and have amazing new year’s eve!!!

    xoxo from rome

  17. You’re so cute — I think you always dress “happy” and I love that! πŸ™‚

  18. Love the dress! I almost bought the leopard print skirt online but then I bought some other things instead… Oops. Looking forward to their arrival. x

  19. Love the dress, I like the whole outfit xx

  20. I really like this cardigen.
    And the dress!!!
    You look comfy but stylish!!

    My year was good.
    A lot of ups and downs.
    But all in all it’s ending well.
    So I guess I can’t complain!!


  21. I LOVE that dress with those tights!!

    My low point of 2010 was definitely losing my job =-(

    High point… my blog =-)

    Happy 2011!

  22. This post has made me tres excited for the new year…ahhh!!
    My low point was my dratted English result but my high point was my politics and history A’s πŸ™‚ Nerd alert, I know.. Happy New Year..shortly.. x

  23. You look amazing in that dress x

  24. That dress is perfect! You’re right, I love how it lends itself to a multitude of tights/cardi combinations. So cute!

  25. I still wish i’d got that dress when i saw it instore, i might have to scour ebay for one.
    My low point of the year was losing friends although i am better off without them and my high point has been my little chubster Seb! x

  26. You always wear such happy outfits


  27. I love bright clothes. Roll on the New Year/ New Start I say πŸ˜‰
    Hope you have a lovely NYE

  28. Love the dress! But then again, I’m biased (being a self confessed polka dot addict!) πŸ˜‰

    Have a great New Year! xx

  29. dan

    I have that cardi! Love it πŸ™‚

    I really cant believe how fast this years gone. Im pretty excited to start a new year, I always start out with high expectations though xx

  30. Oh my, that dress is unbelievably lovely!And those tights are too! Ta for the comments on my blog; I’m glad you like the tunic, and The Color Purple is amazing! x

  31. Love that dress it’s so cute xoxo

  32. O can’t wait to see the leopard print skirt !!

    Love this dress, it suits you to a tee !

    Cheri xox

  33. LOVE this dress!!! πŸ™‚ xo

  34. i seriously WANT that sweater – LOVES LOVES LOVES IT! … and umm WHY haven’t i been a follower yet?! – signing up NOW!

    happy 2011!

  35. Nice cardigan:) Happy New Year!

  36. Ah I’m really ready to embrace 2011, thanks for your lovely comment! I really love the dress, it looks great with the coloured tights. Looking forward to seeing the skirt, I haven’t got that many sales bargains yet! x

  37. I love the tights w/ the dress

  38. Cute dress! and I love the colour of your tights. I didn’t really have a high and low point, 2010 was just fine for me:)

    Please visit my blog and enter my HUB giveaway!!


  39. you look gorgeous!
    I love that you brightend the day with your attire.. brilliant! <3

  40. Girl, you look so great! I love that dress and those colorful tights.

    Follow @UnraveldTreads on Twitter!

  41. Anonymous

    What is wrong with you people???

  42. That dress is sooo cute!! I love it. And those tights go perfectly with it! πŸ™‚

    I hope you have a wonderful NYE!! xoxo

  43. That dress is great – I also say risk the cream cardigan – buy it! πŸ™‚

    My high points of 2010:
    – becoming a writer – being asked to write for the state government and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
    – winning a media award alongside highly esteemed journalists
    – becoming a TV presenter
    – loving someone, meeting them again after 20 years of not seeing them, and spending a fantastic 3 days with them

    Low point:
    – things not working out with the person I loved

  44. Adorable outfit. That dress is so pretty. Well, I’m happy to have just discovered this lovely blog of yours. It’s so full of inspiration, and I just love the name! Hugs from your new fan in Paris πŸ™‚


    Paris in Pink