Random Weekend Photos

This is a bit of a lazy post; I have no outfits to share…not because I’ve been going nudey, just because I’ve not really dressed in anything decent! I also haven’t done anything noteworthy so instead you just get a random lump of photos.


I’m on a jewellery kick right now so after winning a gift voucher for Spoiled Brat I knew it had to go on this “Should I” necklace by Me and Zena…it’s so awesome although I don’t think it will cure my incapability to make the simplest of decisions! Props to Spoiled Brat for the excellent customer service and really fast delivery!


My other jewellery purchase was this Disney Couture Dreamer necklace via ASOS (thank goodness they take paypal!) It was available, at the time in Silver or Gold but I think Silver is now sold out. It was 50% off and then I found a 10% code so it cost something silly like Β£15.75. I have a love/hate with Disney Couture jewellery…my head says I should hate it, but I just can’t help myself when it comes to anything Disney!


Chill out material!


Some more branching out on the Snackage front. The power bars were from Holland and Barrett (buy one get one half price rules! I also got their “healthy” magazine). The Clif and Kashi bars are ones I’d seen on foodie blogs for a while and wanted to try. I finally found an affordable way to do so via Iherb.com…my order (including something else I’ve now forgotten) came to Β£9 WITH shipping! It was also here within a week.


I realised it had been way too long since I wore patterned tights so quickly rectified that. I have three pairs of tartan ones, I’m obsessed!

And now for some kitty spam! Everyone loves cute animals, right?



Always there with a helping hand.


Much love, I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I promise to make up for this crappy post with a giveaway early next week!

58 comments for “Random Weekend Photos

  1. is that a Factory Girl DVD? I haven’t seen that movie before – let us know if it’s good.

    Those patterned tights are fabulous!

  2. Flash is so cute he makes me want my own cat every time I see him πŸ™‚

    Pretty necklaces!

    I need to get some tartan tights they look amazing πŸ™‚

  3. Great pics. I read Grazia yesterday my work colleague always brings it on a Saturday. I have not seen Factory Girl you will have to let us know if it is worth watching. Have a lovely Sunday xoxo

  4. I love those patterned tights!

  5. great tights, and Flash is sooo cute!

  6. I love seeing pictures of your cat! He is just so adorable. And your tights are amazing; I want a pair.


  7. love those patterned tights, tartan is so cool! the necklaces are so sweet.

  8. Love that dreamer necklace and especially love your Pussycatto shots xx

  9. Cool tights you must have millions of different tights! Love the necklaces too they are pretty.
    Your cat is gorgeous such lovely photos xx

  10. Natalie

    FActory girl is such a good DVD, i own it and just watched it again a few days ago – <3 Edie!! Good choice! There are some great quotes in that movie!

  11. I love the first necklace!! I’ve never properly checked out spoilt brat, but there was a 30% discount in my inbox this morning!!

    And I love Factory Girl. It’s a fantastic movie.

  12. i love “healthy” magazine too!

    Enter my Apothica giveaway!

  13. Awww, I’m a sucker for kitties, kitties tummies must be the softest thing in existence.
    Kandi x

  14. I always love kitty!spam posts! So cute! The me and zena necklace is rather nice too!

  15. Yay for tartan tights!!! The disney couture necklace is very pretty. Magazines and movies sounds like perfect weekend chilling. x

  16. Cute kitty & awesome tights.

    I’ve never managed to grow to like cereal & energy bars…there must be something wrong with me!

    Enjoy your Sunday (as much as anyone can enjoy a Sunday). xx:)

  17. Haha, everyone would read your blog if all it was was pictures of Flash, what a cutie πŸ™‚
    argh your disney necklace is so making me want to buy a disney couture necklace =/ MUST RESIST! πŸ˜›

  18. LOVE the yes/no necklace sooo cute πŸ™‚


  19. hey lovely,

    hope your having a nice Sunday, love your photos, kitty looks so smart and handsome. I adore him.
    the tights are amazing by the way.

    Dena x

  20. Hate Disney? Noooooo I love the Disney Couture stuff everytime I’m looking to treat myself to something I go straight to them! xoxo

  21. I am in love with that first necklace and your tights!

  22. oooh i miss grazia haha πŸ™‚ how are you doing lovely? those power bars look good, nom nom… i’m such a serial snacker that they are right up my alley πŸ™‚ xxx

  23. I have some tartan tights too but hardly wear them, need to rectify that too! And your cat is still as cute as ever.. x

  24. ‘going nudey’, that made me chuckle. Pretty kitty cat xx

  25. These are my fave types of posts – sneak peeks into people’s everyday lives … does that just mean I’m a nosey sod?! Loving those tights, I can never get patterned tights to ‘sit’ straight on me :S

  26. whenever i want jewellery inspiration, i always check your blog out πŸ™‚ xx

  27. Gorgeous necklace from Spoiled Brat, just checked out their stuff, its lovely!
    Cutttteeeee cat also! I miss my tabby back home! πŸ™‚
    Also factory girl…any good? Love Sienna Miller in the Edge of Love.
    http://www.clashingtime.blogspot.com <3

  28. Your tights look awesome but I’m afraid the gorgeous Flash stole the show at the last minute! xxx

  29. Hi dear Laura πŸ™‚

    Not a bad post at all! I loved to see your new necklaces and your tights are SO cute ^^

  30. So many cute items! I love the jewelry.

    β™₯ Leia

  31. Ive always wanted to try the “go lean” cereal! Jealous!


  32. Flash is adorable! He looks very much like my cat whiskas.
    X x x

  33. Yes the shorts are recent, got them about 2 or 3 weeks ago in H&M πŸ™‚ I LOVE your tartan tights! They’re so cool!

  34. Obviously not for me to buy! Thats why its a luxury brand! πŸ™‚
    Cute though right?
    http://www.clashingtime.blogspot.com <3

  35. everybody loves you tigths! and flash is so adorable πŸ™‚ healthy granola bars! pretty slack weekend huh πŸ™‚
    happy valentines day! <3

  36. Oh the cuteness of Flash! Oscar and I have been holding paws today too, bless.

  37. Mia

    Love the yes/no necklace. Your cat is so cute x

  38. love the dreamer necklace

  39. Pretty “dream” necklace!


  40. oh I really need a necklace like that!! would make the small decisions in life so much easier lol

  41. SLF

    thank you! nice cat πŸ™‚

  42. Nic

    Your cat is so cute! πŸ™‚ and I love that Disney necklace πŸ™‚

  43. Cute Yes/no necklace, and I adore the occasional kitty spam ;] it’s a regular on my blog too! x
    Ta for the comments on my blog πŸ˜€

  44. omg i’m totally obsessed with your tartan tights they are so cute!!!! where did you get them from??

  45. OMG i love your tartan tights (I have a passion for tartan, by the way). Where did you get them?? x

  46. your cat is so cute!! I especially love the second to last picture πŸ˜‰


  47. I love both the necklaces, the first one is so cute. I love anything love heart shaped πŸ™‚

  48. I love both the necklaces, the first one is so cute. I love anything love heart shaped πŸ™‚

  49. I love both the necklaces, the first one is so cute. I love anything love heart shaped πŸ™‚

  50. I love both the necklaces, the first one is so cute. I love anything love heart shaped πŸ™‚

  51. I love both the necklaces, the first one is so cute. I love anything love heart shaped πŸ™‚

  52. I love the Dreamer necklace and your cat is adorable!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Cheers: Evi

  53. Vee

    i love cat pictures!!! so adorable!!!

  54. nice finds πŸ™‚ And your kitty is so cute in these photos. Hope you have a lovely week

  55. love that yes/no necklace and also the tartan tights – hope you had a lovely weeknd xx

  56. Factory Girl is one of my favourite films ever- the fashion/art to it is just lovely.
    And Flash is looking quite the cutest cat xx