Relax and Unwind with Aromatherapy Associates

As Winter well and truly draws in I think my blog is going to step back slightly from the constant personal style and take a more lifestyle approach. I hope nobody has any complaints about that but these days lighting just isn’t conducive to outfit photos and whilst in previous years I could live with that these days I seem to be a bit more fussy about the standard of what I post on this site in terms of photographs (not that you’d notice at times!). Anyway, I digress, on to the main topic of this post…

Rest & Relaxation!

Something I’m not especially brilliant at. I’m at my best when I’m busy, or so I think. It has come back to bite me on the bum more times than I care to remember though and I’m trying to be a bit more self-aware and make sure I take some time out just to be.

Enter Aromatherapy Associates who very kindly came to my aid and sent over a couple of their best-selling bath and shower oils. I’ll preface this review by saying I don’t think I could justify spending these kind of prices on a product for myself, but perhaps I should are these are a serious dose of luxury and exactly what my down time has been missing.

Of the two oils I received my favourite was the Inner Strength variety (£45). A blend specifically designed to nurture your own inner strength it combines clary sage, frankincense and cardamon.

A capful of this in your bath, or smoothed over your body in the shower is the perfect starting point to balancing emotions and calming down a busy mind. A busy mind is my worst enemy and I really did find that the heady scent of this slow things down nicely and left me feeling ready to tackle whatever came next in the day. It might sound impossible and I myself was a sceptic but if you’re in need of some inner strength for yourself then this really is an excellent starting point.

The other oil that came my way was Revive Morning (£45) which is the perfect boost to the beginning of the day. The key ingredients in this magic potion are: sweet orange and pink grapefruit to invigorate you after a good night’s sleep. You’ll also find rosemary, juniper berry, pine and coconut oil to leave every part of you in tip top condition. I tend to use this in the shower rather than a bath as I associate bath time with winding down and getting ready to sleep. It’s a really lovely and luxurious way to start the day and with 20+ uses per bottle not actually as expensive as first appears.

Have you ever used aromatherapy to give yourself a boost? I’d love to know your winning blends or if there are any other Aromatherapy Associates products I simply need to own.


2 comments for “Relax and Unwind with Aromatherapy Associates

  1. I understand the outfit thing- it’s horrid having grainy horrid light (even though I think yours are always nice, I KNOW I don’t like it in mine!) I’ve not used aromatherapy at all although my Mum has!x

  2. I’ve never used anything like this before but I would like to try it. The packaging is sweet and colourful!