Selfridges Sale; my picks

Summer sale season has started, my inbox has been ambushed with “shop now” and “massive savings” type messages and I’m finding it hard to resist.

The Selfridges Womenswear Sale was one I really, really couldn’t resist and probably, out of all the sales I’ve browsed through, the only one with things I’d actually like to buy (if I could afford it) because I love them, not because they are reduced as is so often the way.

My top four picks (I don’t know why four, it just seemed like a good number!)

1. The Adventure Swimsuit by We are Handsome, £63 instead of £210 (hello saving!)

2. Beverly dress by Acne, now £95 (was £220)

3. Squiggle Hobo Bag by Vivienne Westwood, £202

4. Mandy Retrol slim leg jeans by Citizens of Humanity £75 down from £215

These pieces won’t hang around for long, and sadly I can’t afford any of them right now…but let me know if  you grab a bargain, be it from Selfridges or anywhere else…go on, you deserve it!

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23 comments for “Selfridges Sale; my picks

  1. OMG that swimsuit I LOVE it! xoxo

  2. The Vivienne Westwood bag is so lovely, I still can’t afford it in the sale but it is gorgeous!

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk

  3. The Pants look gorgeous! 🙂

    Lovely Greetings!

  4. Oh that swimsuit – i thought it may have been the answer to my quest for a new swimsuit. But at £63 it’s still a little bit pricey for me. 🙁

  5. Hi Laura! This post has made me so excited as i am going to london next week and cant wait to go to selfridges :o) Ive been saving up so hopefully pick up something nice!!! x

  6. Great choices 🙂 I love a good sale!

    Karys x

  7. I love those floral pants!!

  8. I looooove selfridges! I want to go now 🙂 great picks x

    topshop giveaway on my blog!

  9. LOVE the swimsuit so much that’s amazing.

  10. that swimming costume is lovely x

  11. It’s like you know me. Love it all!

  12. I love the swimsuit it’s so quirky! It’s still a bit expensive for me too but what a saving if we could afford it!!! Tilly x

  13. cat

    If I had the money, I would buy us each something from this place: Want one now! 🙂 x x x

  14. I can so see you wearing those Mandy Retrol slim leg jeans, maybe the handbag for me 🙂

  15. Those are some amazing savings! I love the jeans!

  16. love the swimsuit!!!!!!!X

  17. I love the swimming costume!

  18. I adore that swimsuit but I doubt I could get my boobs in it even if I could afford to spend that much! X

  19. Loving the swimsuit!

  20. love all of this!x