super furry animal

Miss Selfridge bunny jumper, Primark velvet skirt, faithful Tesco tights, NewLook boots, ASOS faux fur jacket.

The jacket and the boots are my only sales purchases to date; the jacket I ordered on Christmas eve in a fit of “I must own purple faux fur” madness, and the boots I picked up on Saturday for the bargain price of Β£7 (I call this fate, as I had wanted them at full price, but they never had my size in stock)

I feel a bit self conscious in the jacket, but I’m determined to embrace the “I don’t give a f*** what people think of me” approach this year and wear it regardless; not that it was actually wise to wear it outside yesterday…drowned rat anyone?


47 comments for “super furry animal

  1. Adorable jumper!

    β™₯ Leia

  2. Hun you look awesome and that jacket is pure perfection. Please dont worry about what people think as you are rocking this jacket they are only looking coz you look hot love it xoxo

  3. Vix

    That jacket totally rocks! x

  4. Your coat is awesome and you look awesome wearing it X

  5. You look amazing, you really don’t have to worry about what people think of you in the jacket because it is gorgeous!!! xx

  6. Jumper is immense! Love it!

    Claire xx

  7. You look really good and that’s fab you want to not care what others think ! Enjoy the jacket πŸ˜€

  8. That jumper is lovely, I am trying to contemplate how likely or possible it would be for me to somehow steal it from you :p it’s really cute & I do love that skirt – a lot of it may be leg envy!
    Great approach to have m’dear with style & life – go for it!!

    I haven’t done any sale shopping yet – but am a click away from the world of online sales! xxx Have a good hump day.

  9. Mat

    that is some strong sale shopping, Β£7 for shoes is brilliant

  10. Those boots are such a bargain and ever so beautiful! xx

  11. Wow, love the bargain boots!

  12. Nice sweater!
    I love bunnies and gray is my favorite color! =)

    xx from Brazil

  13. Cute jumper, I’m also loving the jacket xoxo

  14. cute outfit πŸ™‚ I love your jacket! You should definitely wear it and not care what others think of you cos you look brilliant in it! brilliant about the boots too!

    happy new year!



  15. Amazing, love the jacket, and you’re right not to give a damn what people think, you look fab and if they can’t realise that, they’re the losers! xo

  16. I’m a little bit in love with your jumper! x

  17. Love the jumper and your great attitude, who gives a damn what other people think!

  18. SCORE on the boots, definitely a great bargain at Β£7, even more so as you wanted them pre.

    Rather like the lilac faux fur, go for it and enjoy. Screw anyone who can’t appreciate a girls need for lilac faux fur.

  19. Your shoes are amazing!
    I got a Dalmatian print fur coat last year and at first I felt so self conscious but now I appreciate it for what it is.. Amazing!
    You really do suit this as well it looks like such an effortless look for you!

  20. furry and nice πŸ™‚ but I’ve already seen it somewhere… oh.. at you πŸ™‚

  21. The only thing to be conscious of when wearing your faux fur jacket is that you look rather fabulous! Happy, happy new year.

  22. Those boots were such a bargain and the jackets got my approval, it’s fab xxx

  23. Happy New Year lovely! I agree you should wear what you want πŸ™‚ Love the velvet and faux fur together! x

  24. Loving the jumper – really cute. I can imagine being uber jealous of the warmth and snugness of that coat in the winter!

  25. naawww look at the bunny – such a cute jumper!! loving the boots!! x

  26. Loving the jumper! Too cute for words. And the coat is great too! Wear what you love and don’t worry about other people! They’re too busy worrying about themselves to judge! And if they are judging, it says more about them than you.

  27. Love your coat – don’t worry yourself about what anyone else thinks, who cares, it’s ace!x

  28. very sweet jumper!! πŸ™‚ x

  29. Love your hair ! happy new year !!!

  30. The top is already cute enough, and then you add this faux fur and it’s like BAM.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  31. I ADORE that jumper, and the coat! Such a bold look. That’s one of my resolutions this year, too! xxx

  32. I love the jumper and the jacket! I’m a bit self-conscious too in my faux fur leopard print coat but that doesn’t stop me from wearing it πŸ™‚

  33. I can’t resist furry things!!! I like the coat!!
    I was totally a drowned rat- ruined sheepskin boots- why oh why do I never get around to using the expensive sheepskin sealant spray that I was conned into buying from a shoe-shop ages ago!!!

  34. Oh yeah that coat is a beauty!
    Please try to put other’s opinions to one side, someone stunning in a fur coat will always attract attention, just drink it up!

  35. Love the jumper and the boots! The jacket looks fab on you so don’t worry what people are thinking! xx

  36. YOU LOOK AWESOME. I seriously have the best wife…

    Maria xxx

  37. That coat is gorgeous. I want it! xx

  38. That coat is gorgeous. I want it! xx

  39. I so wanted that jumper. Faux fur in the rain :S oh dear!

  40. Cutie pie! I often feel a bit daft in my faux fur but sometimes it is just what you need. Lovely cosy goodness. X

  41. Loving this jumper, it’s so so cute!


  42. Aaah I love this outfit! The sweater, the skirt, the boots, that amazing jacket, LOVE! πŸ™‚

  43. Love this outfit – the bunny jumper paired with such a cute velvet skirt is gorgeous.

  44. Yay – coat twin!! I agree with the others, you can only have been attracting the *right* kind of attention! xx