The Dress I HAD to Have.

People who follow me on twitter know it was love at first sight when I saw this dress on the Peacocks website. Up until that point I didn’t know I was a fan of the Peter Pan collar that seems to be doing the rounds, but I promised myself that if our tiny local store managed to get the dress in stock, I’d buy it.

The next day?! I walked past…and there it was.


I wore it for work yesterday. Comfortable and flattering, I now want the animal print version too!





Short and sweet post,
the latter half of this week has turned out busier than expected! Hopefully I’ll be able to blog again at some point tomorrow!


69 comments for “The Dress I HAD to Have.

  1. those peter pan collar dress is adorable 🙂

  2. LOVE it! Yay for Peter Pan collars. I was just wearing a (new!) Peter Pan collar blouse to work today 🙂

  3. You. Can pull off anything you want! ♥

  4. aww the collar is adorable and i think suits your personality very well 🙂

  5. Lovely dress, it suits you so well!

  6. Love it! You look great in it too! I simply love collars! I just made a collared top and plan to make more for my etsy store 🙂

  7. I am in instant love wiht it as well, so flattering and I love the collar.

  8. Lovely dress. So flattering. Xx:)

  9. It really suits you and is very flattering. Its a lovely dress xx

  10. That is ever so sweet, I love the collar. Some dresses you just HAVE to have xx

  11. Oh gosh so stunning! This dress was simply meant to be xx

  12. As you know Laura, I’m insanely jealous of this dress…and even moreso seeing how gorgeous it looks on you! Yay for peacocks!


  13. i love it. so glad it turned up in the store! 🙂

  14. Hey lovely,

    Thanks for your comment 🙂
    I Love this dress – just got my own version in the post on its way to me as we speak! Rather excited to say the least. Peter Pan collars are the cutest.


  15. I have this dress too! I love it, it’s so comfy and was such a bargain compared to the topshop & asos ones.

  16. Me

    That dress looks fabulous on you and I love how you pulled it together with the tights, boots and ring 🙂 Gorgeous!! ♥ xxx

  17. aha this is beautiful !! love the peter pan collar !!!
    you look fab <3

    Cheri xox

  18. It was obviously meant to be! It would have been mean of you not to buy it after it was in the shop haha!
    I love Peter Pan collars too but have yet to buy anything, severe lack of funds. But I am dure a shopping spree at the end of the month so might make it my mission to buy something!
    Flashdance was awesome by the way, although it was strange seeing Matt Willis not in busted haha!

  19. Peterpan collars are my favourite thing ever! x

  20. Kb

    Love it and such a great price! I’d definitely try it with leopard print tights until you get the other version!

  21. It does look lovely on you, it was destiny that it was waiting. xxx

  22. Score!! You look just lovely in it.

  23. love this dress!!! i rem u tweeting about it and i was like ooh cant wait to see it! im such a sucker for a peter pan collar! x

  24. Adorable dress! I am loving it combined with those killer boots.

  25. Ah so cute, I love long-sleeved dresses 🙂

  26. Peter Pan collars = glorious
    Dresses with long sleeves = even better.

    So, I love it!!

  27. well it is a gorgeous dress! Love the ring too 🙂


  28. I love love love LOVE peter pan collars on dresses. You look really great too. xxx

  29. A very lovely dress. I love peter pan collars. I wish I had more dresses that had them because I only have one at the moment.

  30. I love it. Looks like a sleeker, rocker-ish version of something Alexa Chung would wear. Too bad Peacock’s doesn’t exist in the U.S.!

  31. That dress looks so pretty on you, also loving the ring xoxo

  32. I LOVE this dress, the Peter Pan collar is gorgeous!

  33. So cute, I love its Peter Pan collar!


  34. Loves it!!
    I need a peter pan collar dress!!


  35. Oh wow, love the dress & you look amazing in it bb!

  36. I adore peter pan collars and your ring is amazing!

  37. i love the peter pan collar i bought adress with a peter pan collar but it isn’t nearly long enough! i was so annoyed becuase in the photos it looked like it was a casual dress >.<

  38. I love that dress! It´s so very Wednesday Adams.
    I simply adore Peter Pan collars.


  39. cute dress but i love those boots!!!

  40. That dress caught my eye on the website as well. I absolutely loved the peter pan collar on it. It looks fab on you.

  41. AHHHHHH I love peter pan collar dresses!!! Like, it’s definitely bordering onto an obsessive type of love- which is not healthy- both for me and my bank account. OH WELL.

  42. No wonder you wanted it so much, it’s beautiful! You look fab! xxx

  43. Very nice 🙂 I’ve never tried the Peter Pan collar before, maybe I’ll keep an eye out for it next time I go shopping 🙂

  44. This is so cute! I’ve got an Asos one that’s very similar. Will blog it soon. xx

  45. I want that dress too!
    PS: I’m addicted to peter pan collars now too.

  46. Ahhh this dress looks SO good on you! x

  47. That dress is HOTT. Good choice, lady!

    Follow @UnraveldTreads on Twitter!

  48. What a lovely dress! I haven’t tried the peter pan collar yet, but I have wanted to!

  49. This is a very cute outfit! I love your ring! 🙂
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Sending you much love and best wishes in this 2011!
    Boho Market Blog

  50. I’m a big fan of Peter Pan collars. They give me nostalgia for some of the clothes I wore as a kid. xxx

  51. Love the collar of that dress, cute ring!


  52. oooh i am loving the collar!


  53. that dress looks amazing on you – love the cute collar!

  54. It is a very sweet dress. And the fact it was in your local store suggests it was meant to be yours. x

  55. LOVE IT. So cute and chic, and it looks gorgeous on you. I really think I’m going to have to buy this when I get paid!

  56. I love peter pan collar anything! This is a lovely dress. x

  57. Very pretty dress! Love the peter pan collar!

  58. That dress is so pretty! And looks lovely on you! I love the peter pan collar, and also that fantastic ring!

  59. I’m crazy about Peter pan collars and this dress is so pretty. Great buy Laura. x

  60. That dress looks gorgeous on you – and the ring is really pretty too!

  61. AHHH i love this dress laura, i love this dress – i got it in peter pan green! also (didn’t want to spam your blog) love the more dressed down look, too ♥ elle x