Total Greek Yoghurt e-book competition

My favourite yoghurt producers (seriously, no matter how many I try I always go back) have today launched a fantastic competition supporting a very worthy cause, I’d love to see some of you food fiends getting involved…please let me know if you do!

TOTAL Greek Yoghurt today announced it is producing a healthy recipe e-book, with all proceeds donated to UK charity Action for Children.

Food enthusiasts are being encouraged to visit TOTAL Greek Yoghurt’s Facebook page to submit their recipes featuring the creamy product. The recipes chosen for inclusion in the e-book will be voted for by TOTAL’S Facebook community. The recipe with the most votes will earn its author an iPhone 4S and iPad 2 complete with smart cover. The runner up will receive an iPad2.

In addition, all participants voted into the recipe e-book will receive a free cool bag and a published name credit in the book.

The new digital cook book will be available to download on Amazon as a Kindle e-book from early 2012. The deadline for recipe submissions is Friday 20th January 2012.

All money raised by the e-book will be donated to the UK charity Action for Children which works tirelessly to support the UK’s most vulnerable and neglected young people. One of the signs of child neglect is hunger. The effects of hunger can be devastating, from daily pain and poor health to low educational achievement and bullying. Action for Children looks to combat this by early intervention.

The competition officially launches today.

Join in the TOTAL Greek Yoghurt conversation:
TOTAL Greek Yoghurt Facebook page:
TOTAL Greek Yoghurt Twitter Page:
TOTAL Greek Yoghurt You Tube Channel:

2 comments for “Total Greek Yoghurt e-book competition

  1. My

    Total is my favorite brand too! This is great and for a wonderful cause . . . thanks for posting!

  2. I’m not especially interested in the prize itself, but I’m on this because 1. It’s a brilliant cause and 2. we use Total yoghurt in the house every week. I’m on this!