treasure hunt

Auctions have always fascinated me, the closest I’ve got so far however is ebay which I don’t think really counts!
Enter brand new website and concept where users can search over 10,000 ongoing auctions from some of the best auction houses in the UK.
Looking for the perfect piece of vintage furniture or something quirky for a unique gift? Just type in what it is your looking for and Barnebys will do the hard work for you.
Barnebys was first launched in Sweden in 2011 and finding great success there went on to launch across all the Scandinavian countries before launching just now in the UK. 
Properly intrigued by this I had a browse for some vintage costume jewellery and the results were impressive! You can make your search more specific, narrowing it down to certain regions and auction houses and it’s good fun to look through what comes up. I’m yet to make a purchase but to me is a valuable addition to my online browsing repertoire and an excellent away to while away some hours. I’ll keep you updated if I do make any purchases…this really is the ultimate treasure hunt!
Have you bought from auctions before, be it real life or online ones? I want to hear stories and what you found.

5 comments for “treasure hunt

  1. That is such a good idea! Not that I need any more of anything but when I have a place of my own <3 I adore old furniture, boxes and paintings 🙂 xo

  2. I have never bought anything from an auction before but it always seems very exciting. I would be so worried I would get carried away with my paddle and buy way more than I should haha
    Lianne x

  3. No, I’ve never bought from an auction before. I hadn’t thought about it but now that you’ve pointed out the possibility of looking for specific items it seems like a good idea. I know people get good deals. My parents once auctioned off a couple of items and the buyers got a good deal. Speaking of vintage, even when doesn’t know what one is looking for exactly I’ve noticed some of your other commenters have gorgeous vintage items for sale at jumbles like the ones Frocktasia and Vintage Vixen go to. I thought about buying on ebay. Barnebys definitely sounds worth a look at the least.

  4. this is such a good idea! rather than sifting through the mass-bought crap from ebay! xx

  5. Love auctions, although scared to cough or move incase I accidently buy something 🙂