where my wages are going- Monster Sweets

I think I’m going to start to regret the day I ever came across supplier of international foodstuffs Monster Sweets
Not only do they sell all my favourites (shown above) the prices and postage are so cheap I can’t resist placing yet another order.
I have got the boy addicted to the white/coconut ritter sport and myself well and truly hooked on all things Milka.
This isn’t a review post, or something I was asked to write, I just wanted to give a shout out to one of the friendliest small businesses I’ve found and spread the chocolate love around (so it doesn’t all end up in my house).
What are your overseas favourites? It has to be Milka for me!

8 comments for “where my wages are going- Monster Sweets

  1. Oh no I am off to check out this website. I am a big milka chocolate fan.

  2. I ate three bars of milka over the weekend. It was delicious and I couldn’t resist it. Shame on me!

  3. Damn it! Another place to indulge my sweet tooth… Thanks for the heads up! ๐Ÿ˜‰ xx

  4. I love Milka (and so does the boy!), but I’ve never seen those ones before, going to investigate ๐Ÿ™‚ I love being able to eat things we can’t buy in shops here xx

  5. Ah cool, I’ve just put this into my Bookmarks for future reference! – Tasha xxx

  6. Drool. I think I can see where a chunk of my money will be going soon ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Oh my, I need those milka buttons! xx