
Time to re-evaluate and make some changes. Proper, not half hearted changes.

How do you cope with making changes? I need to get my ass back on track before I face losing what I’ve worked so hard for.

40 comments for “Yes

  1. Hey honey, hope you are ok? No need to be afraid of changes especially when they are clearly for the better. Keep your chin up and keep your mind on what you need to achieve, you don’t want all the hard work to be wasted, coz you really have worked hard. Email me if you just want a chat!

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  2. Hope your ok x

    I know its hard to change when you think a certain way its hard to change those thoughts.
    I too know I need to make changes for myself but its very hard and those negative thoughts come back into my head and eat away at you and I believe them. I wish I could see myself through someone else’s eyes and really see things for what they are.
    Its really hard and very destructive.

    Best wishes hope you can achieve what you want xx

  3. Good morning sweetie,

    I struggle with change, or can change for a short time but revert back quickly, I do keep trying though in the hope that one day I can make it stick.

    I will not give up on myself – ever

    Good luck with ur changes sweetie, don’t give up


  4. Laura you can do it because you recognise when you are slipping and know that you need to make changes. I think that is a great start even if you fall back to your old ways you will keep on trying.

  5. Changes are good, positive and worth it. I believe we live our life in chapters. Start a new chapter, make some changes for it and see how it all goes.

  6. I totally agree with everyone else. Even I try to make a change but I never give up. Just believe in yourself, then your dreams will come true πŸ™‚

    Thanks for the comment on my blog!
    Jules @ A Bit of Jules x

  7. Heyy, I hope you’re okay!

    I’m one of those weirdos who loves change because I have such a short attention span that I’m always bored. But basically what everyone else has said, believe in yourself and remember the reasons you need to make changes, remember they’ll work out for the best and make you happier πŸ™‚


  8. Hope things are ok your end petal!

    I’m a bit hypercritical when it comes to change, like i love it happening, and i can breeze through it quite well. Yet if I have to make the change myself – I’m some what of a head in the sand kinda person. Like with this visa thing, i’ve had my head in the sand numerous times – like if there was a bit of hard paperwork, or asking my boss to fill out some forms, i’d hide it all away. Thats until the point where I knew I HAD to do it – then that makes me. I donno, guess its my own way of working.

    I think change is good, you just have to grasp it fully and go with it x

  9. I have to just keep reminding myself that it is for the best… I don’t deal well with changes, myself. It gets better, eventually. :-/

  10. Angela

    Hi Laura, When the changes seem overwhelming, make them and just take it one day at a time. I don’t know if that makes sense, but just concentrate on making the changes in the day you’re living, makes it seem easier than thinking ‘ I have to do this everyday for a month’ and before you know it, you’ll have made them for a month πŸ™‚ Take care and best wishes! xx

  11. Angela

    Hi Laura, When the changes seem overwhelming, make them and just take it one day at a time. I don’t know if that makes sense, but just concentrate on making the changes in the day you’re living, makes it seem easier than thinking ‘ I have to do this everyday for a month’ and before you know it, you’ll have made them for a month πŸ™‚ Take care and best wishes! xx

  12. Laura, whenever I am struggling with anything – especially change – I think of your amazing example. I’m moving 200 miles away from home in less than three weeks time and I’m petrified, all I want to do is bury my head in the sand and pretend it’s not happening – I hate scary change. But instead I’m trying to stay positive, upbeat and focused. You’ve achieved so much and to have to keep on fighting is no mean feat. It’s a long old battle but the view from the other side is so, so worth it. x

  13. hope you’re okay beautiful. you know where i am if you need me xxx

  14. D.

    You go, girl! Change is good. Mistakes along the way are perfectly okay. Fear is a sign that you are doing something important for yourself. Don’t let anything stop you.

  15. Like everyone has already said (and will probably continue to say)…change is GOOD.

    Think to the future and what you want to be achieving/where you’d like to be.
    Look at the bigger picture and aim for it!

    You can do it.
    Lots of positive thinking and have a great week. xx:)

  16. Hope you’re ok <3

    I’m kinda at a crossroads to where a major change in my life could change everything for the better but I’m scared and nervous about it but I know eventually it will get me where I want. Sometimes you just have to follow your heart and face the consequences as in the end it will all be worth it xoxo

  17. I’m crap with change- I like things to stay constant. Moving out and going to uni will be a big change, but it makes me feel better knowing that everyone else going is in the same boat.
    I hope your changes make you happier πŸ™‚

  18. FASCINATING to read these comments.

    I’m crap with change, too. And yet, I’ve always been a bit afraid of commitment. I held out on marriage for like EVER, for example. I couldn’t even take on full time jobs, when I lived in NYC: I’d freelance day after day, sometimes for months and even years, at the same place, if I liked it, but the moment it seemed they were about to pop the question, I’d feel like running a mile. I liked the idea of thinking I was someone who wasn’t afraid of change, but marrying my fiance and moving to London nearly did me in.

    And now – said husband is finally admitting that he, too, is pretty crap with change! We’ve had to face, this summer, that we don’t want to sell our home – even tho we could make a huge profit – purely because we’re both afraid of change. (that, and we like where we live!)

    I don’t know the easy answer, but here’s one thing I know: admitting that I’m afraid of anything – even the notion of change – really does take away the power.

    The other thing that we’re realising – which is making us feel good – is simply TAKING ACTION. In our case, it was making six appointments with estate agents, and following up on their valuations. Just doing something – taking the first steps – is a huge relief.

    And it’s important to remember that taking the steps doesn’t mean you have to make the change, whatever it is. Sometimes people make changes for the wrong reasons – they just want to feel different. One of my friends was always running away from herself, from how she felt. In the States they often call it ‘doing a geographical’ i.e. trying to change your physical place, but realising when you do, that you’ve taken yourself – and your problems – with you. In her case – she did everything the opposite of you, or me, mostly she blamed everyone but herself for her problems – and ultimately, her story ended in tragedy.

    The best way to conquer that fear of change – and I can’t say I’m cured, by any means – is to admit what we’re scared of. Then take baby steps. Choose easier things to change, start with those. Eat something different for breakfast, or to go to a new place. Just do things differently: get a new perspective.

    One thing I need to change now is I need to spend more time writing up my novel, and I can see, by the fact that I keep writing on and on in this comment box, and I’m doing the one thing I need to change about myself the most: procrastination!

    Good luck and please email me if you’d like to talk about anything privately. Big hug xoxo

  19. You can do it! Life changes are hard, really hard, but I know that you can make it happen.

  20. you doing alright? Hope everything is okay <3

    Praying for you!


  21. I’m having to make some really hard changes right now. It’s not easy but I know it’ll make me stronger.

    We’re all here for you!

  22. Hoping you are ok. when I am struggling to cope with things especially changes I sometimes move into business mode. I find treating my life as a business or job makes it easier. I try and work through things and solve problems the way I would at work, and sometimes imagine what a manager would advise me to do. Somehow it makes it easier for me to deal with that way when it is not so personal to me. I make an action plan and try and set myself targets and things to do to help.

    Everyone has different coping strategies that work for them, I am sure you will find yours or even may already know what it is.

  23. it is so easy to wonder off and loose track of our dreams. It is good to have that reminder once in a while. : )

  24. Sending lots of hugs & good luck your way

    I like to break things down into steps (love a few lists!) but ultimately you’ve just got to get on with doing it.

    Also cups of tea. Lots of tea.


  25. Hope things are ok with you m’dear.

    When I need to make a change I tend to announce it to everyone so that I can’t chicken out. It’s a scary way to go but it takes so much guts to make a big life change anyway that I figure I might as well jump right in at the deep end!

    My thoughts are with you xxx

  26. I’m not very good with coping with change either.
    I find myself getting worked up about things, and worrying I will never reach my goals instead of finding a way to work towards them.

    I can relate to how you feel, being young is a scary feeling, growing up is an even scarier one. I’m always here if you ever need to talk Laura xxx

  27. You can do it, I know you can. ALWAYS here for you xxxx

  28. I hope everything is okay sweetie


  29. Bee

    In my thoughts angel xxx

  30. Make the small changes first. The big ones aren’t that overwhelming but they always seem like it when there’s a mountain of things to tackle.

    We’ll be chearing you on.


  31. Hope your ok. Just take each day as it comes and remember that things change for a reason and they might not be good to start with but they will definitely get better. xxx

  32. I believe changes happen for a reason πŸ™‚

  33. changes can be scary but you feel enlightened when you do make them. You have come to far to go back Laura, you have to fight for all its worth. Think how good life is without the ed, life and anorexia never go hand in hand you can’t have both you can’t work, your social life stops, your mind dissapears, you waste years of living. I am shocked that I am 25 and mentally feel about 18 and 19 because anorexia stole so many years from me. life goes far to quick to worry about what you weigh, what you’ve ate. message me if you ever want to talk

  34. I avoid change. I run away and hide under my covers and pretend that everything can be the same again. I live in hope that one day the world will forget to change so I can catch up with it.

  35. Believe in yourself hun,we all know u can do it. Change is totally scary i know but its for the best in the long run. Only 6 months ago i was on bedrest with an ng feeding tube and i saw no way forward,i didnt believe i had it in me to change but now…WOW things have totally turned around,i am in a place i never thought i would be. I am in control and anorexia is not anymore. Please just keep fighting andknow that u have heaps of support to help u through the tough times…i never thought id say it,but change really is possible,as is a life free from anorexia xxx

  36. Each time you pick yourself up and make even small changes, it gets easier. It’s a process. One that’s taking me a long time to commit to and I still have trouble at times. But overall things are sooo much better. and i know you can do it too! you are an amazing and talented woman. And you are so right, we can’t and don’t want to live forever like this…

  37. I always struggle with making changes and the only way I find to get through it is taking each day as it comes, tomorrow won’t be as bad as yesterday and so forth. Lean on friends and family, they’re there for you and don’t be afraid to use them.
    Wishing you well.

  38. Angela

    Hey Laura,

    Also a very helpful place for recovery:

    πŸ™‚ Angela x

  39. It is very hard isn’t it. We get so ingrained into habits, traits and ways of coping that changing those is actually sometimes monumentally difficult. I am a complete worry-pot and no matter how hard I try, I get back into worrying.

    I sometimes like to write out what I am aiming up, beautifully, decorate it, and put it in a prominent place where I can see it. I might also make little cards with the things written on it. Such as, I am terrible at praying when it’s term time, so if I write little cards which I can just stick in my purse or pocket and hold them as I walk along, then it makes it somewhat easier. And actually for me personally, then everything else gets easier when I am doing that! Wish I could say the same about tidying my house!

    Hope you are ok.
    Believe in yourself. As you have proved, you are stronger than you could ever have imagined.

  40. Anonymous

    I was just reading an article about change in Flare.^^ One of the main purposes of life is change and growth…unhappiness only seems to settle when we’re stagnant. Still, I’m horrible scared of change but I try every day to embrace it.
    Starting in baby steps is the key. List one small thing to change and then see how you are&feel, build on that.
    I hope you’re doing well hun, have fun with all life has to offer you. πŸ™‚