It’s Eating Disorders Awareness week once more and I’m pleased to say that I am in a very different place to where I was when I was writing last years post. This illness has taken 15, nearly 16 years of my life and whilst I may now firmly be on the road to recovery it still affects and impacts my day to day living, and probably always will.

This year the focus of Eating Disorders Awareness week is “Why Wait?” and this is something I feel incredibly strongly about.

I waited, I waited a good three years before seeking any help despite experiencing many of the physical and psychological symptoms. Those three years were probably some of the loneliest and most confusing of my life, and whilst speaking out and asking for support didn’t fix it, it didn’t hold all of the answers but it took away that desolation and desperation that comes with being so entrenched in something that as of yet didn’t even have a name.

On average 149 weeks (that’s almost three years) passes before those experiencing symptoms of an eating disorder seek help. I think there’s many reasons for this, from not knowing where to get the help from, being afraid of being dismissed or judged to quite simply not recognising the signs.
In a YouGov survey conducted for EDAW, more than one in three adults (34%) in the UK, who gave an answer, could not name any signs or symptoms of eating disorders. Find out more about the signs of an eating disorder.

Research has proven that the sooner someone seeks help for an eating disorder the more likely it is they will make a full, and faster recovery than those who wait. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and looking back I wish I could have made 15 year old me speak up when I first realised something wasn’t right.

The “Why Wait?” campaign is something I strongly believe in. Last year I tackled one of my biggest fears and went in to my old school to talk to students about why it’s so important to seek help sooner rather than later. Public speaking is one of my greatest fears and hurdles but I would do it again a thousand times over if it meant that even one person felt able to speak out.

Tomorrow, Tuesday 27th February Parliament will be debating eating disorders and early intervention and Beat are calling on the Government to extend the current waiting times targets that exist for CAMHS in England, to ensure people of all ages are able to access eating disorder treatment as soon as they need it. I, among many others petitioned their MP to attend and I await the outcome with baited breath.
Lack of services both to children, teenagers and adults still remains the biggest barrier to people getting the help and support they need when they need it most. It should never be a case of needing to reach death’s door before you can access treatment, playing Russian Roulette with your life just to get someone to listen? Not cool.

That being said, I really do believe it’s never too late to reach out. For support, for therapy, for intensive treatment or just to feel less alone.
For anyone who is wondering where to turn to, what to say or where to go then check out the Beat website– you can also find out more about Eating Disorders Awareness week, how to support someone with an eating disorder and how you can fundraise for or support Beat and their important work going forth.


The Right Stripes

I’m in a bit of a Catch-22 when it comes to outfit posts right now, whilst on the one hand the evenings are getting lighter and I’m getting more chance to photograph things, I’m also battling against ever decreasing body confidence and a general lack of inspiration in what to wear on weekends- or rather an overload of things I want to wear and share. Now I’m in work 9-5 the chance to wear casual clothes is becoming a rare thing, and by the time I get home I’m generally so dishevelled and worn out that all I want to sling on is jogging bottoms or pyjamas.

I did manage to squish my demons aside last weekend though and got a few snaps of a dress that made up part of a Pull & Bear order I placed back in January, and actually braving the camera wasn’t as bad as I feared. I really want to get back in to sharing more of my personal style as and when I can, it was all I blogged about when I first started but somehow I fell in to a pit of sponsored content when I wasn’t working and needed the money. Now I no longer rely on my blog for income it’s time to get back to my roots.

Pull & Bear is one of my go-to shops for affordable pieces like this dress, at £12.99 I picked up this striped dress in a floral pattern as well. It’s a bit shorter than I would have liked, definitely a no go for work, but for slightly smarter casual style it’s ideal.

I’ve been avoiding stripes lately (aforementioned body image woes to blame) but this vertical, fine striped print is actually pretty flattering and it makes a nice change to my usual print preferences. I paired the dress with my favourite ankle boots from Banana Republic, some old faithful Primark opaques and my new ruby necklace- a valentines gift from Bob and wore this for a much needed hit of retail therapy with my Mum. Retail therapy that wasn’t overly successful, but mother and daughter time is definitely priceless.

Hopefully as the weather continues to brighten, and as my inspiration and motivation starts to return I can keep up the pace of at least one outfit post a week- let me know in the comments if there are any other directions you’d like to see the blog take. I have a few ideas up my sleeve but have so far lacked time to implement them.


Your Guide to Creating an Aromatic Garden*

Most of us work on our gardens (if we work on them at all) to make them look good, and a beautiful garden is certainly a thing to behold, but in concentrating so much on the aesthetics of our outdoor space many of us miss out on a potentially amazing aromatic experience.

By focusing on planting aromatic herbs in the garden not only can you create a feast for your eyes, but a banquet for your nose too. There’s nothing quite like sitting in the garden on a warm summer’s evening with the smells of a dozen beautiful aromatic herbs wafting in your direction – it’s amazingly pleasing and pretty relaxing.

So, how do you go about growing an aromatic garden? Here are some tips to get you started:

Get a Greenhouse

First of all, if you don’t already have one check out these greenhouse offers and purchase an outbuilding that will enable you to nurture plants and herbs all year round. This will make it easier for you to maintain an aromatic herb garden in the long term.

Use Containers

If you want to keep things as simple as possible, then invest in a few pretty containers and use them to grow your herbs. It’s easier to do this than it is to go digging up your garden if you don’t really know what you’re doing. Just make sure that you’re using the best soil for growing herbs and that your plants have adequate drainage or they might not live very long at all.

Place Herbs in High Traffic Areas

Placing your herbs in areas where you are more likely to brush past them, or they are more likely to be affected by a breeze is a good idea because touch and movement activates the smell of herbs to a greater degree.

Lots of Sun

Most herbs require as much sun as they can get, so keep them out of shady spots, unless they happen to thrive in them (always read the care labels).

Choose the Most Aromatic Herbs

Obviously, if you’re trying to create an aromatic garden you’re going to want to choose the most aromatic herbs you can find. Here are some of the most pleasant smelling herbs that are likely to do well in this country:


Basil has a very relaxing aroma, and it’s great in pasta sauces and pretty much any dish with tomatoes, so it is an obvious choice for the aromatic garden.


It’s debatable whether lavender is actually a herb or a flower, but there is no denying that it has a very strong and pleasing floral smell that is known for its soothing properties. Add it to your borders if you want to have an amazing aromatic experience in the garden.

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm has a fresh, citrusy aroma that melds perfectly with the more earthy aromas of things like Basil and Rosemary. Plant it in your garden, and it will blow the cobwebs away and get you in the summer mood, even when it’s cold outside.

Once your herbs are planted, you’ll have an even better experience in the garden, guaranteed!


Feeling Dreamy

Wow, never in the whole time I’ve been blogging have I had so little time to, well, blog. But then again, never in the whole time I’ve been blogging have I been working proper full time hours so it really shouldn’t have come as such a surprise to me.
I’m just heading in to my second week of actual full time, grown up job hours which may seem like nothing for most people, but to me, this is the first time in my life I’ve had the capacity to do it- I’m both physically and mentally well enough to handle a demanding job and I don’t have to factor in multiple weekly appointments and obligations that previously made full time impossible.I wasn’t even sure I’d have anything to post this week- taking photos and having time to sort them and write a post to go with them has been fairly low on the priority list (that and I’ve been exhausted every evening for the last seven days) but as luck would have it I found a set of photos languishing on my laptop, so ta-da…a blog post.

Top: Monki | Skirt: New Look | Boots: Wallis

I’m starting to find a routine and a bit of a work life balance now so hopefully I’ll be able to improve on my rate of blog posts in the not too distant future. I can’t wait for lighter evenings- both from a getting photos point of view and a feeling less like going straight to bed when I get home from work one.

It took my ages to get round to wearing this Monki top. It was a bit of an impulse buy and I wasn’t sure about the style once I got it home. I’m glad I didn’t return it though, now I’ve given it a chance it’s become a firm favourite and has taught me that I really ought to broaden my horizons when it comes to tops and jumpers.

Hopefully next weekend Mum and I are heading in to Bristol for a much needed catch up (I barely see her these days) and some retail therapy. I’m looking forward to a wardrobe refresh as we approach a new season, and as I can finally justify new clothes. I’m struggling to feel inspired by what I wear lately, my body confidence is through the floor, and my heart sinks every time I think of the weight I still need to gain…hopefully a good spell of girl time with Christmas money at my disposal will help give me a much needed boost on that front. As much as everything else in my life is falling in to place, my internal demons are going wild trying to drag me down and convince me I don’t deserve this. What better way to silence them than with a new set of flattering outfits? Safe in the knowledge that when I outgrow them as my recovery progresses I am now in a position financially to replace them guilt free.

Sorry for such a random assortment of a post, this is the trouble with infrequent blogging I find! Anyway, let me know what’s new with you guys in the comments? I’ll be doing my best to catch up with everyone’s blogs during my evenings this week.


Want To Deck Your Neighbours? Add Privacy To A Garden Instead*

Once upon a time, neighbours lived in relative harmony. Central to the pact was the fact one could relax in peace in their garden. Ah, it was a much simpler time. Then, the couple to the right elected to clear the giant oak tree that had been there for centuries. To the left, the Smith’s new extension has an elevated platform with sumptuous views of your property. All of a sudden, you feel like a regular weekend is turning into an episode of the Truman Show.

Now, lashing out and creating a rift that will last for decades is tempting. In fact, it’s downright cathartic and should carry a doctor’s seal of approval. Sadly, feuding with the Joneses and the Smiths is not a savvy move because it can make life hell. What you want to do is add privacy without crossing the line.

The following is the Fort Knox of backyard privacy advice.

Photo by SUTTIPONG SURAK on Unsplash

Erect A Fence

No one said the tips were going to be subtle or elegant. Regarding a fence, there is nothing delicate about erecting a wooden monstrosity that reaches ten feet into the air. Still, you are well within your rights to build a barrier as long as it doesn’t encroach on their property. And, because it’s a fence, there are no privacy issues for the neighbours on the other side. What are they going to say – they feel like they live in a goldfish bowl?! For a real sense of loneliness, don’t use wooden slats because they leave gaps. Go for panels as the blocks fill all of the space so that no one can see through. You can use a different material but metal is cold and stone is time-consuming and expensive.

Plant For Privacy

Okay, okay, okay – starting a passive aggressive boundary war isn’t in your wheelhouse. Fear not because there are less obvious ways to make a statement. Plants, for example, are thick, luscious, and grow to a very high height. Trees are the same but they take decades to reach their true potential, the lazy gits! What you want to do is choose shrubs which are notorious for being bulky and chunky. That way, it’s hard for anyone to see into through the leaves, stems and vines that merge as one. Where space is tight, consider planting evergreens or privet hedges as they grow in columns. For advice on how to cultivate shrubs, you can check out this instructional video. Remember that planting and adding water are only the basics and there are many more bases to cover.

And Layer Them

Privacy is important but so is the style of the garden. No one wants to live in a house that represents a prison, people. Fences and high hedges imply a ‘you-have-zero-rights’ kind of feel which is a bit depressing, to be honest. The best gardens strike a balance between aesthetics and privacy, and yours can do the same too. Start by planting hedges and shrubs, but put them towards the back of the garden nearest to the boundary. Then, if the plot is big enough, add layers of plants and flowers towards the front and plant them in odd numbers. As they grow, they should create a natural blockade while the flowers add colour and texture. Don’t be tempted to plant too many because they will struggle for space and die. Small gardens will struggle with this method, but larger yards should have the room to pull it off without much fuss.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Block Off The Decking

A modern exterior usually has a garden and then a decking that is separate. Outside spaces are popular these days because homeowners can add a roof and still use the area in the winter. The problem is that the decking is open and everyone can see you enjoy a good book or a family meal. Don’t play around with the format because you want to keep the structure. Instead, consider installing a temporary barrier such as curtains. Yes, a simple rail can obscure the whole neighbourhood’s view of your property and they don’t cost a fortune. There are lots of choices, yet ready made curtains are savvy options as you don’t have to wait. For the lazy homeowners, you can get an automated set that closes with a single press of a button. These are perfect for smart and modern properties which use technology throughout the house.

Elevated Wood

Another option is to take the decking off the ground and put it in an elevated position. Sure, the Smiths and the Joneses will have something to say, especially if they think their privacy is at risk. But, there is no real answer if they already have a feature in their garden which violates your retreat. Plus, it’s harder for them to escalate the issue to the council because the authority might take down both decks. All you have to do is build a platform that lifts the wood off the ground and makes it harder for the neighbours to spy! Or, and this is clever, you can add a balcony to one of the rooms that look out onto the yard. As a rule, terraces aren’t seen as against council regulations and should be legitimate. Don’t be afraid to get sneaky, baby!

Loud Fountains

Remember that privacy isn’t only visual but vocal. You want to be able to speak without being heard, and that isn’t possible when property lines hug. Sadly, there isn’t much you can do but try and mask the sound of your voice. How? You can start by adding water features throughout the area. The sound of H2O should prevent anyone from listening to or being able to hear every word. A tip to keep in mind is that water is louder the farther it falls and travels. So, a tiered fountain can be extra noisy. Just don’t go overboard or else you won’t be able to hear yourself think.

Privacy is pretty simple when you have barriers, curtains and fountains. Do you have any tricks you would like to share?
