Beauty from Within with ION8*

Water Bottle [gifted]

If you’ve read any of my more recent posts you’ll know I’m determined to overhaul my woeful skincare routine and get myself in to good habits. Of course, it’s not just what you put on to the outside that matters…one of the key components to glowing skin is staying hydrated, and this is where I fall down big time.

I drink plenty throughout the day, but it’s all caffeine and never water. I’m trying to change this as much as I am trying to change my laziness at removing makeup and finding a small, portable and environmentally friendly water bottle I can carry with me everywhere was a good starting point.

This 350ml leakproof water bottle from ION8 (£10.99) fits the bill nicely. It also comes in a 500ml size for £11.99 but I find the smaller bottle more practical; it fits in my handbag and therefore I’m more likely to include it in my daily essentials. The bottles come in several gorgeous pastel shades, and would make great gifts come the festive season.

It’s a pretty little bottle too, with it’s frosted finish and smooth opening mechanism that then locks tight when you’re done drinking. I’ve been using this for the last couple of weeks and I’d say I’ve remembered to fill it/drink from it 75% of the time- from someone that is usually found necking a can of pepsi max every couple of hours this is quite big progress; luckily we have a water cooler at work too so I can get easy re-fills throughout the day.

Does anyone have any tips for drinking more water? Leave them in the comments below.

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