Does your cat need to lose weight?*

As with all of us during lockdown, it has become harder to maintain a healthy weight. With limits on physical movement through the lockdowns, social distancing, closed gyms and more it’s no surprise that some of us have put on the pounds. 

Unfortunately, the same goes for our pets and furry friends. With most of us self-isolating at least once during the pandemic, this has caused some of our pets to become less active, more accustomed to laziness and as a result, a little on the tubby side!

There are a few telltale signs that your cat needs to lose weight and if you feel like this is something they might be struggling with at the moment then the following advice is for you. 

As always, do remember to seek medical advice from your veterinarian before proceeding with any dietary changes, as they will always know what is best for your pet.

How do you know if your cat needs to lose weight?

If you’re concerned about your cat’s weight, chances are that you’ve noticed something a little out of the ordinary. If your cat has a bed, you may notice that they’re fitting into it a little differently now. 

Alternatively, you may be noticing changing patterns in their eating habits as well. This may include, but is not limited to: eating more often or very rarely, consuming larger or smaller quantities, throwing up or excessive toilet trips. 

Whichever issue your cat is struggling with, addressing these symptoms the moment you spot them by taking them to the vet is essential for maintaining your cat’s health.

What can you do to help your cat lose weight?

If after addressing any relevant symptoms, a medical professional has indeed advised you that your cat needs to lose weight then don’t worry; there are a whole host of steps you can take to ensure you provide for your cat’s needs, whilst ensuring their health through a weight loss process.

Supporting a cat through weight loss is quite similar to supporting a human through it actually! The main things to focus on are diet, exercise and nutrition.


First off you’ll need to ensure that your cat is getting enough exercise. As much as cats aren’t like dogs and can’t really be taken for walks you can still encourage your cat to go outside and stretch their legs. 

If they are very resistant to going outside you can always invest in some cat toys to try and encourage them to play with you inside. Exercise in small bursts throughout the day can be beneficial for cats to use up a healthy amount of energy.

Diet and nutrition

Of course, there’s diet and nutrition to consider as well. With most supermarket versions of cat food containing hidden sweeteners and additives that your cat definitely doesn’t need, it’s products like these that could well be facilitating your cat’s unhealthy weight gain. 

Experts and vets alike have suggested that a switch to healthier, more nutritious cat food can be a great starting point and usually the most efficient solution to feline weight loss. A popular alternative to the most common cat food brands is raw cat food, a phenomenon that has only recently come on the market and has revolutionised healthier eating for pets.

Where can I buy healthier food for my cat?

If raw cat food sounds like a good alternative for your cat, then one of the best brands for pet owners to look into is Bella and Duke. A brand that has been slowly and carefully cultivating the best recipes for cats, Bella and Duke have taken the raw cat food market by storm with plenty of happy customers. 

You can browse through their website here, where you can find more information about the content of their meals, their delivery and shipping information, as well as how to set up a subscription with them so you’re never caught short; always having got some cat food ready for your cat to eat.

One comment for “Does your cat need to lose weight?*

  1. We had a very overweight cat when I was a child. She used to push the other 6 cats out the way and eat their food so we had to shut her in the bathroom with her food at dinnertime so the other cats could eat undisturbed. She actually lost 40% of her body weight in the end and was a runner up in the Hills Pet Slimmer of the Year!