With only 12 days left until I officially come home, things are getting intense to say the least, and I have never been so grateful for weekend leave!
Many thanks for the kind words on my last weekend post; I had a fabulous time, going to favourite places and spending time with my family.


Tragus piercing; the other girls on the unit got piercings this week on ward trip. I love those girls.


Coffee in Clevedon, it came in individual (and expensive) cafetieres.


New friends



A little walk


And relax.

This weekend, I think is going to be a quiet one. Finalising plans for coming home and learning to become chilled out again.
I might fit in some shopping, I have the bug again. I picked up some somewhat dated now heeled clogs for £6 in Primark this week and need things to wear them with.

Have a great weekend lovelies, whatever you do. I’ll try and get another post up before I go back

So, like I said earlier, I’m being discharged in 18 days! I am so very excited to start afresh with my life,
but also terrified of what it all means.
Things have changed so much over the last 14 weeks and there is so much I want to do and experience now; hopefully as a result this will lead to my blog taking a new direction (though don’t hold me to that, I’m not the best at change!)

It’s been a pretty busy week, starting to tie up loose ends etc. I rewarded my hard work by getting my tragus pierced on Wednesday…one word, OUCH. Another of the girls was going to get hers done too, but changed her mind when she saw my face.

I have a newly decorated bedroom to show off! I only saw it for the first time last weekend, and I am in love. I’m having so much fun buying bits and bobs for it, though it’s costing me a damn fortune.
Shopping is something I’ve done a lot of over the time I’ve been away. Originally clothes, then shoes, and now more random things. I really need a new winter wardrobe but have totally lost touch with trends and what is about in the fashion world.






(naughty naughty smoking on hospital grounds)

…I’ve developed a penchant for coconut cigarettes.



I’m being discharged on the 21st September!

(will try and do a proper post later)