What You Need To Know About Travelling With A Baby!*

It’ll be very stressful and everyone on the plane will hope they’re not sitting next to you – the end! That’s our first thoughts and one of the big reasons why, when we do book a honeymoon it will be within the UK!

That’s a joke, of course; there are many more things for you to know about travelling with a baby. It is going to be pretty stressful, mainly because you’re worried about your baby and want to keep them as happy and quiet as can be – particularly during the plane journey. Once you’re at your destination, things become a bit easier, though you are still juggling your parental duties. 

I know there are plenty of you reading this that have either just had a baby or are approaching your due date. At the same time, you’re also thinking about going on holiday as a family, possibly even during the festive season. It can be a great way to celebrate the birth of your child, but there are some crucial things to know before travelling with a baby…

When is it safe for babies to travel?

It depends on who you ask as different people have different opinions. Airlines will have policies that restrict how young a baby can be on their flights. Most will only allow them on the plane if they are 2 weeks old, though some have policies that let babies that are only a week old on the flight. 

You might be tempted to take your child on holiday as soon as possible, but doctors will suggest otherwise. Instead, a doctor recommends that you let your baby’s immune system develop a bit before they travel. As a general rule, this should be between 3-6 months. It is a good idea to wait for a few months, as this helps you see the health of your baby and if they have any underlying problems to worry about before you travel. 

Do babies need passports?

This might surprise some of the new or soon-to-be parents out there, but your baby does indeed need a passport. You might think that they have to be a certain age to require one, but the truth is that a baby needs a passport from the moment they take their first breath. Let’s say you have your baby abroad and want to get home, you will need to apply for their passport before you can do so. 

Realistically, that predicament won’t be an issue for most people as you shouldn’t travel anywhere near your due date! Even so, be aware that you have to go through the passport application process for your baby before they can travel internationally with you. 

Do babies need visas?

Again, the travel requirements regarding visas are the same for people of all ages, no matter how young they may be. This means that your baby will need to apply for a visa if you are travelling somewhere that requires one. Well, you’ll have to apply on behalf of them, obviously! It can be an extra bit of annoyance, but it has to be done if you want to travel without any issues at the border. 

Similarly, the same rules apply for any schemes or systems in place where visas aren’t required. The most common one is the ESTA for travellers going to the US from the UK. Here, you fill in an application that grants you a visa waiver, meaning you can travel without a visa. The requirements are the same for babies; they will need to have an application filled in for them. 

Do you need to buy a plane ticket for your baby?

If your baby is under 2 years of age, they technically don’t need to have a plane ticket for certain airlines. However, in most cases, you will have to pay some sort of infant charge for them to travel with you. This will be cheaper than a typical plane ticket, and it means your baby can sit on your lap during the flight. It also means that they get a special seatbelt to help secure them in place. 

Alternatively, you can buy a seat for your infant, with some parents bringing car seats to put on the seat next to them. It is completely up to you, though you do have to take the airline’s policy into account. Some airlines will make you pay for a seat even if your baby is on your lap – it just depends on the policies they have in place. 

Can you bring essential baby items onto a plane for free?

Again, it is totally dependent on the airline you’re flying with. For context, EasyJet has a policy that lets you bring two items onboard for free. This includes a travel cot, pushchair, double pushchair, buggy, car seat, pram, booster seat or baby back carrier. 

Most airlines will let you bring your own baby food onto the plane with them, along with your own bottles. They don’t provide sterilised baby bottles for passengers, so keep that in mind. When it comes to bringing liquids on board, you have to look at the airport restrictions. Some relax the rules when babies are involved, letting you bring more than the minimum liquid requirement onto the aircraft. 

This section isn’t the most helpful as it really does depend on so many external factors. You have to check with the airlines and the airport before you travel, so you know what you can bring with you, how much it will cost, and so on. 

The bottom line is that travelling with a baby is fairly similar to travelling with children of any age. They still need passports and visas, you still need to pay for them to be on flights, and so on. However, the main differences revolve around how they sit on the flight, what you’re allowed to bring on with you, and when they should start flying. You’re also going to pack a lot of extra stuff with you when you have a baby, such as changing gear, extra food in your suitcase, etc. One other thing to note: bring ear protection for your baby on the flight. Their ears will be sensitive, and you need to protect them from the sounds of the plane. With all of this taken into consideration, you’re ready to travel with a baby!

One comment for “What You Need To Know About Travelling With A Baby!*

  1. Ellie

    My 2 must haves for travelling with a baby (we took Finlo to Spain when he was 6 months old)…
    Boobies (breastfeeding at takeoff stops their ears popping on the flight too)