Braving Orange

Dress; New Look, Top; H&M, Tights; Superdrug, Shoes; Jeffrey Campbell c/o Sarenza.

Orange is a colour I always assumed I couldn’t wear; I’m too pale and too naturally red headed to carry it off…but sometimes I get carried away by a bargain, and spying this dress in the New Look sale a couple of weeks ago I decided to give it a whirl…and you know what? I kinda like it!

Happy Easter everyone, I hope it’s a wonderful family and chocolate filled day (remember, calories don’t count on days like’s a fact)

(Ben and Natalie, the photo of Mae is for you)


P.S. Sorry for the vast amount of kitty spam lately, we are besotted!

P.P.S. Handbag and Shoe giveaway ends tomorrow!

37 comments for “Braving Orange

  1. Blooming heck you’re up early!!!! This is highly unusual for me to be up this early!!!!
    You look delightful in this dress, what a pretty pretty shade!!! I know what you mean about orange, I’m never sure about it and then it pleases me when I do wear it!!

    Ah the cat is soooo cute! My boyfriend has been cat-sitting for a neighbour and the cat is so attached to him now! She’s mewing at the door at all hours, following him and sneaked in and slept on his bed!!

  2. Your dress is lovely, as is Mae – I’m looking forward to stalking your blog even more now! x

  3. I like it! It really works teamed with the white tshirt πŸ™‚

  4. Great dress, would you mind if I pinned one of these pictures?

  5. Ooh you look lovely! Kinda want to steal that dress from you though :p xx

  6. I love your dress (and your kitty!) cuteness! Xxx

  7. So true… On Christmas, Easter and birthdays there are no calories!


  8. The dress is lovely, it really suits you, I love the colour, so nice and vibrant.

    Jess x

  9. the orange dress really suits you, it was worth trying.

  10. Beautiful dress, in which you look great. Mae is super cute. Bet you will be sad when she goes home.

    X x

  11. Well the dress looks adorable on you, and i dont think it matters about your skin or hair sometimes things just work! I cant really do beige or pale colours that well as they just make me look paler!
    Daisy Dayz
    My Hub Pages

  12. You look lovely πŸ™‚

  13. i love orange but i look dodgy in it so keep it to the accessories! love the boots!

  14. Gros bisous et joyeuses fΓͺtes pascales… sans oublier le minou !

  15. i hope you’re having a great easter too :3 and nice outfit πŸ™‚

  16. Anonymous

    hope you get better soon

  17. orange looks stunning on you hun and I love how you styled it. Happy Easter xoxo

  18. This looks great on you, love the colour!

  19. The dress looks lovely on you πŸ™‚ Hope you’re having a nice Easter!

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk

  20. You look gorgeous!

  21. That dress with the white underneath looks so fresh and flattering! Love the belt for added definition at your waist. Mae is so cute <3

  22. Never apologise for Kitty spam! And the orange dress really suits you!


  23. Love the kitty pics πŸ™‚

  24. You look so lovely, adorable cat too honey! Xx

  25. Mae looks like she is settling in well and making herself very much at home in those photographs! When we first got smokey all she wanted to do for the first couple of days was hide under the bed!

    I love that shade of orange your wearing, some shades can be rather garish and too in your face to pull off but that burnt orange brown colour is lovely.

  26. Love the dress Laura, that colour really suits you πŸ™‚ xx

  27. lovely dress! x

  28. awww Mae is too, too cute! Orange is a gorgeous colour on you πŸ™‚ xx

  29. Love the orange it looks beaut on you, and how sweet is Mae?!!? X

  30. Mae is so so adorable!

    You look great in the dress, the colour definitely suits you!

  31. love this orange dress!! πŸ™‚ x

  32. Love those shoes! Hope you have had a happy Easter xx
    Ella @ Belle Vintage

  33. Who couldn’t be besotted with a cat that cute?! And I really like this outfit Laura, the colours are lovely, and you look gorgeous as ever! xxx

  34. Love the dress,
    but I love the kitty even more! Eek, so cute

  35. CUTE dress! Your cat is adorable fyi.

    Hope you’re well my love πŸ™‚

  36. I love that dress! xxx