Bristol meets Boux

Yesterday I was lucky enough to attend the opening of Boux Avenue’s latest store in Cabot Circus, Bristol. I remember when Boux, owned by Dragon’s Den star Theo Paphitis first launched as online only and wishing they had an actual shop (buying lingerie online is somewhat of a challenge for me) and slowly but surely that wish came true with shops popping up across the country. I literally did a jump for joy when I heard Bristol was getting a piece of the action!
Along with a few of my favourite ladies, at 10:30am we were treated to a press preview ahead of the public…did  Boux live up to the hype?

In a word…YES.
In several words…a well thought lay out with friendly approachable staff and amazing changing rooms (with a choice of three different lightings). A concierge service and a wide range of sizes (from 30A through to 40H in all styles) make Boux Avenue stand out from the rest and all lingerie, pajamas and gifts/accessories have an affordable price point. One thing I especially liked was that the underwear was set out on display for show but instead of fighting with rails, the stock was housed in drawers organised by size, so much easier to get at the goods! We were gifted with a generous gift bag which included a voucher, I shall be heading back to Boux asap to get properly measured and stock up on brilliant bras. I’ve put off being measured for years, but the friendly atmosphere instantly put me at ease and less apprehensive about this up close and personal experience.

I also had the pleasure of a short interview with Theo Paphitis who is really rather lovely and not as scary as his TV persona would have you think. I won’t be sharing that interview on the blog though…on hearing it back I realised I asked nothing of any worth and generally sounded like an idiot!

I think Boux Avenue caters for all tastes, shapes sizes and occasions and would urge everyone to familiarize themselves FAST.

Thank you to Boux Avenue for having us, and big HELLO to all the fabulous blogging ladies I met today.

Outfit: New Look dress, Mexx velvet blazer, Kate Kanzier flats. Really kind of frumpy but hey-ho!

Are you already familiar to Boux? What are your thoughts? Have you visited a store lately, what have your experiences been?


23 comments for “Bristol meets Boux

  1. Ooh, it looks good inside – the idea of everything in drawers (instead of fiddly hangers) sounds great, and I’m impressed that every style/collection goes up to a size 40H. Glad to see you had fun!

    Ship-Shape and Bristol Fashion

  2. Caroline

    As a 32FF girl, this sounds brilliant. Next time im in the city I’ll be taking a look – often all the cutest bras are only in the smaller sizes

  3. You look gorgeous!! Never seen a boux avenue store before, it looks really nice. I love that they do such a huge range of sizes because I really struggle to find bras in my size 🙂 xx

  4. everything looks really nice and elegant!

  5. I’ve been so excited for this to open! Will have to check it out next time I’m in town 🙂 x

  6. I think you look lovely! Love the dress.
    Wish I could have gone, I love Boux and love how pretty the designs are, and the fact they cater for ladies of all sizes.

  7. Oooo I like the look of that shop – reminds me of the company Soma in the US were things are a little more grown up and pretty.

  8. Pretty underwear?! My idea of heaven! Love the dress you wore, it’s gorgeous! And those slippers… Don’t even get me started on slippers. I will get too excited. xx

  9. that outfit is NOT frumpy, you look beautiful- the red in the dress really brings up your new hair, I love the little loafers too <3

    Sounds like you had a great time at the opening

    Thanks for stopping by,
    Claire x

    Mon Cheri

  10. I am going to have to go there I did not even know it had opened in CC. Thanks x

    BTW thankyou for your lovely comments on my blog I know you suffered a similiar tradgedy a while back…hugs xx

  11. A

    You may think frumpy, but I think sophisticated and polished. Love that outfit. : )

  12. love this pics and also your blog! It’s so nice!!! I follow you!
    Pass to my blog and if it likes you follow me too, I will be so glad 😀

  13. I really liked Cabot Circus. We visited it on our Bristol Field Day. It reminded me of The Chimes back in Uxbridge with the two floors. Boux Avenue sounds brilliant, I’ve heard good things and you look really smart Laura, not frumpy at all! xxx

  14. I have never heard of this store but everything looks amazing.

  15. I have brought from them on line and the underwear is fabulous. I would definitely recommend it.

    X x

  16. I didn’t know you were from Bristol?! wish I made it to the Boux opening 🙁 x

  17. You look amazing and not at all frumpy! I LOVE Boux Avenue both online and in store, I just wish they would open one in Cheltenham!

    Maria xxx

  18. When I first read the post, I thought: Is it really what I thought? Then it turned out to be so, actually. OK, it’s a nice invention, may be, but I still can’t understand how it works.

  19. I love the layout of Boux Avenue’s shops with the stock in the drawers, so much easier for finding your size! Sounds like a really fun day and you don’t look frumpy at all!

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk

  20. I don’t think you look frumpy at all!! Gutted I missed the Boux Avenue, missed all the tweets. Been battering on at them to open one up in cabot. I’ll be making a trip soon 😀

    Lucy x

  21. Looks like a gorgeous store.
    Laura, you’re looking absolutely lovely here, so healthy and happy!


  22. Gah. I was invited but was away & couldn’t make it 🙁
    I was a bra fitter during my gap year so I would’ve been interested to see how they did, especially as Invest In Your Chest didn’t rate them too highly.
    Looks like you had a good time though, hopefully I’ll be able to get down there and have a look soon enough.