
Matalan skirt, Superdrug tights, Primark jumper, NewLook cardigan, Jeffrey Campbell shoes c/o Sarenza

So far, this is probably one of the warmest outfits I’ve come up with. I seem to have worn this skirt to death since buying it (the best ยฃ5 I’ve ever spent). Having been off work when the cold weather started it was hard to gauge just how many layers were needed…thankfully it was an admin day for me, so I could test the waters with a more casual approach; and typical for our multi-sited practise, one site was freezing and the other really quite warm!

I’m so glad it’s Thursday, I’ve woken up with a chesty cough and painful sinuses…add to that an all round grumpy mood and it is probably best for everyone that the weekend is almost here. I don’t know what on earth is up with me this week; one second I am a-ok, and the next on the verge of tears or tantrum. Anyone else get like that? How do you cope?

best go get some breakfast in me. I have a feeling it’s going to be a LONG day!


19 comments for “layered

  1. Kim

    Yep woken up the same way today, my office was full of cold yesterday! Swift recovery for both of us is whats needed then!!

    I love this look, I am struggling with the weather too . ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. ยฃ5 well spent! It is super pretty! x

  3. That skirt is gorgeous! LOVE Matalan xxx

  4. Love the cardi! Hope you’re feeling better soon!


  5. I’ve woken up feeling under the weather too, rubbish eh?

  6. D.

    Oh, I get that kind of mood swings in one day, not in a week! You just surround yourself with people you love and get some chocolate in you, it’ll be okay ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. That cardi looks lovely and cosy, perfect for this horrible weather!

    Gillian x

  8. Hope you feel better soon – your outfit looks so cosy and warm x

  9. Love this outfit, the skirt and cardi are amazing, and of course the boots are fab! X

  10. I really do love that skirt! ๐Ÿ˜€ xx

  11. Oh poor you Laura! I’ve also got this wretched lurgy and I got really cross having to shout at my horrible class this afternoon for 16 children forgetting their homework when throat was so raw! I sympathise! I do like those shoes. I wasn’t so sure about them when I saw the first picture of them, but they look lovely on!
    Yes, gauging how much to wear is really hard. Yesterday, I wore tights under leggings with socks under boots and then tops under dress with cardie on top and I was roasting!!!!
    Take care,

  12. Those colours look great on you. Such a pretty skirt and an amazing bargain.

    Yes the cold and the dark really gets me down in the winter. I have to make a really concious effort to keep smiling.

  13. love your layered look, I just add more layers unitil I can’t fit any more on.
    Def hearing you on the ups and downs ๐Ÿ™

  14. Anonymous

    The shoes!!! The shoes!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
    Sorry to hear you haven’t been well dear. I get like that too when there’s a sudden weather change or I’m not getting enough sleep.

    ^And when I get in that slump, I realize I need ‘me’ time. I listen to some favorite tunes, watch a film, paint my nails, take a long bath, or any other thing that soothes my soul. ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. I Loveeee those boots, you look awesome as always ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Love the skirt teamed with the cardi, such lovely colours and textures xxx