This Old Thing

An outfit consisting of old favourites; Dress (last year’s) and Denim Shirt (at least 3 years old) from New Look, Tights from Accessorize. Shoes Buffalo c/o Sarenza.

Even Mae is fed up of this stupid rain, she is refusing to go out, preferring instead to run laps of the house and generally cause havoc. Rain is such a mood killer, I wish my parents had packed me in their case and took me to Menorca with them!

Off to work for the morning, then this afternoon I’m planning a cooking/baking session, it has been far too long and I have free reign of the kitchen for another six days…


25 comments for “This Old Thing

  1. The rain is awful! wish I was heading off for sunnier climes:) happy baking!

  2. Baking and a pretty dress is a fantastic way to try to beat the weather blues!


  3. baking is possibly the best thing to do when the weather is foul. love your shoes!

  4. Lovely outfit! Enjoy your baking session – cake is just what we need in this miserable weather =)

  5. like the layering – it is the only way to cope with the hideous weather! baking seems like best distraction xxx

  6. I love your dress; it’s great to make outfits out of old favourites.

  7. Poor Mae I’m sick of the rain too!!

  8. I’m sick of this weather too! Hope you enjoy your baking session!

  9. I have that dress! You have fabulous taste, dahlink! πŸ˜‰


  10. Love those tights – the colour is great! Enjoy having free rein of the kitchen!

  11. I totally have that three year old denim shirt from New Look! We were clearly ahead of the trend! Rain is definitely a mood killer, especially when it has been raining for about ten days! No fair! X

    Rosie | A Rosie Outlook

  12. Goooorgeous as ever. X x

  13. Lol your cat is so cool, she has serious attitude. You look like a model!

  14. The rain ruins everything but at least you are doing something and fun and productive with your time like baking! Your cat is cute and you can’t go wrong with a denim shirt in an outfit post…such a classic!

    Gemma x

  15. You can’t beat a bit of baking.. especially when it’s raining! Love the denim shirt.. I’ve been looking for one forever but can never find one that looks right.. I might have to cave and buy the topshop one I saw!

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk

  16. Love this outfit, it’s so relaxed and pretty. Also how gorgeous is that cat!!!


  17. Baking sounds amazing, I need some yummy goodies!

    Maria xxx

  18. Baking is definitely the best way to enjoy this weather! It feels like winter πŸ™ where has the summer gone?! I’ve got to do some baking this weekend. You’ve inspired me and made me happy at the thought of baking already πŸ˜€ xo

  19. Baking is always too fun! And that dress is so lovely.

  20. So pretty , simple and so beautiful.

  21. How is it that you can get away with any colour tights! Lovely colour x

  22. Really enjoying the shirt over dress look, very nice, and probably weather appropriate if it’s anything like here!

    Loving Mae’s expression, that pretty much sums it up.

  23. Could Mae get any cuter xxx

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