zig zagging

Dress: c/o Laura Ashley
Cream lace tee: New Look
Tights: Primark
Shoes: New Look (old)
Headband: Gift
When Laura Ashley tweeted this Zig Zag print dress I fell in love. Being the friendly bunch they are (I can vouch for this having met them) they offered to send me one to style up. Before it arrived I had high hopes I’d get some decent pictures outside on a sunny day but when it came down to it I realised that a) the weather was not on my side and b) I don’t have a photographer, so kitchen it was. Sometimes I really wonder what category of blogger I fall in to, I mean, I love fashion but don’t seem to have the style that others do; it still baffles me as to why so many people seem to like what I do!
This dress is a great trans-seasonal piece. Perfect now teamed with tights and a tee- this lace front one was a mere Β£9.99 in New Look but it will do equally as well in the height of Summer with bare arms and legs and some chunky sandals. This alone somewhat justifys the Β£80 price tag; that and the fact Laura Ashley pieces are an investment that will never date and you have yourselves a bargain. You’ll find me trawling ebay for more pieces to add to my one piece collection and trying to hold out for the next sale.
Are you a Laura Ashley fan? I feel like I’ve let the team down with such dire styling and photographical skills but I can guarantee you’ll be seeing a lot of this dress on the blog so I shan’t dwell too much just yet. Maybe by the time the sun does shine I’ll have found myself a personal photographer and have moved away from the kitchen…

For more inspiration and news from Laura Ashley check out their fabulous blog.


20 comments for “zig zagging

  1. Super pretty dress, zig zags are so cute.

  2. It looks gorgeous and you have styled it really well. People love your blog as you have a really nice style that is obtainable for us if we want to recreate it. You are easy to relate to (not stand offish aloofness that some ‘high fashion’ bloggers can have) there is no snobbery on your blog and you adore the great British high street which is win for me. Also you connect with your readers and reveal to us parts of your life and open up to us. You have a lot going for your blog and I can see why so many people read it.

    This dress will look amazing in Spain πŸ™‚ you can get loads of photos then in the sunshine and with someone else taking the photos.

    I love Laura Ashley and always feel their clothes are worth the price tag. You will have that dress for years I promise you πŸ™‚

    Have a nice Thursday lovely

    Janine xx

  3. Love this, the print & fit of the dress is perfect. I’ve never really ventured into Laura Ashley to look at clothes but I love their homeware.

    Re blogging: sure fancy pictures are pretty to look at but it’s the content that makes people stay & like Janine said, you connect with your readers!

  4. That dress is gorgeous – you’re great at styling for winter x

  5. Anonymous

    Love this outfit, you look amazing in that dress!! xx

  6. Really cute! And I’ve always wanted something by Laura Ashley as well, though this might also have to do a bit with the shared name(I bet that’s part of why you love it too, am I right?).

    Anyway, you look beautiful! And I also love that lace tee you’re wearing underneath<3


  7. So lovely! The print is amazing x

  8. You have not let them down. You don’t need a photographer or a pretty background to show off how lovely this dress is! You have styled it really well.

    Corinne x

  9. Great dress, I think you’ve styled it really well with those boots, which a beautiful by the way xxx


  10. I don’t think your styling could ever be referred to as dire lovely. The dress is stunning!

  11. A lovely outfit. I really like the dress and the headband looks great!

  12. I think what I like best about your blog is that your style is different to other bloggers’, but it’s accessible and shows your (clearly very sweet) personality. So that’s why I keep coming back! I think this looks so good, I say repeat this outfit in the summer to fulfil your dream of photographing it outside.

  13. How amazing do you look in that gorgeous dress love! So pretty! It’ll be gorgeous in summer too when we HOPEFULLY get a bit of warmth!


  14. Lovely chevron dress. Absolutely beautiful!



    I would really love for you to enter this. There are only 4 more days to enter:

    Be featured on Stylishly In Love: If you would like a chance to be featured on my fashion blog, then email me (stylishlyinlove@gmail.com) a picture of your go-to outfit for Valentine’s Day. In honor of Valentine’s day I will be featuring 14 bloggers. Make sure to email me by February 11th.
    Thank you.

  15. Your niche is that your sense of style is so natural and imaginative without being too OTT… does that make sense? You experiment whilst still making every ensemble wearable… lots of bloggers prance around in their heels then shove a onezie on and it’s not realistic lol! Looking looooovely πŸ™‚ β™₯ Claire @ Jazzpad

  16. Love this dress and the shoes. The dress really suits you. x

  17. I like that dress on you, it’s a great print. I’ve actually not bought anything from Laura Ashley, but some of you guys have acquired some amazing pieces from there lately!

  18. How unusual! I lust after all their homeware but never really think of looking at their clothes, so cute!

    The Style Rawr!

  19. That dress is very lovely indeed. I adore Laura Ashley xxx

  20. Love this dress. I’m a big Laura Ashley fan (love patterns!) xx