lusting after liberty

MAC’s Give Me Liberty collection has got my heart racing, I’m desperate for a few pieces for my Birthday, does anyone know if/when it’ll be available on the UK website?

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Pictures from ELLE

Hope everyone had a great Easter, and that you aren’t in a sugar coma today


Wow, April…a good month usually, Easter and sunshine and Birthdays (including my own). I’m ready for some good times.
I hope nobody was made to be an April Fool yesterday, did you play any tricks yourself?

This will be my last post till Monday as I have a busy weekend ahead with plans for going out with my Mum today, work tomorrow and it being Easter Day AND my “little” Brother’s 21st Birthday on Sunday
and all I have to show for myself is a non too exciting outfit from yesterday.




I might not do jeans, but I sure love denim in other forms!

[photo: weheartit]

Anyway, for those of you who celebrate Easter, I hope the bunny treats you well 😉
For those who don’t…have a fabulous weekend regardless!

What’s your favourite Easter treat?
Gotta be Cadburys mini eggs here.

(and a massive thank you to everyone for your kind, kind words on my last post, I promise to try and catch up with commenting over the holiday)
