
Wow, April…a good month usually, Easter and sunshine and Birthdays (including my own). I’m ready for some good times.
I hope nobody was made to be an April Fool yesterday, did you play any tricks yourself?

This will be my last post till Monday as I have a busy weekend ahead with plans for going out with my Mum today, work tomorrow and it being Easter Day AND my “little” Brother’s 21st Birthday on Sunday
and all I have to show for myself is a non too exciting outfit from yesterday.




I might not do jeans, but I sure love denim in other forms!

[photo: weheartit]

Anyway, for those of you who celebrate Easter, I hope the bunny treats you well ๐Ÿ˜‰
For those who don’t…have a fabulous weekend regardless!

What’s your favourite Easter treat?
Gotta be Cadburys mini eggs here.

(and a massive thank you to everyone for your kind, kind words on my last post, I promise to try and catch up with commenting over the holiday)


129 comments for “02.04

  1. You really suit denim ๐Ÿ™‚ Love it paired up with those wonderful tights.

  2. Love your denim dress ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hope you have a great Easter weekend – mini eggs are definitely a favourite in my house too, although we don’t really ‘do’ Easter..

    Consider yourself entered into my giveaway – good luck ๐Ÿ™‚

    Oh, & thanks again for the music code!


  3. love this little denim dress! no april fools tricks for me… i totally forgot about it! whoops. ohh… favourite easter treat? cadbury mini eggs… and to be honest, any chocolate i can get my hands on! have a lovely weekend! xx

  4. I can’t wait to get my usual Kinder egg (the big one of course^^) but as I’m still in England for Easter and my family is not I’ll have to wait before I celebrate it properly!
    Do you guys look for chocolate eggs in the garden as we do in France? haha it’s just for children actually but it never gets old to me ๐Ÿ˜€

    have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Kinder Eggs… or Creme eggs!

  6. I have my bday in April, too! ๐Ÿ™‚ which day is yours?
    you look lovely by the way.
    happy Easter, darling Laura.

  7. Beautiful look
    I like your denim dress

  8. I really want a denim dress in some shape or form, I used to have about 10 when I was a child.

    Sounds like you’re going to have a fun easter weekend, I’m working it all!

    My favourite easter treat is those new malteaser bunnies. I could eat 5 in a row if I was allowed!

    Love, Amy Marie.

  9. pretty! I also kinda love the wallpaper and the art hanging in the corner there ๐Ÿ™‚

    Oooh, when is your birthday? I just had mine!

  10. Ahhh, it has to be mini cream eggs over here. Can’t get enough of those little blighters!

    You look fab, as always ๐Ÿ™‚

    Katie xox

  11. Those tights are too cute!

  12. I love the:
    … tights
    … wallpaper
    … lilies in the tall crystal vase
    … pretty girl in the pictures =)

  13. Love the outfit!
    Isn’t it weird when your little brother becomes 20! Was so strange for me.
    Any egg given to me I enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚ my grandparents used to hide eggs all round the garden for us to find when we were little! Have a wonderful easter =)

  14. yay! my bday is on the 8th.
    my Easter bunny said she (yes, it’s a female of course) ๐Ÿ™‚ wants to send something to you (for Easter and for your bday!), so watch the post, lovely :)))

  15. Your tights are really pretty, and yes. I did go and make an April Fool of myself. I have a penchant for that.

  16. love ur outfits, esp ur tights!
    I don’t celebrate ester so I’m spend all my days at home, cleaning my dirty bedroom ๐Ÿ™‚


  17. I almost forgot to wish you a Happy Easter! Do you colour Easter eggs and have Easter Egg hunts? Hope yours is fun.

  18. I heart ur denim soo much

  19. Cream Eggs..god i love those..WITH a cup of tea however! Just heard that victoria hart is closing her blog down-gutted. I know you’re a fellow reader of hers. Have a good easter!

  20. hi hon, thanks for your words. i will be alright – i’m about to get a big dose of family this weekend, which could sort of be a make me or break me kind of situation, but hopefully good things will come from it.

    hope you’re well… have a happy long weekend. xo.

    ps – i love those tights.

  21. I love your tights, such a lovely pattern and colour. Happy Easter and I hope you have a good weekend. I have a very busy weekend too.

  22. Hey Daisy ๐Ÿ™‚

    LOVE those tights!! Happy Easter to you as well! This SUnday, I’ll just be enjoying smiles with the family ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a fab day ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. Cadbury cream eggs all the way. Hope you have a good weekend!

  24. Such a cute denim dress! My favourite Easter treat must be hot cross buns. None of the chocolatey stuff does it for me.

  25. Have a fabulous weekend, gorgeous!

    I love Cadbury mini eggs too ๐Ÿ™‚


  26. Happy Easter, hope you get lotsa choccie eggs. Yum yum.

    And love the tights.

    And and happy birthday to the brother.


  27. Beautiful denim dress!
    Have a great holidays and happy Easter for you darling! :]


  28. Mmm creame eggs – gorgeous and so yum! Enjoy your Easter!

  29. ak

    definitely a great alternative to jeans


  30. The denim shirt is so cute! Love those beautiful calla lillies. Hapy Easter honey xx

  31. love the tights! i work in a chocolatier’s and they were nice enough to give me a free egg ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. another gorgeous pair of tights!

    so proud of you for the decisions your making at the moment my love. i know its not easy, but hang in there and together we can do this ๐Ÿ™‚

    thinking of you <3

  33. Have a lovely weekend ! I am also a fab of April… the start of better weather, my birthday and it is that one step closer to summer!Oh when is your birthday exactly !?

  34. Love your dress!Have a great weekend:)


  35. Give me cadburys creme eggs any day! I love them! I also really like your dress, I saw a similar style dress when I was shopping today but I was really cold and not in the mood to taske my clothes off and try it on! Maybe another time.

  36. Beautiful outfit, I especially love your tights.

  37. love that dress x

  38. Plaid tights with a denim shirt? So cute!

  39. Aww when is your birthday ? ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Easter ! Haha . Love the tights you wore , so cool ! xoxox

  40. nice you look awesome ๐Ÿ™‚

  41. Luv ur outfit and the pics!! Happy Easter! xxx

  42. Love the dress! And the tights are so cool!


  43. Rawr to the leggings! I sooo love it!

    Happy Weekend! Oh and please check my giveaway on:
    Absolutely Fabulous

    See you around!

  44. Hope your easter weekend goes well!

    I got played April fools on ๐Ÿ™

    My favourite Easters treat is a big ass chocolate egg. YUM!


  45. hey you lovely girl ๐Ÿ™‚ love the dress and the thigts. happy Easter to you to and lots of fun for the weekend. these chicks look so cute, my “little” brother (23) collects them from childhood, and wee always laugh at thier funny face expressions ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. Laura, do you have an email address that I can contact you at? because I am considering making my blog by reader invite only and the way to do this is by using email addresses? Not sure but just a thought I have had.

  47. I loveeee these tights.
    Wishing you a wonderful Easter weekend

  48. this dress is a dream!!! Where did you buy it? Please, can you reply me in a comment at my blog? Thanks dear! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  49. I love that dress on you with the plaid tights. Its like the Brooklyn-hipster flannel top/jeans combo but reversed!
    My favorite Easter treat is dark chocolate pastel M&M’s. CANT GET ENOUGH!

  50. love, love that dress xo

  51. Happy, Happy Easter, my love! And wish your brother a Happy Birthday from me, as well!

    I’m with you…Cadbury Mini Eggs are the greatest; I wish I had some now!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  52. i love the denim dress, its seems to be the trend.


  53. happy easter to you=))

  54. in response to your response: THE UK HAS THE BESSSST CANDY EVER. are they called smarties? those things with the chocolatefrom nestle that are just giant m&ms but like 100 times better. ughh i die.

  55. I really love your denim shirtdress… Happy Easter to you my dear!

  56. The demin dress is very pretty on you, however, I think one should add a spot of colour at the neckline, thought?;-)

  57. Love your tights! And enjoy your Easter weekend!

  58. Loving light blue denim these days, and that shirtwaist dress with plaid tights is perfect.

    re: chocolate Easter eggs, my all time favourite are the small pastel coloured ones with the kind of thin hard eggshell coating. I don’t know what they’re called but I eat them year round (they might be by Cadbury actually). Come to think of it: we need some right here, right now!

    re: your previous post, I just sat down and read thru all the comments. They all echoed what I feel: your health comes first. Don’t worry about us. Hope you’re having a lovely weekend. xox

  59. you’re soo soo soo pretty its unbelievable! hope you have a lovely easter, those chicks are just the cutest thing ever!
    lots of love


  60. I love that denim dress! ….but since I haven’t been over here in a while, I noticed some changes in your physical appearance and had to scroll down to see if you wrote about it …which you did, and I’m glad you’re talking about it because quite frankly, I was worried for you. I wish I could say something to help you …but I know that’s not really how it works. I wish you good health though and happiness and hope you find peace with yourself soon ๐Ÿ™‚ {and I’m sorry if I’ve said too much} Happy Easter!

  61. Happy Easter! I love the plaid tights, they look amazing on you.

  62. What fab tights.

    I really hope April is a good month for you ๐Ÿ™‚


  63. I love the interior design elements behind you. I’m beginning to decorate a new apartment, so that’s all I have on the brain.
    Thank you for keeping up on commenting, even though I’ve been majorly slacking. Sorry!
    My favorite easter treat is, hands down, Cadbury mini eggs too!!!
    Have a nice Easter!

  64. There is NO ONE who does tights better than you! I always love all the interesting tights you wear, so amazing ๐Ÿ˜‰

  65. You’re lucky that your birthday is in april. I love your denim dress

    -The Trendy Fashionista

  66. love the denim shirt sis! and happy easter! have fun with all those family gatherings!

    itยดs kinder chocolate eggs here!


  67. gotta love denim ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m craving some Cadburys mini eggs myself..

    eclectic du jour

  68. Nice outfit! I like the denim dress ๐Ÿ™‚

  69. i love those tights! no jeans? ever??

    happy easter!

  70. i love those tights! no jeans? ever??

    happy easter!

  71. i love those tights! no jeans? ever??

    happy easter!

  72. i love those tights! no jeans? ever??

    happy easter!

  73. i love those tights! no jeans? ever??

    happy easter!

  74. J.

    OOh, I love your dress!!

  75. Jen

    i love the classic shirt dress look ๐Ÿ™‚
    and happy easter!!!

  76. I think I need a chambray shirt dress now…. Happy easter! (I don’t celebrate but am appreciating the influx of chocolate at the store!)

  77. happy early birthday! I can’t get over those leggings! and those chicks…so cute!

  78. i love the chambray dress!

    so what is with the book thing? my parents (easter bunny) always used to give me a book with my easter basket. is that a tradition? i freaked when u mentioned books, because i have never heard of anyone else doing books for easter. crazy.

    have a great weekend gorgeous.


  79. Great outfit! Happy Easter!

  80. Loving the shirtdress!

  81. Happy Easter to you too ๐Ÿ™‚

  82. CL,

    i adore the denim, light denim is my fave at the moment ๐Ÿ™‚ gorgeous tights, too! those little chickens are the cutest ๐Ÿ˜‰

  83. Denim dress? So cute!


  84. What cool tights, love how they go with denim! Happy 21st BDay to your brother, how exciting ๐Ÿ™‚ Mine is going to turn 21 too this June!..

    Hope you’re having a great weekend!

  85. I love those little Easter chickens! I didn’t get any this year!!!

  86. love the denim
    and those chicks are too cute!
    happy easter!


  87. Love the denim dress! And the pom pom chicks are adorable too. Happy Easter! x

  88. And yet another pair of beautiful tights. Your dress looks nice too. Must be very comfortable.
    Happy Easter!

  89. Mat

    thanks for the sock support, socks are very much my thing and have always been. why wouldn’t anyone wear nice socks? esp boys.

    well it’s nice to keep it simple sometimes isn’t in, things you feel comfy in, makes you feel nice doesn’t it. thanks for checking back at my blog a lot and for your comments, glad i have a new “buckets” supporter

    happy easterings

  90. happy easter wknd honey!
    pretty denim dress, like with the tartan tights

  91. If you sent me Smarties I would send you ANYTHING you wanted from the US!!!!!!!!

  92. So cute! I love the funky stockings!
    Happy Easter!

  93. Ooh, happy Easter my dear! I just came from an awesome vacation, so I can safely say that April is a good month for me too! ๐Ÿ˜€

    *hugs* You look lovely as usual in your outfit pics. <3 Love the tights, hehe.

  94. Happy easter pretty girl. x

  95. Hello beautiful model!
    I really like your denin dress and those tights are chic!

  96. I played a few tricks on April Fool’s day.. haha.
    And Cadbury mini eggs are definitely my favorite! I bought a big bag of them a few days ago ๐Ÿ™‚

  97. Happy Easter lovely girlie. As always, you have the best tights!


  98. Hey Lauara, sorry for not catching up with your blog, have had a bit of a difficult few days, but I just want to say in regards to your last post, there is always support out there for you as well as your wonderful followers who offer you lovely comments too. Life can be pretty harsh sometimes, but there are always good things to come. Thanks for the comments as always! Happy Easter! xxx

  99. happy almost birthday! my birthday is in April too, infract it’s tomorrow! I hope you have a lovely easter!

  100. love love love your denim dress! Happy Easter!!!

  101. Great outfit, especially like the tights:) Have a nice easter!

  102. u’re so shiny, i love it *-*
    great blog, i’m fall in love!

  103. Darling, I’m back!!! I just couldn’t be without blogging…Love your denim dress and those tights, they’re so cute!!
    Many kisses for you :***

  104. Love it! Your tights collection is just never ending! Hope you’ve had a lovely Easter!

  105. MJ

    Ooh I like that shirtdress! I hardly ever wear jeans either…

  106. I love your denim shirt! U look so pretty! Happy easter

  107. Simple and efficient. Denim can be worn in so many different forms.

    I’m not a big treat eater. But I did have a wonderful Mai-Tai cocktail – it made this day sweet!

  108. Oh I love your jean button down dress! How gorgeous! And you could do so much with it too. Classic. As for April fools…. I definitely got tricked. But I find jokes funny when they don’t really hurt anyone. I laughed my head off when it happened to me! I’m an april baby too…. gotta love your birthday month.


  109. ooh I’m an april birthday too, yay!
    when’s yours? x

  110. Nice tights, love how it matched.

  111. My hubbyยดs B-day is in April as well รฑ_รฑ

    I left you a blog award on my blog:


  112. Lovely!
    denim could be the best invention ever…in fashion that is!

  113. Great and delightful outfit! Love it!

    Hope you having a fabulous Easter dear Daisy!

    Cheers: Evi

  114. cadbury creme eggs!!

    Happy Easter xoxox

  115. Girl, how can you not do jeans?! lol!

    Shirt dress is wicked ๐Ÿ™‚

  116. your outfit is amazing !such fusion checked tights and jeans dress is very nice !

  117. you look so nice in that denim dress!
    hope you had a lovely Easter!

  118. Denim girl, you look good:) Loving It.

  119. I used to love those little pipe-cleaner chicks! I don’t know why.

  120. This shirtdress is so cute, it looks great on you!

  121. im all about the cadbury cream eggs mmm:)
    i love the tights, and that little pipecleaner chicky picture melted my heart haha.

    hope your easter was happy ๐Ÿ™‚

  122. I love that dress. I was looking for a denim one for ages and finally found it.