30.11 grey

Wow, I can’t believe it is the last day of November, how scary is that? In a months time, Christmas will be over and we’ll be getting ready to celebrate the coming of a New Year, and indeed, a new Decade. Has anyone got plans already? I wish I could say I have…but I don’t. We tend to decide at the last minute what we’re going to do.

Finally we have a break in the rain today, but it is so cold, my outfit is made up of lots of layers and my faithful thermal tights.




Tomorrow, I’ll be marking the start of the festive month by hosting my first giveaway on this blog; so make sure you check back.

75 comments for “30.11 grey

  1. love the dress ๐Ÿ™‚ miserable weather here, too..Loving the Alice-inspired necklace of the last post, any chance of a similar one?
    char xx

  2. omg those socks! they made the outfit for me ๐Ÿ™‚

    comfy looking cardi too!

  3. What a cute dress, love the print!! And the socks are too adorable!!

    Can’t believe the year is ending already, it scares me sometimes how fast time flies! I’ll get to celebrate Christmas and New years with my bf whose coming home soon, yay:)

  4. Hello beautiful,
    how are you? I know the days has just flied by. At work…only 3 weeks until my holiday:) I love Christmas time esp with the family. I work new years until 20.30… not sure how we are celebrating it this year. have a great day xxx

  5. Love the clever layering honey. hope you have a yummy day.

  6. zurmi

    where is that dress from?????
    i’m in love!!!!hehehe

  7. ohh I will go out for a dinner and then to a club I think, but still not sure. I know October and Novemebr just disappeared on my calendar!!!

    Have a nice day! Here it’s so rainy!!! Awful weather!

  8. grey looks so good on you! where has november gone? It does feel quick…

  9. I love your dress, I want it!

  10. Oh you look so pretty! Well done on making such an effort on a day that calls for long socks and loads of layers!
    Vix xxx

  11. that dress is amazing! absolutely love it. its not going to be in your giveaway is it? haha ๐Ÿ˜‰

    we dont have any plans yet either – couple of xmas parties but other than that we tend to plan as we go along like you do. adds an element of mysetery to the season, non?

    enjoy your monday!

    hannah xo

  12. You have the best style! Love this dress!

  13. Love what you’re wearing. Its definitely all about the layers right now. I can’t believe Christmas is so close now!

  14. your cardi does look cosy i must say
    oh shit is it really that near?
    my goodnesssss.

  15. I don’t have any plans for Christmas too… I’ll spend it with my friends, I suposse! I should decorate my house…

    Charming in grey!!

  16. Lovely outfit ๐Ÿ™‚
    Today was nice for once, the sky looked really cool when the sun was setting. Was so so cold though I had my hat, scalf and gloves on and lots of layers.
    oooo looking forward to tomorrows post =)

  17. Your dress is so cute!

  18. Nice outfit..I think that I will celebrate the new year with some friends, we will eat together and we will play the whole nigh

  19. ooh giveaway! exciting! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love the dress, so pretty and retro.

    And i know, last day of november is crazy! Feels like only yesterday it was august ๐Ÿ™ but its long gone! x

  20. I like the cute little socks peeking over the tops of your boots!

  21. you look amazing, darling!
    thanks for the e-mail, you are a star :))

  22. great print on the dress!!

  23. RE: thanks! I think it helped, it went quite well ๐Ÿ˜‰

  24. Fantastic dress, darling! You look lovely!


  25. the dress is fab

    i tagged you in my new post =]


  26. MJ

    SO not looking forward to Christmas – it’s come up far too soon!


  27. Aha your boots and legwarmers are so cute! Looking forward to the giveaway :] x

  28. ๐Ÿ™‚ that outfit is amazing, I love the colours in it. The weather is getting so cold isnt it? Best to wrap up warm ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. Hmm Im not sure if it posted my comment sohere we go again!
    That outfit is just amazing,I love the colour combination. The weather is getting really cold isnt it? Best to wrap up warm, xox

  30. The dress is so cute ! I like it

  31. ohh you look so cute in that!! ^ ^ love your dress girl!

  32. Jen

    Those socks poking out of your boots are so cute! Love all the shades of grey, too.

    In a month’s time I’ll be celebrating my 24th birthday. Yay!

  33. mini dresses and long warm cardigans…love it ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. Those socks are absolutely adorable!!

  35. love the cardi-so cute xo

  36. Cutie outfit!!
    Was nice to see you at my tea party – thanks. Hope you had a lovely time ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. grey! somehow, november is grey in my mind (even though this year it was bright sunny yellow all the way…)

    no xmas plans yet, it will all be last minute as u said;)

  38. Fab socks, so so cute. I can’t believe how fast the year has gone! x

  39. ooh, i looove the comfotability in thios look, sooo sweet and cozty
    esp. yuor sweater cardi- looove
    hey- what is the whole save luella thing about? whats happening??? ๐Ÿ™

  40. Oooh giveaway, excited much?! And ooh your outfit is so lovely! โ™ฅโ™ฅ

  41. love the pairing.. a long cardi is always perfect.

  42. omg! i love your socks! :)))

  43. Anonymous

    Ooo! The socks! Very pretty. No plans as of yet for Christmas really…Just family stuff. ๐Ÿ™‚ -Feather

  44. I like the grey colour combo in your outfit.

    I know, it’s scary when you think about how time flies! It’s December already (here)!

  45. ooh your cardigan looks so cozy. i won a giveaway from your blog ๐Ÿ˜› although it was edible goodies! yum… xoxo

  46. I know, I can’t believe it’s december already! CRAZY!

    I really like your dress!

  47. Eri

    Hi honey, your dress is so gorgeous! I just wish I could see your shoes better. They seem lovely too.
    I can’t belive it has gone so fast, soon my blog will be a year old!

    Take care and see you soon.

  48. that sweater looks so cozy. and thermal tights? what a genius idea! why don’t I have a pair?

  49. very cute!
    oversize sweater is a must right now!

    love your blog!

    pls come visit mine if you like!



  50. Gorgeous dress! Reminds me of Marimekko.

  51. i am thankful we still have sunny days here. you look so comfy and cute.

  52. I like the pattern on your dress. I can’t wait until New Years. I haven’t got anything planned but I’m sure I’ll end up doing something.

  53. I love gray, and so, I love this outfit!

  54. well.,.love fab boots,nice cardigan and adorable dress <333


  55. cute dress!
    and thanks for the greeting ๐Ÿ™‚


  56. I love this dress!!!!


  57. gorgeous dress dear!

  58. Gorgeous outfit! I usually leave my NYE plans to the last minute too…there’s always a million parties that people invite me to, but sometimes I just don’t feel like going…two years ago, I stayed in by myself and watched A Corpse Bride – best NYE ever! Last year, I ended up fighting with my then-boyfriend because I fell asleep before 12 haha, so he sulked off back to his room and gave me the silent treatment the next day!


  59. hmmm I’ve been missing out on your posts!

    what a lovely dress, and I like the cardigan too!


  60. Mmm,monchrome slouchiness.

  61. omg … this is such a beautiful monotone outfit, loveeee it, xx

  62. i so love those ribbon socks you have on!

  63. What a super cute outfit! Love that dress. The pattern is great!

  64. Lovely look, especially the socks with boots!

    P.S.: Check out my newer giveaway! (if U have a mood) Are you ready a winter party, Honey? ๐Ÿ˜€ Enter!


  65. Laura! You’ve made me love the color gray even more than I already had! I’m completely obsessed with your dress. Can I have it? ๐Ÿ™‚

  66. your dress is very cute, you have very good taste, girl ๐Ÿ˜‰

  67. love this look!!

  68. such a pretty print ๐Ÿ™‚

  69. jtz

    omg I’ve got the exact same dress in blue- ยฃ3 on sale in h&m-i love it, its sooo comfortable!

  70. this dress is incredible! so cute and autumnal, I love it.


  71. This is so gorgeous!

  72. Whoops I missed the giveaway. Ah well! I snoozed so I lost. Just over two weeks until Christmas. It’s flown by!

  73. Ouahhh!!! cette robe dรฉchire je l’aime beaucoup sur toi