what weekends were made for

– USA style snacking…those lucky charms bars are AMAZING

– Girls night out…certainly an interesting one! Thanks M and B for the epic time

– “Day after the night before” presents to myself…who can resist a half price coat? £17.50, I think so!

– Presents; glittery shoes from Mum, chocolate penguins from Trudi…I’m loved!

What have you been up to?


P.S .Don’t forget to tweet your vote for the Sarenza competition! You could win £800 worth of shoes yourself! All you need to do is tweet the following:

My vote for the @SarenzaUK comp goes to @daisychaindream #SarenzaUKstyle

39 comments for “what weekends were made for

  1. Looks like you had a lovely weekend 🙂 Amazed you were feeling sprightly enough to go shopping the next day!! The coat looks a really nice shape [& price!]xx

  2. Looks like a fab weekend, that coat is beautiful. x

  3. Looks like an fab weekend 🙂
    yes, you ARE loved – and that is awesome!

  4. Looks like your weekend is quite lovely! Great coat, and half prize always get me in a good mood ;)xxx

  5. Lucky charms cereal bar!!! that sounds amazing. yey for a good night out. loads of love to you my friend. xxx

  6. Sounds like so much fun! Love all the stars on the black dress!

  7. I really want to try luky charms 🙁 HAhaha lucky you 😉

  8. those shoes look amazing!

  9. It sounds like a good weekend! Those chocolate penguins look great and I love the sparkly shoes! x

  10. I love snacking USA style. Have you tried Marshmallow Fluff? Eaten out of the jar= a yummy sugar rush (£3.50 a jar from Fenwicks though…only downside to US goods).

    Like the coat too-very sophisticated.

    Georgia xx

  11. Oh wow, where do you get the Lucky Charms bars from?! Yum! That coat looks fab, I was considering it when it was full price, what a bargain now! xo

  12. Looks like a great weekend,love your glitter shoes 🙂

  13. Oh wow Lucky Charms bars!? That coat was a complete bargain! Looks like you had a fun weekend xoxo

  14. I really like the coat, cant wait to be done with college so i can invest in a nice long winter coat xx

  15. Liking the sound of your weekend!

    ps voted! xxx

  16. I really want to try those oreo snacks! If I had shoes as sparkly as that, I’d never take them off!

  17. Omg where do you get the Lucky Charms bars from? I always buy my brother a big box of Lucky Charms for Christmas because he loves them. That coat is gorgeous andbuch a bargain x

  18. Such a bargain coat and the penguin chocs are so cute xxx

  19. Darnit I want treats now! Nom, that oreo something looks ace. I’ve had a weekend of friends and fireworks, lovely x

  20. USA snacks are the bomb – i had my first hershey’s kiss the other day! xoxo

  21. Yummm, hotel chocolat, you lucky lady!!!

  22. What is the Oreo thing in the first pic? I love Oreos therefore I need it haha!
    Glad you enjoyed your night out xx

  23. What a fab weekend! Love the chocolate penguins – so sweet!

    Emma xxx

  24. Sounds like a great weekend! I eye this coat up too, but ended up going to a primark purchase : )


  25. Great Bargain coat! 🙂 x

  26. Kat

    Glittery shoes! OMG SO AWESOME! I love glitter. It looks like a nice weekend!

  27. Mums always come up trumps eh?

  28. Sounds like you had great one! Loving both the carat (what a bargain!) and the glittery shoes.

    X x

  29. I really need to try that Lucky Charms bar. I have seen it several times at the store and have never bought it.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  30. Sounds like you had a great weekend! And I love the coat!!

  31. The lucky charm bar is the most amazing thing ever…Where on earth did you buy that from? Love your sparkly New Look shoes, they’re fab!

  32. OMG you have that star print jumpsuit!! I have been fancying it for a while, wasn’t brave enough to go for it!

    Daisy Dayz Home
    Cross-Jones-Photography Home
    The Penthouse Clan

  33. Love the new coat and your sparkly shoes xx

  34. J.

    Ooh, I love the outfit in the second pic!