Silver Screen Style with Lindy Bop

Party season is now in full swing and with it comes some seriously stunning outfit options. I’m kind of gutted that I only have one actual party to go to as I’ve managed to acquire some really lovely pieces over the last few weeks- pretty enough for me to actually want to break free of my anti-social shackles which is quite some achievement! As it stands though there are no more parties on my horizon and instead I am saving this latest arrival from Lindy Bop for Christmas day itself; what better excuse to get dressed up just to spend the entire day at home on the sofa chilling with the family?

c/o Lindy Bop | Boots: Bertie @ T.K. Maxx (similar)

This dress is from Lindy Bop’s new Silver Screen collection and I can’t explain how much I love it. The embellished bodice is just so pretty and the mesh over satin skirt hangs like a dream. It’s quite a modest dress which is a refreshing change from a lot of what is on offer at this time of year and also a timeless classic that I can wear year on year.

Lindy Bop isn’t a brand I’m ever owned anything from before although I’ve often coveted their dresses on instagram and also through the ever stylish Char’s blog.

Although the Silver Screen range is quite far out of my usual budget I think you do get what you pay for when it comes to an item like this as the quality is second to none and the fit excellent. I currently have my eye on some of Lindy Bop’s regular designs- there is the most wonderful selection of vintage inspired tea and day dresses that are begging to be bought and with prices around the £30-£35 mark once I’m back at work then and bringing home a regular wage this one is totally happening.

Have you got your party outfits sorted?


5 comments for “Silver Screen Style with Lindy Bop

  1. This is absolutely gorgeous!

    I’m not going to any Christmas parties so I’m safe from having to sort outfits 😉

  2. You look so beautiful in this! xx

    Sam // What I Know Now

  3. Kel

    This is a stunning dress, perfect for a sparkly Christmas!

  4. Oh Laura, this is beautiful! I love the floral detail 🙂

    Hope you’re doing okay.

    Corinne x