Seeing Stars

First things first; the winner of the Bijoux Dolly giveaway is…Daisy!
Congratulations lovely, I’ll arrange your prize asap x

The title of this post refers to the dress I’m wearing. A dress that is ohhhh…about four years old now? One of those *cult* buys from Primark back in the day! I don’t wear it often, because it is a pain to iron so tends to get rejected to the bottom of the pile each time…so every so often it’s like finding a new dress all over again!
moral of the story is be less lazy. It makes an ideal dress for work.




(well yes, I do own glasses…ssh…I’m meant to wear them all the time but forget!)


Shoes and Lipstick.

HUGE big thank you to everyone who offered love and support through my day from hell yesterday on twitter and facebook! I feel like a moany brat now, but at the time I needed to vent!
today WILL be better. No work. Beautiful Becca’s Birthday. No rain.


Stay calm folks; we’re almost at the weekend xx

32 comments for “Seeing Stars

  1. I luuuurve this outfit! The shoes are fabby xx

  2. that dress and those shoes are amazing! love that you’ve matched your lipstick too! x

  3. That dress is worth the pain of ironing it is lovely!

  4. love this dress and ahoes!! sorry to hear about the day from hell πŸ™

  5. I remember that dress! But I didn’t get it as everyone else had it….!! hehe!

  6. When you are rich you can pay someone to do the ironing! I refuse to iron so the majority of my clothes are ones that don’t need it. LOL.

  7. I’m sure I have that same dress but in blue seagull fabric – not quite as versatile as yours! x

  8. Don’t talk to me about the ironing pile! I have so much that needs doing – I reckon I’ll have a whole new wardrobe when I’ve tackled it all.

    Love that dress so much. I’m such a sucker for star print.

    And how gorgeous do you look in your glasses?!

  9. Really pretty dress!

  10. Lovely outfit! I love the colour of your hair πŸ™‚

    Stacey xx

  11. Love the star print, you should wear it more often (I don’t bother ironing much…) xx

  12. Oooh this dress is lovely!
    Your hair is so gorgeous and you really suit the fringe. I’m really loving the new look, I think I need a hair overhaul but I’m so low maintenance when it comes to hair that I don’t want the effort that comes with a new do’

    As for forgetting to wear your glasses….jealous, if I don’t have mine on then I can’t see my hand haha.

  13. I love this outfit – the dress & shoes are amazing! xx

  14. hahah i have a collection of stuff i dont wear coz its a pain to iron! i think i used to have this dress in red? was cute but got lost somewhere between moving i think wah xx

  15. hehe I have so many items that LIVE at the bottom of my ironing pile. I keep putting them on my bed in an attempt to ‘remind’ myself that they need a good flattening… but they just keep getting put back in the basket.

    Must be less lazy.

    Love the dress and the new hair x

  16. Love your dress and those shoes are amazing! Your hair looks so good here too.

  17. Amy

    I generally hate star prints but I do like this on you. And I like you in your glasses!

    β–² WOLF WHISTLE β–²

  18. Those shoes are soooo cute, I love them!

  19. Those shoes are awesome the color is just perfect!
    Sorry about your rough day, everyone needs a nice long break sometimes!

    Love your blog, I’m definitely following.
    Have a great day!

  20. Kim

    Love those shoes! Please follow my new blog!

  21. Love the dress and the shoes.

  22. Love that dress! I hate ironing full stop good job my boys well trained in it hehe

  23. That dress is lovely! I do love stars! My boyf had to forcibly remove me from Cath Kidston recently when I was cooing over a pair of star-print sneakers and just about to purchase them!

  24. Eva

    Sweet outfit! Really love those shoes – and your hair is AWESOME πŸ™‚
    Thanks for your lovely comment! X

  25. Cult buys from Primark are the best, they’re the best value for money πŸ™‚

    Bhav x

  26. Ann

    Your hair looks so healthy and smooth! And now that my classes are over for the summer… I have a toooon of ironing to catch up on! πŸ™‚

  27. I love your dress!

    I never iron anything; I’m so lazy:) xx

  28. LOVE the glasses πŸ™‚

  29. I wish I could forget to wear my glasses, I would end up talking in walls etc!

    Love the star dress, such a shame it’s not currently in store or else I would be down there snapping it up.

  30. FINALLY catching up on all my fave blogs now uni is over and MY GOD, how fricking stunning is your new look?! The hair suits you so much, you look uber stylish! Putting my current bed head status to shame!
    Hope all is well with you, dudette!!

  31. Star print dresses are awesome! I wore mine today πŸ™‚

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