photo overload

Happy Friday once again! Wow this week has gone by fast. As ever indulge me by telling me your weekend plans? I bet you can guess by now that mine involve a whole lot of nothing!

Couple of outfits for you today, first up being yesterday’s when I wore the fourth and final pair of Black Milk leggings I was sent. Some phenomenal new designs have just been released including these Galaxy leggings which have shot right to the top of my wish list.

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Today is far less interesting. I’ve chucked a floral dress on for now as I’ve gotta pop out for an appointment, and coffee with the bestie,
but then I’m coming home and changing back in to this attire (H&M harems, T-post tee) for some serious chilling out.

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What is your favourite attire for slobbing around the house in? I have such a weak spot for comfort clothes!


P.S. found out yesterday that I’ll be waiting around 2 months for my bed on the unit; perhaps sooner if someone leaves, so there is lots more blogging to come yet.

102 comments for “photo overload

  1. Such a pretty dress!! I love to be in my underwear or nothing at all most of the time…I feel kind of weird saying that though. xxoxoxoxoxoo

  2. oh i adore your purple dress, especially the design on the back! so chic πŸ™‚ gorgeous shoes too! ah my weekend will be spent catching up on sleep, eating frozen yoghurt & chai lattes & reading beautiful blogs, such as yours! i hope you have a lovely weekend β™₯ ps. the new header is adorable!

  3. Love the leggings!

    Thanks so much for your lovely comment darling =]

    Stay safe and chic ma chΓ©rie,
    English Rose x

  4. I love those harem pants on you! They look great.

    I like to wear a big shirt of my boyfriends to hang around the house in! x

  5. Well I’m not happy that you have to wait so long if it’s going to worry you hun, but i am happy that there is much more blogging to come as you’ll def be missed here!!

    I love that pink dress from yesterday!! πŸ™‚

  6. You look fab in the harem pants and tshirt – so simple yet really comfy looking. My slobbing clothes are generally just pj’s – I have a big collection of them!!

  7. Those H&M pants look sooo comfy! I am the same, as soon as I get home from work I but my PJ bottoms on! And if it was socially acceptable I would seriously going to work in my dressing gown! Uber comfort!

  8. i love comfy clothes too. u look lovely. xoxo

  9. Amazing dress, doll!


  10. I love the dress, it’s so beautiful.
    Looks great on you!

    I often wear a simple shirt to hang around the house in.

  11. great outfit…love dots…the shoes and the leggins are amazing

  12. looking so cute πŸ™‚ so in love with the back of that dress!

  13. Happy Friday to you too, Laura. I love that pink dress you wore yesterday. But it looks like Flash prefers your “chilling out” outfit. πŸ˜‰


  14. I love the black leggings! I want them!!!
    It’s good and not good that you have to wait 2 months as we then still get a few months to read your blog. But seeing you get well asap is very important too.
    My love for comfy clothes is so strong. If I go to the shops as soon as I get home I’m straight back into my trackies and socks.

  15. I did not see those leggings yet but I love it !

  16. oh darling I am loving those leggings!
    the second outfit of yours is the same I wear to do nothing at home sometimes! and your cat is such a cutie!!

  17. You look like a superhero in those tights!! πŸ˜€

  18. Your slubbing around clothes are WAYYY cuter than mine! I went to that teeshirt website where you subscribe for them, and I think I’m going to do it πŸ™‚ Also, you look amazing in that dress, its a perfect color for you and the back cut out is really cool. Do you have a tattoo!??

  19. I have that tee! I swear were like wardrobe soulmates or something,haha!
    Them- leggings- rock.
    peace & hugs
    moi xXx

    P.S…I’ve just seen your email, there’s one heading your way sooney πŸ˜‰

  20. I love the colour of your dress, it’s so pretty.
    I recently got some Konad items so the plan for this weekend is to learn how to konad πŸ˜‰

  21. i love ur first outfit so much! it’s so prettyful ^^

  22. Wow, those leggings are impressive! I really like your lounging around outfit too – I usually opt for black Calvin Klein pj bottoms, and an old tshirt, with a cardi if it’s too cold! Hope you’re well! xxx

  23. Fab first outfit. My lounging around clothes consist of hareems, tshirts and boyfriend cardigans.

  24. Oh the leggings and the dress look fabulous together. And I agree: I’d love to have the Galaxy leggings too πŸ™‚

    You look so cute and comfy in your lounge clothes! I mut admit that my favorite lounge pants are quite old and holey and probably won’t be around much lounger. πŸ™ I’ve had them since I was in high school and I can’t stand to part with them!

  25. Even your comfy clothes look so stylish. And that dress is gorgeous!

  26. Love that dress, the back is gorgeous. And those new leggings: wow!

    Your comfort clothes look really nice, I have a lot of comfort clothes too. I agree that harems are really comfy, I wear them outside often too, but it always requires a little search to find a t-shirt that doesn’t make them look like PJs. A while back I finally managed to get a pair of harem jeans, I had tried some on before but they never had a nice fit, then all of a sudden, I found some on sale!

    Inside I usually wear sweat pants, a shirt and a hoodie. Or sometimes I’m too lazy to change out of my nightgown and just put on the pants under it πŸ˜› Oh well…

  27. Ohhh love the shiny leggings!

  28. love the leggins/tights. ny slobbing fashion is my Bright pink pinapple trousers with paint on them. oops and some sort of baggy t shirt and my comfy slippers

  29. loving the purple dress.
    SO CUTE!

  30. I love the wet look of those Galaxy leggings; they are perfection! And your little kitty…what a sweetie!

    My favorite lounging around the house attire is leggings and slouchy, off the shoulder tops. Cute and comfy! πŸ™‚

  31. i LOVE comfy clothes- i have an outfit that’s been christened a ‘slob suit’ … jogging bottoms and a uni hoody –> perfect for chilling out, drinking hot chocolate and listening to some new tunes πŸ™‚


  32. some comfy shorts and t-shirt are my favorite lounge-around-the-house clothes.

    I love that shirt from H&M!

    Olivia πŸ™‚

  33. have a fabulous weekend hun! uh is your cat abnormally large? ha x

  34. I Love the hue of the dress, so pretty!! πŸ™‚ xx

  35. That beautiful pink dress is lovely on you and is Flash smiling in that photo?

  36. LA

    You look fabulous!
    Love the first outfit!!

    Ah! I can’t show my home outfit… hahaa


  37. love black milk!!! leggings are soo hot..

    -He approves

  38. My favourite comfy clothes would definitely be my lululemon yoga pants and a comfy sheer t from american apparel.

  39. those tights rock! favorite comfort clothes are a pair of my alma matter (Universiry of New Hampshire) baggy sweatpants. No matter how many times I washt hem they are still super soft.

  40. i love relaxing in vintage 70s muumuus πŸ™‚ i have a bunch hanging on the back of my bedroom door…

    love your kicking it outfit…. i would wear it out πŸ™‚

  41. I love the dress! The detailing on the back is amazing. Those leggings are realy unique as well.

    I’m such a slob around the house: I stick to sweats and hoodies!

  42. when i’m being lazy, i’m in pjs all day! ;p … wishing you the best, darling.

  43. God you have to wait that long? : ( But YAY for lots more blogging!

    Comfort clothes-easy- P.J bottoms with thermal top with bfs hoody thrown over-he’s never getting that back!

    Your cat does look strangely HUGE in that pic,lol.

    Loving the leggings/tights!

  44. The first outfit is so pretty & fun! love it

    -N + K

  45. ADORE the pink polka dots.

  46. I seriously love thos galaxy leggings!!!! They are amazing!!

    I hope that you are taking the news well. Don’t see it as a set back! We will all still be reading and supporting!

  47. I really like the dress! Perfect color.

  48. Oh gosh
    The first outfit is a killer.
    The dress is beautiful, and I love the leggings


  49. Oh yay I’m so glad!
    I’m wearing a dress very similar to that pink dotty one today – marvellous choice!

    nicola xx

  50. your kitty is like mine:)))))))))

  51. Love love love the tights! Ooh slobbing, I can’t wait to get out of my momma’s house, SeeSee and I aren’t allowed to “Slob” we get in trouble if we’re in PJ’s by 9am! *Crazeeee*


  52. whooaaaaa! love the harem pants!! very comfy indeed. am spending my weekend on some craft therapy and a bit of shopping.. x

  53. Wow, you look great. I love those black milk leggings and I agree, comfort clothes are the best. I love wearing my leggings and a t-shirt I got from cafe press with an owl on it. xxx

  54. My jaw just dropped at the first outfit–I love how it highlights the shoulderblades. Can’t decide whether I love the bow or the zip more.

  55. Whenever I want to chill: gym shorts and a t-shirt all the way. πŸ˜›

  56. E

    The leggings you paired with the dress are such a nice contrast!

  57. Such a pretty pink dress! You look great, sweetie. πŸ˜€

  58. 2 months for a bed?

    I really want to congratulate you on your strength and willingness to get help/better. It takes a strong person to do what you are doing.

    Those leggings are incredible.


  59. So luv ur leggings hun! xxx

  60. Great comfy sweats – the loose crotch is a lovely detail πŸ™‚

  61. I am in L.O.V.E. with the galaxy leggings! Those spartans are amazing too. Signature BlackMilk!
    best to you, sweetheart <#

  62. Caroline

    I hope a bed comes up sooner. Miss you!

    Caroline x

  63. lovely blog you have =)

    stop by our fashion blog, we hope you love it!

    xx .sabo skirt.

  64. those are some nice leggings!!!!

    i’m so into leather leggings at the moment…

  66. the back of the magenta poka dot dress is SOO nice; love it!<3 and ur cat looks adorable :P

  67. those leggings are incredible! i like your kitty a lot too πŸ™‚ i really want a pair of joggers that i can wear out of the house, a la isabel marant. might try topshop! i’m revising all weekend, boo

  68. lovely purple color top looks sooo cute nice outfit

    have a great week end

  69. Kb

    Gorgeous outfit, I love the way the edgy leggings contrast with the girly dress (though the back detail is rather unexpected). Hope you don’t have to wait too long for the unit. x

  70. such awesome tights!

  71. Those leggings are fabulous! And your cat is adorable too πŸ™‚ I have one that looks similar!


  72. Love the metallic aspect of those leggings, and I adore the back of that dress – so fierce! πŸ™‚

  73. fabulous dress , love the romantic tee

  74. the tights from hm look so damn cool !

  75. So glad you’ve found out about Black Milk…he’s amazing. And a bed on the unit? It looks like I’ve missed some news. Going to go back and catch up now. Sending positive thoughts your way…

  76. Amazing leggings and dress, and I love how you wore them together!

  77. Two months wait for a bed? This must be the NHS. Am quite taken by those leggings and your dress. Suits you so well. Happy Saturday:-)

  78. Those leggings are phenomenal – think I’ll have to check them out and see if I can slip into this month’s budget! The pink dress is lovely too – the back detail reallt makes it. Slobbbing out for me is leggings, a tee and my fave grey cardi. xx

  79. Meg

    I love your pink dress! And your sweat pants are so much chicer than the ones I laze around in.

  80. LOVE the purple dress, where’s it from? Gorgeous πŸ™‚

    Slobbing outfit? At the moment it’s yoga pants and baggy teeshirts, usually after I’ve been the gym. Stretchy clothes are love πŸ™‚

  81. great leggings… cute cat πŸ™‚
    – Adele

  82. Hey beautiful!
    Have a great week end too sweetie.Thank you for all your sweet visits. You always make me smile πŸ™‚

  83. That dress is a gorgeous colour on you. And I love the detailing on the back, gives it a bit of edge.
    Your harem pants/tee outfit looks super comfy but very cool.


  84. These pictures are lovely, I very much love your pixie boots too! πŸ™‚ x

  85. ur leggins rock!
    and ur cat is soooooo cute… wish I had one
    have a lovey weekend…

  86. This weekend is work but also a meeting and test shoot with a photographer who is gonna do some shots for my blog and his website, so at least that will be fun.

    love those leggings and that dress too! The Galaxy ones are amazing!

    My slobbing attire is a baggy t-shirt, usually a gig one and my other hubbies boxers, lol, they are so comfy I actually went and bought myself a pair.

  87. Those leggings are crazy awesome!

    I have been debating getting a pair of harem pants. Yours look so comfy. I like to slob around in leggings and jersey dresses or yoga pants and a hoodie.

    Thanks so much for your sweet comment!

  88. I love the back of that dress! Cool combo with the tights. πŸ™‚
    When I am just around the house, I wear the ugliest things. Big cotton t-shirts and short pj shorts. πŸ˜›

  89. i LOVE that third pic of you. gorgeous! and those leggings are the bomb. i have to get me some of those!


  90. woah, those tights and pants are really cool!

  91. “I have such a weak spot for comfort clothes!” You and me both my friend. You look lovely nonetheless.


  92. those leggings are hot! and the pop of pink is very glam. as for comfort clothes i just throw on some sweats and a t-shirt πŸ™‚


  93. Those tights are incredible!!
    Your chilling outfit is for sure what id wear everyday of the week if i could:)
    Love it:)

  94. Aw Thanks sweetie !! πŸ™‚
    Oo what a cute dress, and gotta love the chill out clothes πŸ˜›
    Ooo I really hope you’ll get a bed soon , I’m xing my fingers for you !

  95. Love the dress, gorgeous πŸ˜€ I’ve ordered a pair of their cathedral leggings… Can’t wait for them πŸ™‚ Xxxc

  96. I love your dress!

  97. The tough details on the dress are so perfect, especially paired with those liquid leggings. Hope you had an awesome weekend, doll!


  98. Oooh – just spotted this one! You wear them well. πŸ˜‰ They look like wicked thigh high boots…

    And yes, the Galaxy ones are pretty sweet (if I might say so myself)



  99. the purple dress make u look like some super hero πŸ™‚

  100. Anonymous

    Anorexic superhero… Her clothes are beautiful but she needs to eat.