17.02 stars

Hello, mid-week again. I still feel like it’s Monday. I hope things are going well so far and no-one is feeling sad.

This post contains my outfits from yesterday and today as well as the baking I mentioned in my last post.

The dress I’m wearing here has fast become my favourite for its softness and warmth and pretty lace detailing. I only blogged it a couple of weeks ago, when it was brand new but love it enough to post it again πŸ˜‰




Today my outfit was more about comfort and practicality for being in the kitchen all morning, so jeans were slung on with a pretty top to make it more feminine.



And what did I bake?
Well last week my Mum came home from work with a request from one of her colleagues who has her birthday tomorrow.
She wanted 2 plain cakes, decorated as I wished, as she had become a big fan of the stuff I send in for the staff (recent favourite is flapjack)

So, plain cakes it was


A decoration wise?
I have some Cath Kidston writing paper and one sheet is pink with white stars, I love it and thought it’d be a nice concept for a cake…so…




What the photos dont capture, is that I used edible glitter mixed with liquid glucose to make the stars sparkle. It is such a pretty effect but was really simple to achieve.

I’m off now to rest my aching arms. Tis the only downside to baking everything from scratch!


130 comments for “17.02 stars

  1. They look brilliant! Love the idea for the decoration.

    And both outfits are great hun. Liking the zingy tights very much but you really suit the jeans and pretty top look as well πŸ™‚

  2. Oh yes! I remember this comfy dress a few weeks ago and it looks so cute with your pink tights! πŸ™‚

    well done on the cake… I wish I can bake like you…tsk.. πŸ™‚

  3. Kel

    Those cakes are awesome!! I love them! πŸ™‚

    That jumper dress looks really comfy yet stylish.

    X x

  4. Cakes look yummy!!

    And you look HOT in jeans, girl! πŸ˜‰

  5. What fantastic cake decoration skills, totally awesome.
    That top you’re wearing with your jeans is sooo pretty, the shape’s amazing on you.

  6. Wow, they look amazing! I’d always wondered how to make edible glitter and now I know!
    I know what you mean about the achy arms, I made pancakes from scratch yesterday and had to mix for ages to make sure they weren’t lumpy!


  7. the cake looks great i love the pocklets on ur jumper and nice pink top ^^

  8. love your tights! and those cakes are adorable, love the stars

  9. Beautiful decoration!!


  10. Laura, that cake looks lovely! Where did you get the edible glitter from? My friend uses them in her cupcakes but she won’t tell me where she gets the it!

  11. You always post such lovely outfits.

    Those cakes look so good. My cakes taste good by never look as good. The icing looks perfect and so edible!

    Love, Amy Marie.

  12. That cake looks yummy, the pink icing is such a great colour! Lovely outfits, especially that nude top πŸ™‚

  13. Yey! That top is so pretty on you. How much do I want to eat those cakes, well maybe just one!
    Vicki xxx

  14. Loving your blog, and so glad I found you!

  15. Baking always makes mke happy, and what a pretty cake you made.

  16. totally love the simplicity of both outfits. and those cakes look so tasty and really beautiful! xx

  17. Loving how you wore the top outfit loose like that~chic*
    I’m sure your kitchen smells delicious~

  18. Jo

    It’s my b’day on Fri, can I request cupcakes with butter topping? πŸ™‚

    Clothes and cakes all look AMAZING!


  19. The cakes look brilliant hun xx πŸ˜€

  20. Anonymous

    Just had to say, those cakes look amazing! x

  21. Yummy and pretty looking cakes daisy well done! x

  22. I’d like a piece of that cake, please πŸ™‚

  23. i def get baking biceps whenever i make anything from scratch too! WOW you are so talented, seriously! i don’t think i’ve ever seen a prettier cake, at least not in a longggg time! the colors, the stars, everything! wish i could see the glitter in full force but i bet it looks even prettier in person.

  24. loving the slouchy looks on you xo

  25. The outfits are fab hun I love those tights and that top is so pretty…the cakes are making me hungry! You should go into business making cakes you have a talent πŸ™‚

  26. that cake is awsome and both your outfits esp that pink top. xxxxxxx

  27. Those pink tights are AWESOME!

  28. Both outfits are lovely. I really like the slouchy fit of the second–it all looks so comfy.
    Those cakes are glorious.

  29. Yummy post, darling!
    Love your dress!


  30. That dress is wonderful, such a cool shape (and cool lace cut outs) And that cake looks great, you really put a lot of work into it.

  31. U look wonderful, dear ! Those tights=love πŸ™‚
    O, wow what a beautiful and decorative cake !!

  32. that cake looks gorge!

  33. I’m not used to seein gyou in jeans but you still manage to make a pair of jeans look amazingly elegant! =)
    The cake looks amazing πŸ™‚

  34. Those are amazing- love the idea of sparkly stars. I’m sure she’ll be delighted. Gorgeous dress as well! x

  35. Love both those outfits, especially the top!

  36. Amy

    The cakes look incredible! You did such a wonderful job decorating them. I tried doing something like this for Valentine’s Day and I just wound up having a blob of cake. πŸ™

    P.S. I adore your tights in the first photo!

    Hope you are having a great wk so far!

  37. Yum. I love the shirt you baked in. Very pretty.

  38. Wow those cakes look incredible! And they match your first outfit – I love that color combo if the dark charcoal with the pink. That feminine blouse in your second pic is gorgeous as well.

  39. the cakes… what can i say? they look super rad! are those stars fondant? so jealous of your baking skills. i am still learning.


  40. haha I love the cakes… you’re such a baking goddess. I really want to start baking more but my oven is so dodgy I never know how long cakes are supposed to be in there for! xxxx

  41. Jen

    that dress really does look comfy and i adore the lace detailing around the neckline. πŸ™‚
    and how amazing do those cakes look?? i’m loving the stars you added on the top. now i’m in the mood for cake decorating haha

  42. such pretty tights! And those cakes..yum!

  43. those cakes look fab! love the stars!

    and the jeans look great on you πŸ™‚ x

  44. S.

    Nice dress, and i want your cake πŸ˜€ x

  45. the cake looks delicious!! and love the jumper in the first outfit!

  46. Once again, you rock colored tights!!.
    Girl, you are gorgeous!

  47. The cakes look great! and the outfit is comfortable and stylin’!

  48. I also love that dress… it’s becoming my fave now.

    Happy Wednesday! xoxo

  49. they look really great! as is your outfit πŸ™‚

  50. Monday? It feels like Friday already to me! That cake looks amazing, I love edible glitter, everything tastes sparkly!

  51. nice outfits! the cakes look yummy too. It’s thursday morning here…. hurry up FRIDAY!!!!

  52. love the cake decorations!

  53. I love the second outfit!!! And the cakes? Gnam!

  54. Such sweet of you to bake those for your mum’s colleague, nice cakeshmmmm

  55. The neckline of the black dress is gorgeous. It fits you perfectly πŸ™‚

    The cakes are extremely well decorated and appetizing. Bravo my dear!!!
    Have a great week πŸ™‚

    -The Trendy Fashionista

  56. Love the 2nd combo so much!


  57. Hi Laura!
    I love that dress, too.
    And OH MY GOSH you are a WHIZ at cake decorating! That looks AMAZING! I love baking, too, but I can never be bothered with decor πŸ˜›

  58. Jen

    You’re such an amazing baker!! Cath Kidston cakes? Inspired!!

    I love the second outfit so much – such a gorgeous mix of girly casual! πŸ™‚

  59. Those cakes are fantastic and looks yummy too! You’ve just gave me a nice idea for mu next cake!

    Love it!
    how do you make the stars?

  60. Love the stars on the cake – so very fancy!

  61. Yum! that cake looks so delish <333

  62. loving that dress!!! the lace detail makes it very chic! and i have a similar butterfly sleeves top like the one ure wearing and its def very comfy!!!!

    the cakes look delicious btw!

    xoxo jenna

  63. I love the dress! It looks so good on you.
    And the cakes look so delicious!

  64. Oh that cake is lovely and so pretty! It does look very Cath Kidston, great idea.

    Also those red tights look ace with that dress. πŸ™‚

  65. Those cakes look amazing Laura, you are so talented x

  66. I love your top; and that cake looks divine. I think you should open a bakery, Laura!! πŸ™‚

  67. how cool is that cake… you have the talent and the patience for that which is mind blowing cus my cake skills are blah! lol

    I like dress the detail is pretty and the top is the best!!

    Vi from Cali

  68. I love these cakes Laura! The decorations are lovely. I bet they tasted as good as they looked. xxx

  69. Oh my, I love those tight so much! And the blouse of the second look… lovely!! Cute cute!

    Ah, you’re an excellent cooker, always prepairing lovely things!

  70. i lovelovelove your pale pink top with the jeans, those two colors together are amazing. also, i LOVE the stars on the cake! so creative.

  71. E

    Those cakes are flawless! I’m so impressed. And I really love that big sweater in your first look. I’ve been wanting something similar.

  72. Love that blouse, it’s so pretty πŸ™‚

  73. two cute outfits and two fabulous looking cakes! I love the stars.

  74. Soft, drapey lines look really good on you. I love the dress and the top. And mmm…cake. Do you ever make cupcakes?

  75. L O V I N G those tights & those pies!! Have a lovely rest of your week! xo

  76. love your tights&te cake looks delicious

  77. Those cakes are gorgeous, they look so professional, I want one like that on my birthday! Or I’ll make an owl-cake. But I’ll definitely keep that decoration in mind.

    I love the gray dress with the pink (or is it red) tights!

  78. great dress…..love your pink cake too!

  79. I love the comfy relaxed look of both outfits.

    As for the cakes… yum! I wish I could transport to your place every time I see your baked goodies.

  80. Incredible cakes, I wish I had half your skill! And that dress is gorgeous – want!

  81. Good god them cakes look soooo good I want to wear them….is that odd?
    peace & stars…
    prettyneons πŸ˜‰

    P.S…I’ve only just seen your email-reply is on the way xxx

  82. Wow! The cakes look amazing!

  83. omg those cakes are so awesome.

    i love the long cozy gray dress + bright tights! perfection. & you look beautiful, as usual πŸ™‚

    oh and re: your comment i didn’t know Daisy was your nickname, that’s so cute! <3


  84. You look lovely as always. The raspberry tights are pretty. Very impressed with your baking! I used to do a lot of baking but haven’t the time for it anymore, I’m afraid. xx

  85. Haha, thank you. I think sometimes I’ve a little bit too serious and boring for a 19 year old…xxx

  86. Those cakes look fantastic!!!
    And your dress is lovely.

  87. i love that first outfit!

    the pink tights are so cute!!!

  88. yuuum, looks so tasty!!!
    i like the dress very much and how did you combined it wth optimistic pink tights! i am spending only two days per week no my univerity, so consequently, i feel as if i had long holiday this term…

  89. i love that first outfit!

    the pink tights are so cute!!!

  90. Great second outfit!;))

    xoxo M.

  91. These cakes look so yummy!!! Especially with all the stars all over!!!
    Rianna Bethany x

  92. the dress is indeed pretty <3<3
    Your cake looks so good but I wouldn’t have the heart to eat it..the decorations are just too beautiful to eat πŸ™‚

    eclectic du jour

  93. That jumper looks really comfortable yet so chic!
    The icing on the cakes is atomic. Loooove it.

  94. That cakes look delicious!!! I love the outfit! Both of them actually, but I like better the first one with the drees! I specially like the tights:)

    Keep up, and smile, you are gorgeously beautiful even though you have braces!



  95. Darling that cake looks AMAZING and so do you!

    Stay safe and chic ma chΓ©rie,
    English Rose x

  96. The cakes look amazing! so cute! And I hope all is well.

    -Lara from ClosetCat

  97. Gorgeous taupe top! Love the colour! Those cakes look awesome! Great job!



  98. Wow, you are such a great cook, I wish I could do that! I tried to make a lemon cake the other day and it didn’t go so well, lol. I always love your coloured tights aswell and the second top is really nice πŸ™‚

  99. love the pink tights. and as always i drool over your sweet foods.


  100. how did you make the stars so perfectly shaped??? love the first dress a lot. the oversized-ness and the geometric shapes πŸ™‚

    also would you like to exchange links?? let me know and i will add you to my blog roll ASAP!!

    Patty Ann
    AlphaBetaChic Blog

  101. I think I’ve mentioned how great those jeans are on you before, but seriously, I’m just in love with the colour! And your cakes – they look fantastic, so yummy! xxx

  102. .

    yummy your cake looks good!

  103. the pink stockings are just the right touch! plus they match your cake frosting (not that it has anything to do with that!).
    xox alison

  104. Really like the pink shirt you’re wearing!

    And those cakes look great, nice idea of the sparkling stars.


  105. Wow you are such a great baker !!! πŸ™‚ Mon Mode Blog

  106. Nat

    Omg, those cakes look amazing- you’re my baking inspiration!

    By the way, those tights are fab!

    Nat x

  107. I love the cakes! Fun tights!

  108. Wow ur cake looks so good

  109. Love the cakes! They look so yummy.

    And the stockings from your first outfit are wonderful. You look so pretty and ethereal in the second outfit with that drapey tee.


  110. Love the red tights!

  111. Great items are *always* worth more than one post. πŸ™‚ Those cakes look yummy!

  112. holy shit those cakes are amazing. make my wedding cake?!

  113. Hi! Oh, very appetising! I want it!:)

  114. Looove the tights and the cake!!!! They also go great together LOL

  115. Hey! I’m back from china!
    These cakes made me smile so much, really cute,
    and thank you for your lovely comment!
    Panda xx

  116. the cakes looks so yummy, would you bake one for me, too? πŸ™‚

  117. The dress is so pretty and looks very comfortable too. Love the tights!

    Your top is beautiful! The color and the draping are lovely! It looks great with jeans!

  118. the stars are so pretty!!

  119. omg! i love these, you are so talented! if you ever come to la come teach me how to bake and make things pretty!


  120. Anonymous

    Oh wow. The dress is lovely and I love the gorgeous flowy white top. It really suits you. -Becky

  121. wowww love the cakes! adorable! they look really professional!

  122. OOoh the cake looks lovely!
    I like both these outfits! Especially that pretty top.

  123. Yum! those look fantastic!

  124. love all the pink – pink tights / pink frosting!

  125. Ooooh, you’re giving bakerella a run for her money!

  126. Simply awesome cakes! Love the idea of the sparkle even if you can’t see it!